i can eat tips

Chapter 100 Battle of wits and schemes

Chapter 100 Battle of wits and schemes
Wang Shijun announced the rest of the rules: no one can die; no weapons are allowed when entering the arena, but you can go into the woods to make your own weapons; the maximum time limit for the competition is three hours, and those who fail to achieve the goal after three hours and come out will be counted as banned. disuse.

"Just say the above rules once. If you violate the rules because you didn't listen carefully or didn't hear clearly, you will be eliminated! Disband, and go to the changing tent next to each other to change into armor! Come back here in 5 minutes and gather!"

Dozens of hermit warriors dispersed in response, and walked towards dozens of tents under the guidance of the alliance warriors.

Lu Shaoxi quietly observed the expressions of the contestants around, and saw that many people who knew each other were whispering, obviously discussing countermeasures.

This free battle competition did not mention any rules prohibiting cooperation or joining forces against the enemy. It is not difficult to guess that these companions intend to form a group and cooperate with each other.

The real competition actually started at this moment!

Lu Shaoxi glanced at the two "Pro-Lu faction" students who were following him, and suddenly his heart moved, he patted their shoulders lightly, and said gently: "What's your name?"

It was obviously the first time for the two students to participate in such an important competition. Their expressions were tense and their expressions were stiff. When Lu Shaoxi asked, they hurriedly reported their names. Both of them were second-year students, and a tall and thin one named Zhao Jianwen, another one with a crew cut named Xu Qizheng.

"Okay, Jianwen, Qizheng, don't be nervous, change your armor later and follow me, the three of us join forces."

Zhao Jianwen said with a bitter face: "But God Lu, we all wear helmets after putting on the armor, and our voices are also different from usual. How can we recognize each other?"

"It's okay, I will naturally find you. Then I will announce my name and make this gesture, so you will know it's me." Lu Shaoxi made a "six" gesture.The surveillance radar in his mind can clearly see the contours and movements of the hermit warriors through objects, so he is naturally not afraid of not being able to find Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng.

"Understood." The two students had an inexplicable trust and admiration for Lu Dashen, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and agreed.

"By the way, tell me the names of those four people just now."

Xu Qizheng quickly mentioned the characteristics and names of the four students, and Lu Shaoxi kept them in mind while monitoring the movements of the four students with the surveillance radar.

Three to four minutes later, all the contestants had put on their armor and gathered in the preparation area. Everyone was wearing armor and helmets. Except for those with particularly obvious figures, the rest were basically unrecognizable.

Wang Shijun asked the alliance fighters to carefully check and correct everyone's attire, and then asked all the contestants to move their positions repeatedly to make sure that everyone's positions were completely messed up, and then asked everyone to draw a lottery number, and then said: "You guys Enter the forest in batches. After 10 minutes, the bell will ring. At that time, it will officially enter the free battle session. The contestants can take each other's life stars from any opponent. When the three-hour battle time limit is up, the bell will also ring. Now listen, Those who draw numbers 1 to 10 will enter first!"

Lu Shaoxi knew it well. It seems that although the organizing committee does not prohibit the contestants from cooperating with each other, it will make it more difficult for the contestants to identify their companions.

This is indeed a test of mind and strength!

Lu Shaoxi drew No. 37, and the fourth batch entered the red line area.When he crossed the red line, Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng had already entered the red zone.

Lu Shaoxi raised his eyes to look around, and soon found the traces of Zhao and Xu through the monitoring radar. He walked quickly into the forest, kicked his feet, jumped onto the branches like a big bird, and walked back and forth on the dense trees lightly Shuttle, and soon landed in front of Xu Qizheng.

"Qizheng, I'm Lu Shaoxi!" Lu Shaoxi made a gesture, Xu Qizheng was startled at first, and then said in surprise: "God Lu!" Seeing that Lu Shaoxi could find him easily, he was both surprised and happy, and he had a little more love for Lu Shaoxi Worship.

"Go, Jianwen is nearby, follow me."

Lu Shaoxi quickly gathered two companions.Zhao Jianwen asked: "God Lu, why don't we make some weapons? I just saw someone breaking branches..."

Lu Shaoxi shook his head and said: "The time is too short, and it's not a protracted battle. We must grab the top ten spots and go out. The clock will ring in 30 seconds, don't waste time."

This seemingly simple free battle actually fully tested the psychology, thinking and even strategy of each contestant. Some people come in early, and they have more time to make a simple weapon; Adjust the strategy in time, or find a partner, or ambush the single one, and judge the approximate strength of the opponent, so as not to snatch the fat sheep that will be delivered to the door if it is not successful...

But for Lu Shaoxi, who now has a monitoring radar, there is no dead angle within 50 meters, and the monitoring is clear, and he has become the master on the battlefield.

"Actually, Jianwen, you guys will be like this for a while..."

"Yes, Great God Lu!" Although the two students didn't know why Lu Shaoxi arranged this way, they still chose to trust him-there are too many enemies in the war zone, and you must trust your companions unconditionally, otherwise you will be enemies at every step, let you gather your energy It is also difficult for Sanchong to escape from the endless ambushes and plots.

"Dang! Dang! Dang—!" The bell rang, and there were countless movements in the woods. The old birds were startled, the wild beasts ran wildly, and the five-mile radius became a battlefield in an instant!

"Let's go!" Lu Shaoxi led the way first, and flew towards the southeast like a bird. Zhao Jianwen and Luo Qizheng followed with all their strength. Seeing that Lu Shaoxi's movements were light and fast, far better than their own, the two couldn't help but click their tongues secretly. Isn't it amazing, he really has ten heavy body training?

Soon the three of them were already lying on a lush leaf, not far away there happened to be a lone warrior who was carefully searching.

"God Lu, is he our first target?"

"Yes, you will act according to the plan in a while, just cooperate with me, and try to end the battle within 15 seconds!"


Lu Shaoxi's figure flashed, and she fell in front of the warrior like fallen leaves.

The warrior was startled, and was about to make a move on vigilance. Lu Shaoxi suddenly made a gesture, and said in a low voice: "Wu Jian, I'm Reddy!" After speaking, he quickly made another gesture.

That person was one of the four members of the "Dao Lu faction". He heard Lu Shaoxi easily calling out his name and making correct gestures, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief: "Finally met a companion, Lei Di, you Have you seen the other two brothers?"

Lu Shaoxi pointed behind him: "Yes, they are right there."

As soon as Wu Jiangang turned his head, Lu Shaoxi flew in front of him like a phantom, and kicked him flying with a tiger-shaped kick.Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng on the tree rushed down from top to bottom, their white fists slammed on Wu Jianwen with all their strength at the same time, knocking his flying body down sharply!

Lu Shaoxi followed him like a shadow, and kicked Wu Jian away again. Zhao Xu and Zhao Xu attacked at the same time, one left and one right. Wu Jian didn't expect his own people to plot against him. The three Qi Gathering First Layer attacked with all their strength continuously, but they had no strength to fight back at all, and they were beaten and screamed.

Seeing that Wu Jian's defeat was complete, Lu Shaoxi took advantage of his full strength to resist the attack of Zhao and Xu, and appeared behind him, and accurately slashed the back of his neck with a chopping palm!

The palm knife glowing red was hitting the vital point, and the force penetrated through the armor. Wu Jian suddenly groaned and fell down.

The red light of Lu Shaoxi's right hand dissipated, took off the life star on Wu Jian's chest, and threw it to Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng from left to right: "You take it one by one, let's go!"

 The editor greatly arranged the strong push of the Qidian APP, and strive for the fourth or fifth update today and tomorrow. Brothers, let’s recommend more violently!

(End of this chapter)

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