i can eat tips

Chapter 103 Don't Give Up, Don't Give Up

Chapter 103 Don't Give Up, Don't Give Up
The flying stones are getting faster and faster, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger, with a sharp sound of piercing through the air, and every time, three pieces or up, middle, down, or left, middle, and right fly over quickly, dodging at Lu Shaoxi's current speed It's getting harder and harder.

At this time, he was less than 20 meters away from the martial artist at the third level of energy gathering, and Lu Shaoxi could clearly see his appearance and figure through the monitoring radar.Hey, it turned out to be him!
Lu Shaoxi remembered that there were only five warriors at the third level of energy gathering in the audience, and one of them had extremely long hands that reached down to his knees, and he looked a little strange. Thinking that this person is good at throwing hidden weapons!
The more critical the situation was, the calmer Lu Shaoxi became.

At present, he has two options, one is to retreat at full speed, leaving his two companions behind and fleeing into the forest, but maybe this martial artist with triple energy gathering will chase after him, no matter what, it will take quite a long time, when the time comes It is hard to say whether it will be among the top ten people who achieve their goals.Another option is to try to get rid of this enemy, and return to the preparation area with two companions according to the original plan. If successful, they can be sure to be in the top ten, but this choice will be very difficult and dangerous to realize.

Lu Shaoxi chose the latter option without hesitation. He was born with a strong sense of affection, so he would not abandon his companions. What's more, he is bound to win this point, and he must not let this enemy with three energy gathering levels ruin his plan!
The fighting spirit in Lu Shaoxi's eyes was burning, and the blood in his whole body was boiling. His hands were glowing red like flames, and he rushed towards the enemy at full speed!


Wang Jixing looked at Lu Shaoxi who was approaching at full speed, and sneered in his heart: This kid's strength is indeed a bit weird, obviously he is only about one level of energy gathering, but his speed is much faster than imagined, but...you don't turn around and run for your life, but rush over, it's simply court death!
Since Wang Jixing received the signal from Wang Shijun, he began to choose the location of the ambush, and finally chose this small hillside surrounded by gravel, which is only three to forty meters away from the edge of the forest. Not many people left.When Wang Jixing heard that Lu Shaoxi was coming to the southeast, he guessed that he would probably pass by here, but he really met him.It's just that the kid surnamed Lu suddenly turned around for some reason, so Wang Jixing had to chase after him.

At this time, he held a cloth bag full of gravel in one hand, and quickly threw the gravel towards Lu Shaoxi with the other.

This is his most proud hidden weapon kung fu "Flying Stone Meteor", a second-grade martial art secret passed down by the Wang family, which is most suitable for ambushing enemies from a distance. With this unique skill, Wang Jixing has become the best hermit in the third generation of the Wang family One of the warriors.

This time, in order to ensure that boy Lu, who offended the Wang family but still had a good time, can completely withdraw from the hermit martial arts, the Wang family specially brought back Wang Jixing, who went out to experience martial arts, to participate in the preliminaries of this elite competition Sai also agreed to Wang Jixing's very generous conditions, so Wang Jixing would never allow himself to fail.

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi was getting closer and closer, and the distance between the two was less than ten meters, Wang Jixing's eyes lit up with murderous aura, he suddenly threw down the cloth bag, quickly plunged his hands into the cloth bag in midair, and then swung them out in a row. Like rushing towards Lu Shaoxi!

This Six-Jewel Link is the ultimate hand speed that Wang Jixing can achieve at present, and it is also his strongest trump card. Not to mention the first level of Qi Gathering, even the fourth level of Qi Gathering may not be able to avoid it all!
Lu Shaoxi managed to dodge the five yuan in front of him, but it seemed that it was too late to dodge the sixth yuan, so he had to reach out to catch it.

Wang Jixing snorted disdainfully, just relying on your energy-gathering strength to forcefully catch this "flying stone meteor"?It's simply overwhelming!

As if to confirm his thoughts, as soon as Lu Shaoxi's hand touched the flying stone, he screamed and flew upside down. Obviously, he was hit by the stone and fell into the grass behind the boulder.

Wang Jixing listened intently, but did not hear any reaction from Lu Shaoxi, it seemed that he was seriously injured and passed out.

Wang Jixing immediately flew over.Of course, in case this kid made a final struggle, he still held a few thumb-sized rocks in his hand.

It was getting closer, less than two meters away from the boulder, and I could vaguely see Lu Shaoxi's motionless body lying in the grass, and even saw a deep imprint on the armor on his right chest by the stone.

Wang Jixing was finally relieved, he laughed loudly, and said in a hoarse and low voice: "Lu Shaoxi, when you bullied my brother that day, did you ever think of today?" He was about to step forward and kick off Lu Shaoxi's hands and feet, causing He became a cripple, and just when he raised his foot to step down, Lu Shaoxi suddenly opened his eyes and punched his supporting foot!
Lu Shaoxi's movements were fast, and Wang Jixing's reaction was not slow either. He took advantage of the momentum and kicked his legs in a row, and kicked towards Lu Shaoxi's fist with strong wind, which was Wang's three-star kick!
But he didn't expect Lu Shaoxi's punch to be a false move. He feinted his fist and pressed his right hand to the ground. He slid sideways along the grass like a snake, completely avoiding the attack range of Samsung's kick.

"Want to escape?" Wang Jixing kicked his legs on the ground and rushed towards Lu Shaoxi. The small stone clasped in his hands was about to shoot towards Lu Shaoxi. Who knew that Lu Shaoxi was faster than him. With a wave of his right wrist, dozens of broken stones were thrown towards Wang Jixing face thrown over.

Wang Jixing subconsciously turned his head to avoid it, and Lu Shaoxi had already used the momentary gap to rush over abruptly. Wang Jixing couldn't care less about firing his hidden weapon anymore, and swung his right hand with a splitting palm, striking at Lu Shaoxi's head. chop down.Whether it's split palm or three-star kick, he didn't practice it purely, but he thought it was more than enough for melee combat to crush the [-]st level of energy gathering.

"That's not how the Splitting Palm is used!" Lu Shaoxi suddenly said, his left hand was like a net, a sticky force precisely stuck to Wang Jixing's white-glowing arm, and he drew the Splitting Palm away, and then turned his hand back Using the thirteen heavy strength of Splitting and Hanging Palm, from bottom to top, he slashed towards Wang Jixing's chin with all his strength.

He was surprised by this, Wang Jixing didn't think that this kid was more proficient in chopping palm than him, he was so shocked that it was too late to dodge, so he had to punch Lu Shaoxi with his left hand, trying to force him away, but Lu Shaoxi didn't dodge or dodge , the whole arm and palm suddenly became bigger, emitting a faint bluish-white light, and the right palm even glowed with a flame-like crimson light, slashing fiercely at Wang Jixing's chin!

Almost at the same time, Wang Jixing's fist also hit Lu Shaoxi's left shoulder!
The corner of Wang Jixing's mouth began to grin, exchanging his punch with triple qi gathering for the opponent's palm with [-] heavy qi gathering, it was a good deal!After all, the strength of Qi Gathering [-]st Layer can't break through his defense, not to mention the armor, it will make him a little painful at most, but it won't hurt his muscles and bones, but Lu Shaoxi's left arm may be useless after being hit by his punch!
But in the next instant, his smirk turned into panic, and he felt a huge force coming from Lu Shaoxi's rock-solid palm, which was not inferior to his unrefined Splitting Palm with all his strength!

The huge force hit his chin, even with the helmet on, it still dislocated his chin, all his teeth were broken, blood flowed, and the powerful penetrating power even made his brain buzzing. Wang Jixing felt dizzy and dizzy, and couldn't stand still. He fell down heavily and passed out.

Lu Shaoxi didn't feel well either, he gasped heavily, his whole body twitched in pain, his forehead and back were covered with cold sweat, his right hand tightly clutched his broken left shoulder, and there was still a faint pain in his right chest.

When Wang Jixing used the six-bead chain, he was not absolutely unable to avoid the sixth stone, but in order to draw Wang Jixing close, he had to stretch out his hand and use the method of catching the dragon fist to catch the flying stone, but the flying stone was too powerful , He only released half of the strength, and the flying stone flew out of his hand and hit his right chest, almost breaking his ribs. Fortunately, there was plenty of heat in his body, and it immediately flowed into the injured part of his right chest, relieving and healing the injury.

When Wang Jixing approached, Lu Shaoxi's injury was 50% to 242% healed, and only then was he able to fight back close to him. In the end, he exchanged injury for injury and used the "instant critical strike" once a day. With [-]% of the basic strength and a super lethality close to [-] points, he finally took the risk and knocked down the enemy with triple energy gathering.

Lu Shaoxi panted for a while, feeling the heat continuously flow into the broken bone of his left shoulder, and quickly healed the injury, he was relieved, bent down and took Wang Jixing's life star, to ensure that this annoying opponent was killed After being eliminated, he walked towards Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng, panting and asked, "Jianwen, Qizheng, how are you doing?"

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi was out of breath, the two knew that he was also seriously injured. Zhao Jianwen resisted the severe pain from the broken shoulder and said in a low voice: "Brother Lu, my arm is crippled, and I can't stand up in pain. I'm hurting my thigh, and I'm afraid it will be more difficult to walk, so hurry up and leave us alone."

Xu Qizheng was more seriously injured than Zhao Jianwen, but he also gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, Brother Lu, I can't walk at all, you go to the preparation area first, don't let us delay you."

"What nonsense!" Lu Shaoxi's face darkened, and he said angrily, "If I wanted to leave you, I would have run away just now, don't talk nonsense, Zhao Jianwen, stand up for me if you are a man, I will help you to walk together! Xu Qizheng , you don’t move, I’ll carry you on my back, don’t even think about resting, hold my neck tightly, my left hand is hurt, I won’t have the strength to hold you up for a while!”

"Brother Lu..." Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng's eyes turned red immediately, and they wanted to persuade them again, but Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but bend over to pick up Xu Qizheng, grabbed Zhao Jianwen's uninjured left arm, and pulled him up as well.

"I said, we are a team, advance and retreat together, let's go!"

Hearing Lu Shaoxi's panting voice, the hot tears in Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng's eyes finally couldn't help rolling down, and their hearts were extremely warm.The biggest thought in the minds of the two of them at this moment is that they will just hang out with Big Brother Lu for the rest of their lives!
When the three walked out of the forest, they found that several people in front had already crossed the red line, and there were five or six other contestants running towards this side at full speed from the forest.

"Brother Lu, let us go and go by yourself! It's too late!"

Lu Shaoxi gritted his teeth and said, "I'll say it again, you are not allowed to talk nonsense anymore!" He took a deep breath, grabbed the belt and lifted Zhao Jianwen, Xu Qizheng tightened his back, exhausted his remaining strength, and ran towards the red line at full speed!

Seeing this, the next few contestants also accelerated and sprinted forward.

For a moment, all eyes of the audience were on these people.

Looking at Lu Shaoxi who mentioned Zhao Jianwen, carried Xu Qizheng on his back, and struggled towards the red line, the staff were all moved, and the alliance warriors standing guard all saluted him in unison.

Alliance warriors value friendship and blood. Seeing that Lu Shaoxi refused to abandon his companions at such an important juncture, how could alliance warriors not feel respect?
There are only about five meters left to the red line, but the following contestants are getting closer and closer, and the distance is less than one meter. Everyone can't help but clenched their fists, secretly cheering for Lu Shaoxi.

The automatic sweat-absorbing function in the armor has been overloaded, and the corners of Lu Shaoxi's forehead and eyes are full of sweat. He gritted his teeth, and his steps accelerated, and finally crossed the red line one step ahead of the rest of the contestants!

The audience was silent at first, and then burst into warm applause!

 The 3400-word long chapter finally broke Lao Mo's record today, and the fourth update exceeded [-] words. Brothers, please recommend tickets to encourage one or two!
  PS: I really like the words and scenes of "Never Abandon, Never Give Up" in "Soldier Assault".


(End of this chapter)

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