i can eat tips

Chapter 121

Chapter 121
The name of the company is "Chenxi Security Service Co., Ltd.", with a registered capital of 1000 million. Lu Shaoxi knows this, but in the column of equity, he holds as high as 90% of the equity, while Li Yuanzhao, a shareholder who invested 500 million, only accounted for 10% of the shares.

Lu Shaoxi frowned and said, "Nian Jie, what's going on? Didn't you agree that your father and I will each invest 500 million yuan, each holding 50% of the equity?"

"Master, my dad said that the company mainly depends on you. He just contributes some money and cannot take up too much equity. I also mentioned this change to him in case you disagree, but he still insists on only holding 10%. I can’t persuade him, so I have to register the shareholding according to this ratio.”

Lu Shaoxi knew that Li Yuanzhao wanted to completely rely on himself as a backer, so he spared no effort to curry favor with him, but he did need Li Yuanzhao and his son to take care of his business. Although he was talented in martial arts and science, he was obviously not good at business. short board.

After reading the company's information, Lu Shaoxi signed everything that needed to be signed.

As long as Li Nianjie sends these materials to the relevant departments for record, his company will be officially established!
Seeing Li Nianjie standing with his hands down all the time, with a respectful attitude, Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly: "Nianjie, you have been working so hard these days."

"Master, you are welcome, it is an honor to serve Master as a disciple!"

"Here is the secret book, take it back and practice first." Lu Shaoxi passed "Chasing Wind Body Refining Technique" to Li Nianjie through the transfer certification of the Xianpin Stone.

Master finally passed on his real martial arts!And it's a second-grade body training technique!Li Nianjie was extremely excited. These days, Lu Shaoxi would call him whenever he could find time. In addition to learning about the progress of the company's establishment, he mainly explained the common sense of body training to him. Knowing that this is a very rare good recipe.

Lu Shaoxi took out five Body Tempering Pills in a small box: "In addition, here are five Body Tempering Pills. After you get familiar with the 'Chasing Wind Body Refining Technique' and start practicing these two days, you can take one every day. Double the effect of body training. With the addition of these second-grade secrets, within seven days you will definitely be able to become the first level of body training."

In seven days, one can become the first level of body training!
"Thank you, master!" Li Nianjie was extremely grateful. He now has considerable common sense. He knows that it takes about a month or two for those with high talents to break through to the first level of body training. In seven days, one can become a hermit martial artist of the first level of body training!

Li Nianjie was overjoyed to think that he could get such a reward from his master for all the hard work these days, and he just wished he could run around a few more times.

Lu Shaoxi also instructed him how to start practicing and what precautions to take. This is his first real disciple in Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall, so Lu Shaoxi's teaching is naturally very serious.

One taught and the other learned, fully explaining the whole morning.If it weren't for Lu Shaoxi's explanation this time, Li Nianjie, who has no foundation, would have spent a few days to barely understand the secrets of the second grade.

At this time, Xu Dachao and the others had already arranged the accommodation. After Lu Shaoxi had dinner with them, he asked them to move the desks and chairs on the fourth floor to the side, and emptied it into a martial arts training ground, which was convenient for daily training.

Now that the company hasn't officially started operation, Lu Shaoxi doesn't want Xu Dachao and others to sit idle and do nothing, but his trust in Xu Dachao and others is not as high as that of Li Nianjie. Bringing them back to the book martial arts hall will affect his martial arts training, so it is extremely necessary to open up a new ordinary martial arts training ground.

Xu Dachao and the others are all foreign boxing masters, and they love fighting. They are very excited to have such a training ground. Although the venue has not purchased protective equipment such as cushions, they have already started to practice clamoring.

A burly man named Xue Erniu was so powerful that he was able to knock back Xu Dachao, the best foreign boxing master, by two steps.

Xue Erniu was excited, and couldn't help but asked Lu Shaoxi, who was watching the battle with his hands behind his back, "Mr. Lu, I heard Brother Dachao and the others say that you are a hidden martial arts master?" He had observed Lu Shaoxi for a long time. Seeing that Lu Shaoxi's words and deeds really don't look like some kind of master, especially his gentle appearance, it seems that he can be knocked down with one finger.

At this time, Li Nianjie had already brought all the materials to go through the final procedures, and only Lu Shaoxi was left watching with his hands behind his back in the martial arts field on the fourth floor.

Xue Erniu asked this question, and the other six foreign boxing masters involuntarily stopped fighting and looked at this side. Xu Dachao, Zhao Deping, and Yang Qiming met Li Nianjie a few times, and Li Nianjie "accidentally" mentioned that Lu Shaoxi beat the disabled. Regarding Han Yinglang's matter, I felt somewhat disbelieving in my heart, but because I was grateful to Lu Shaoxi for not showing his kindness, I couldn't help pricking up my ears at this moment.

Lu Shaoxi screamed secretly.Relying on favor alone cannot guarantee the loyalty of subordinates forever, and the right way is to help one another with grace and power.He sacrificed his precious time to practice Lie Tian Yang Jue, and stayed here to watch Xu Dachao and others practice duel, just for this opportunity.

He smiled lightly: "It is true that he has practiced some martial arts, but he is not considered a master of martial arts."

Xue Erniu tentatively asked: "Mr. Lu, can you come and fight with me?"

Xu Dachao hurriedly said: "Er Niu, don't mess around!"

Lu Shaoxi waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just want to see Er Niu's skills."

When he said this, the eyes of the foreign boxing masters immediately lit up. They chose Lu Shaoxi as their boss. Naturally, they hoped that the boss was really a person with unique skills and could convince them.

"Mr. Lu, are you really fighting me?" Er Niu said so, but began to rub his fists.

"Come on. If your fist can touch my clothes, I will give you a reward of 10 yuan! I, Lu Shaoxi, will do what I say!" Lu Shaoxi smiled.

Er Niu immediately became excited: "Okay!" As soon as the words fell, he reached out and grabbed Lu Shaoxi's clothes. Lu Shaoxi swayed and appeared behind Er Niu in an instant. Er Niu didn't react at all, only felt his belt tighten , the whole person has been lifted up by Lu Shaoxi with one hand!

All the outside boxing masters were dumbfounded, my God, isn't this Mr. Lu too good?Erniu, a man weighing more than 200 kilograms, could easily lift it up with one hand?What's more, the movement was terribly fast, everyone didn't see his movements clearly at all. He was clearly in front of Er Niu at the last moment, but in the blink of an eye he was behind Er Niu and lifted him up!
Especially for Xu Dachao and others who have fought against Han Yinglang, this shock is even more obvious. No wonder Mr. Lu can clean up Han Yinglang, the speed of light is much faster than Han Yingwolf!
Facing everyone's horrified eyes, Lu Shaoxi put down the two cows lightly, and said with a smile: "Who else wants to try?"


The effect of Lu Shaoxi's showing was obvious. Xu Dachao and others looked at Lu Shaoxi completely changed. If we say that they were grateful before, now they are more of admiration.

After casually pointing Xu Dachao and others a few words, Lu Shaoxi left the company, and he had to hurry up to practice the Lie Tian Yang Jue.

But when he walked out of the company's building just now, the monitoring radar found two hermit martial artists lurking in a corner not far away, both of whom had the strength of six or seven levels of body training.

What alarmed Lu Shaoxi the most was that the skin color of these two people was slightly darker, and the contours of their faces were slightly different from those of the people of Longxia, and both of them had guns around their waists, which were special for Yinwu!
Lu Shaoxi secretly paid attention, wondering if they came here for him?He took a step forward, and just walked more than ten meters, two hermit warriors lying in the dark came towards him one after the other. They were dressed in inconspicuous clothes, with their hands in their pockets and walked carelessly, as if they were just passing by, but Lu Shaoxi could see clearly through the surveillance radar that the two pistols hidden in his clothes were aimed at him!

Indeed the enemy!
Lu Shaoxi's heart trembled, he was about to preemptively strike, but the surveillance radar discovered that there was another master with [-]nd energy gathering quietly approaching him!
 Thank you book friend 20170511213003572 for tipping 5000 starting coins and Mia for tipping 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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