i can eat tips

Chapter 126 Top Fire Yuan Pill

Chapter 126 Top Fire Yuan Pill

The faint sunshine seems to fail to warm the winter morning, and the wind is still cold, blowing on the face like a knife.

It was almost time for class, and the students hurriedly ran with their heads down, not noticing the two boys and girls walking slowly on the grassy path in the campus.

The girl's pretty Wushuang face was still rosy and charming in the cold wind, Lu Shaoxi looked at her unconsciously, and was thinking hard about how to speak to Qin Ruxuan.

Qin Ruxuan turned her head, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "What? Finally decided to ask me to be your girlfriend?"

"...Huh?" Lu Shaoxi was speechless.

Qin Ruxuan looked at his dumbfounded look, and smiled: "I've seen a lot of boys who want to ask me out or confess to me, and they all have the same expression as you do now."

Lu Shaoxi shook her head quickly: "No, really not. As I said, I'm not in the mood to find a girlfriend right now."

Qin Ruxuan snorted with her small nose: "You don't know your blessings when you are blessed, and you will definitely regret it in the future."

Lu Shaoxi could only return a wry smile.He has just started his martial arts school now, and he has not yet set aside his power, not to mention that his father is still injured, and the Wang family is still watching. He still has to practice martial arts. like.

Qin Ruxuan stared at him: "So, what do you want to say?"

Lu Shaoxi stopped, and said with the most serious expression: "I'm going back to my hometown next time, and I will practice in seclusion for a while, and you may not be able to contact me by then. Let's be good friends, let me tell you, Lest you worry."

Qin Ruxuan made a "hmm" sound, seemingly unintentionally, but also intentionally asked: "So you are going to Yandu to find your ex-girlfriend?"

Lu Shaoxi was stunned: "Yandu? Ex-girlfriend? No, no, I really want to go back to my hometown. My hometown is..."

"Your hometown is in a small town called 'Guyuan' more than 500 kilometers away from Yuanzhou. There are no direct planes or trains there. You can only take a train or a long-distance bus to a nearby county town and then transfer to a bus. If you drive from Yuanzhou In the past, it took seven hours. I know all of this." Qin Ruxuan looked at Lu Shaoxi, and said softly: "I also know that you are lying to me, but I know that you must have a hard time making up a reason to lie to me. , I won't interfere or ask questions. I just need to make sure that you don't go to Yandu to find her."

Lu Shaoxi looked at the pretty girl in front of her, but couldn't say a word.After a while, he said solemnly, "Thank you."

Qin Ruxuan smiled sweetly: "I don't want you to find your first love, so you still thank me?"

Lu Shaoxi said in a bit of embarrassment: "No, I'm just thanking you for not asking me about my deception."

Qin Ruxuan smiled, and she took out a mobile phone pendant in the shape of a kitten from her pocket, and stuffed it into Lu Shaoxi's hand: "Take it with you, and crush it when you are in danger. No matter where you are, I will try my best to get you there." save you."

The girl's voice fluttered in the cold wind, but it carried a sense of warmth.


Qin Ruxuan left, she said that since Lu Shaoxi didn't go to class, she didn't have much interest in listening to the class, and went to practice by herself.

Lu Shaoxi touched the little pendant hung by Qin Ruxuan on his mobile phone, which was still warm, shook his head with a wry smile, put the mobile phone back into his trouser pocket, and walked quickly into the lecture hall of the A1 teaching building.

All eyes immediately focused on him.

The audience was silent at first, and then countless lively cheers shook the entire teaching building. Almost half of the students stood up in unison, casting respectful and burning gazes at Lu Shaoxi.

"Wow, Great God Lu is here!!!"

"Good morning, God Lu!!"

"Brother Lu!" Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng, the two students who had cooperated with Lu Shaoxi in the qualifiers, were the most excited. They rushed to Lu Shaoxi and said excitedly: "Brother Lu, you are finally here! We have been here for a long time!" We're talking about you!"

Du Junmao, the president of the Yuanqi Research Institute, also squeezed over and respectfully said, "Brother Lu!"

Because of serious injuries, Zhao Jianwen and Xu Qizheng still missed the chance to enter the official competition, but they both scored one point, which is already considered a certain achievement. In addition, after the story of fighting side by side with Lu Shaoxi spread, their reputation in the Thunder Academy skyrocketed. Ascending, he faintly became the backbone of the "Protecting the Mainland".Thanks to them spreading Lu Shaoxi's so-called "wisdom, courage, benevolence and righteousness" story everywhere, and Lu Shaoxi's reputation as the first place to pass the preliminary competition, now the "Pro-Lu faction" has greatly expanded, and the number has accounted for [-]% of the students in the college. Three-thirds, stabilizing the "Falling the Mainland", and even Du Junmao's Yuanqi Research Club has greatly increased the number of people, and it has become the largest club in the college, and it is also the base camp of the "Supporting the Mainland".

Lu Shaoxi was taken aback by the enthusiasm of the students. He chatted with Zhao, Xu, Du and other three familiar students before walking onto the podium.

Professor Shen hasn't arrived yet, but the students have quickly quieted down.

Looking at the enthusiastic faces in the audience, Lu Shaoxi felt a lot of emotions in his heart, and his blood surged even more.

"Thank you for your support and love. I am worthy of it. In the next period of time, I have important business to leave Yuanzhou. I may not be able to give lectures to you for the time being, so I have to ask everyone for leave. But wait When I come back, I will definitely make up all the courses I missed in the past two or three weeks, this is my promise, Lu Shaoxi. Please forgive me." After saying that, he clenched his fist deeply according to the martial arts rules.

The students applauded: "God Lu, your words are enough, we believe in you!"

"Exactly! God Lu never abandons his companions at the most critical moment, and we all believe in your promise unconditionally!"


Until sitting on the falcon and rushing to the forest park, Lu Shaoxi still couldn't calm down. He found that he really liked Thunder Academy. There were his adoptive father, his master, a girl who liked him, and a A large group of students who respect him and identify with him.

Lu Shaoxi clenched his fists tightly, no matter what, he must successfully complete the mission, get rid of the Hornets, get a two-star award medal, and come back safely, to this place he likes!There is still the official competition of the Elite Tournament waiting for him in early January!

He first called Li Nianjie and Xu Dachao, arranged for the next two weeks, and then contacted his parents, saying that he would participate in the closed training camp of the college. After everything was settled, he breathed a sigh of relief and took out the gift that his adoptive father gave him. Opening the small box, I saw a crimson elixir inside, as crystal clear as a ruby, as if a scorching wave of air rushed towards my face, and a few lines of information immediately appeared in my mind:

Name: Top Fire Yuan Dan
Grade: ordinary grade fifth grade first grade

Effect: Cultivation efficiency +1000%
Explanation: The fifth-grade elixir can be used to assist the cultivation of the Qi Gathering Kung Fu of the inflammatory attribute, and can increase the cultivation effect by ten times without risk in one day.

Fifth grade pill!Ten times the effect of practice!Although Lu Shaoxi had already guessed that what her adoptive father gave her would not be an ordinary elixir, she never expected that it would be such a precious fifth-grade elixir!

Looking at the bright winter sun outside, Lu Shaoxi clenched the box of the Huoyuan Pill. With the help of this Huoyuan Pill, no matter what, he had to practice the second level of the Lie Tian Yang Jue, and break through to the second level of Qi Gathering!

"Falcon, speed up and go to the hillside where you usually practice as soon as possible!"

"Yes, MASTER!"

(End of this chapter)

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