i can eat tips

Chapter 129

Chapter 129
"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sharp gunshots pierced the silence of the snowy night. In an unremarkable alley in Yuanzhou City, two figures shot and ran towards the depths of the alley.

Twenty or thirty heavily armed alliance warriors with guns and shields chased after them.

"Attention to all units, attention to all units, the fugitive suspect is holding a firearm, our side has already been injured, and the superior has issued a permit to shoot, but this is a residential area, be careful not to accidentally injure people!"

"Received! Group A, outflank the alley on the left, Group B, outflank the alley on the right, and group C follow me!" The leading alliance warrior waved his hand, and the alliance warriors immediately divided into three teams, facing the two Surrounded by fleeing figures.

The two figures fled panting to the end of the alley, only to find that it was a dead end!The footsteps and shouts from behind are getting closer and closer, and they can be caught up in less than ten seconds!

"Brother Dong, why don't we fight them?" A bald man held a pistol and turned his head with a murderous look on his face.

"Fight your head, the third master wants us to come to Lu Shaoxi, not to fight with the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance! Let's go!" The man called Dongge is in his early thirties, black and thin, but his With astonishing strength, he held the bald man in one hand, kicked his legs on the ground, and jumped nearly three meters. Then he stretched out his hand to grab the wall and turned over.

As soon as they jumped to the ground, there was the sound of hurried footsteps not far away, and the dazzling glare of the flashlight, which reflected the snow light, was extremely dazzling.

"Let's go!" Brother Dong jumped onto the wall again with his bald head in his hands, and fled away into the distance.But after changing several directions to escape, he found the figure of the alliance warrior.

These alliance fighters have a hidden weapon attack machine in their hands, even if Dong Ge and Bald Head have a certain strength, they dare not rush into it.

The bald head said anxiously: "Brother Dong, it seems that we are surrounded! Why are these damn alliance warriors eyeing us!"

Dong Ge glared: "Baldhead, are you ashamed to say that if you didn't panic when you met alliance warriors checking the car, they would be suspicious and want to search you? We have already successfully found the person who left the code, so why not use it?" Running away like this?"

The bald head was so scolded that his face was flushed and he didn't dare to answer. The two of them were lying in the dark, hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, and were about to rush out desperately, suddenly a figure jumped down from the wall like a civet cat.Brother Dong was startled and was about to raise his gun, but the man moved incredibly fast, and grabbed Dong Brother's wrist with one hand to prevent him from moving, then lowered his voice and said, "Is it from the third master?"

The voice sounded extremely young, a young man in his early 20s at most.

Just as the bald head raised his fist, he was stunned when he heard this.

Dong Ge looked at the masked man in front of him in surprise: "Who are you?"

"I'm the one who left the sign. This place is surrounded by alliance fighters. Follow me. I'll take you out." The young man let go of Brother Dong's wrist, and led the way regardless of whether the two agreed or not.

The bald head immediately pointed the gun at the young man's back, and Brother Dong held his hand: "Don't be impulsive, follow and have a look."

The two quickly caught up with the young man in front of him. The young man seemed to be very familiar with the terrain in this area. He walked left and right in the abandoned house in the alley, and was about to leave the encirclement of the alliance warriors.

Suddenly, the light of two flashlights flashed before his eyes: "Stop! Otherwise we will shoot!" I saw two alliance fighters appearing on the roof at some time, pointing the black muzzle of the masked young man at the top of the roof.

Brother Dong and the bald head immediately fell in the house, staring at the masked young man who was found in front.The bald head said nervously: "Brother Dong, that man has been found, should we help him?"

Before Brother Dong could answer, he saw the figure disappear in a flash, and the masked young man jumped up and rushed straight towards the two alliance warriors like an arrow.

"Bang bang!" The guns in the hands of the two alliance fighters burst into sparks at the same time. The masked young man looked like a monkey, and he did not know how to avoid two guns within a distance of less than three meters. bullet!At the same time, he took advantage of the momentum to approach the two alliance warriors, snatched the pistol of the alliance warrior on the left, and kicked the two alliance warriors off the roof with two consecutive kicks!

A series of quick and incoherent movements, like flowing clouds and flowing water, made Brother Dong and the bald man stunned.

The masked young man fired several shots at the alliance warriors who fell into the snowdrift on the ground, and then said to Brother Dong and the bald head: "Go, the alliance warriors will soon surround you!"

Brother Dong and the bald head saw that he shot and killed the alliance fighters with ruthless hands, they couldn't help but look at each other, and followed without hesitation, but in a short while, the three of them disappeared into the night.

After a while, more than a dozen alliance warriors chased after hearing the sound, and the two alliance warriors who had been kicked off the roof before "ouch" and sat up from the ground.

One of the alliance fighters wiped off the snowflakes on his face, and cursed: "That kid, he actually made a move, thanks to his good marksmanship, if he hit it a little more crookedly, wouldn't my head be blown off?"

Another alliance warrior rubbed his painful waist and asked with a bitter face: "Lan Yun, shall we continue to chase after this? Should we make a 'heroic sacrifice'?"

"Hey, you just died a heroic death, and those two guys didn't recognize us, so get up quickly, continue chasing with your brothers, and then issue a city-wide arrest warrant, so that they don't dare to stay in Yuanzhou anymore!"


Brother Dong and the bald man followed the masked young man and fled for a long distance before stopping in a broken house in a remote place.

When there was no movement outside, the three breathed out. Brother Dong winked at the bald head, and the bald head immediately pointed his gun at the young man: "Hey, who are you? Quickly take off the mask!"

The masked young man waved his hand, the bald head didn't see his movement at all, the pistol was blown away.The young man said coldly: "Didn't the third master teach you not to point a gun at your brother?"

Brother Dong was secretly startled, this young man is very fast, I am afraid that at least he has the strength to gather Qi!He hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over and clasped his fists: "Brother, you left the code? Which group are you from?"

The young man took off his mask and said leisurely, "I am the person you are looking for."

Brother Dong had seen Lu Shaoxi's photo, and his face changed slightly: "Are you Lu Shaoxi?" He reached out to touch the gun at his waist, but seeing Lu Shaoxi's eyes flashing coldly, the hand that touched the gun involuntarily dropped again.

The chill in Lu Shaoxi's eyes subsided, and he replied: "Yes."

"How do you know our password? You... who are you?"

"I'm from the second master, how can I not know the password?"

"Are you from the second master?" Brother Dong and the bald head were both stunned.The second master is a belly snake, and the third master is naturally a wasp. Although the second master and the third master are at odds with each other, they are still polite on the surface, and most of the secret codes between them are also common. If Lu Shaoxi is really the second master's People, it's not surprising to know these codes.

"When did you start following the second master? Why have I never seen you?" Brother Dong doubted.

Lu Shaoxi looked at him, and suddenly said: "Are you Mo Dong?" He glanced at his bald head again: "Then you are bald. The third master has thirteen most powerful men under his command. Unexpectedly, this time he dispatched two men at once. You came to me. The third master didn't tell you, why did you come to me? "

Brother Dong and the bald head looked at each other. This Lu Shaoxi understood it very well. Could it be that he really belongs to the second master?
 Thank you for the reward of 2000 starting coins from the west of the city, thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins for Huyue, and thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins for Suifeng Piaoxu!
(End of this chapter)

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