i can eat tips

Chapter 133

Chapter 133
There was a sudden gunshot outside, and there were a few faint screams.

Hornet's face remained unchanged, and he continued to talk and laugh happily and walked out of the hall. Hearing the gunshot response, it should be outside the mansion. There are no less than [-] fully armed bodyguards and guards in the mansion, and five professional snipers. Even if the enemy is long It can't fly in without wings.What's more, Pingcheng is his base camp, and the investigation is extremely strict. It is impossible for the enemy to bring heavy weapons in. As long as there is a gunshot, there will naturally be a steady stream of guards coming to encircle the enemy.

Lu Shaoxi was a step behind the Hornets, and scanned with the surveillance radar, and found that despite the fierce gun battle outside, the five snipers around were still aiming at him, and he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.It is indeed not easy for the Hornet to achieve the hegemony of one party, and has been fighting against Viper and Hu Daming for so many years. Even if he has [-]% confidence in himself, he still will not let up.

Wasp was walking ahead, and asked casually, "Is this the first time for Brother Lu to come to Yuebei?"

Lu Shaoxi nodded: "Yes, the second master didn't let me participate in any missions in Vietnam before, so I'm very happy to be able to come to Vietnam this time."

He looked normal on the surface, but he became more vigilant in his heart, because he saw Wasp secretly winking at one of the beautiful maids.

The wasp walked in front, and this wink made it invisible, and it was impossible for ordinary people to see it, but Lu Shaoxi had a monitoring radar, which was equivalent to having a 360-degree 3D see-through eye with no dead ends, and he had been monitoring it all the time. Wasp, how could this little move of the Wasp escape Lu Shaoxi's attention.Moreover, the surveillance radar showed that the beautiful maid was a master of energy gathering!

Huang Feng smiled again: "Then Lu Xiaodi is a guest from afar, take a good rest for the next two days, I will take you around Pingcheng, and then go to find the giant spirit stone..." Before he finished speaking, the beautiful maid just now suddenly She shot, she took out the dagger out of nowhere, and rushed towards the wasp as fast as lightning, the sharp dagger pierced the back of the wasp.

The wasp was "surprised", as if it couldn't dodge in time, Lu Shaoxi sneered in his heart, and hurriedly "exclaimed": "Third Master, be careful!" At the same time, his hands were filled with crimson flames, and he rushed out like a tiger. At the moment when the dagger was about to stab the Hornet's back, he clasped the maid's wrist with one hand, "Crack!" The beautiful maid's wrist bone broke immediately, and at almost the same time, Lu Shaoxi's right tiger claw had pinched the beautiful maid's throat , fingers forcefully, immediately blood splattered everywhere.The beautiful maid didn't even have time to groan, so she was finished.

With a flick of his arm, Lu Shaoxi threw the beautiful maid's body out, and said coldly: "Dare to assassinate the third master, you want to die!"

Hornet's expression changed, as if he had eaten a fly. After a while, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "Fortunately, brother Lu is here, otherwise I would be in danger. Someone, shoot her into a pulp!"

As soon as he waved his hand, a series of gunshots rang out, beating the beautiful maid's face to pieces.

Lu Shaoxi said with emotion: "Third Master, you are being polite. During this period, as long as I am here, no one will think of hurting you!".

In fact, Lu Shaoxi felt very happy when he saw the expression of the Hornet's dumb man eating coptis. If he guessed correctly, the beautiful maid is probably one of the Hornet's thirteen subordinates, the "Flower Demon", who is very good at spying on information and assassinating through bed kung fu. The target, this time for some reason, the Hornet wanted to use her to test herself, but she lifted a stone and shot herself in the foot, losing a capable man.

The Hornet smashed the flower demon's face to pieces just now, probably because she was afraid of being recognized as the flower demon and causing trouble in vain.It seems that this "flower demon" will soon "sacrifice a heroic sacrifice" in a secret mission going out.

At this time, the gunfire outside had stopped, and a guard came over to report that more than a dozen rioters had been killed. Lu Shaoxi now fully understood that the so-called gun battle just now was probably played by Hornet's men, and he was afraid that it was only against the outsiders. The sandbag emptied the gun, and then pretended to scream, in order to create the illusion that "you can take advantage of the chaos to assassinate" and lure yourself to take action as the last temptation.

Lu Shaoxi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. After this battle, Hornet would no longer doubt herself easily.

The welcome banquet ended soon, and Lu Shaoxi was arranged to rest in the guest room of the mansion.Lu Shaoxi lay unceremoniously on the bed, scanned the surroundings with the surveillance radar, and found that there was only one sniper left, but four more people were following him, and a total of five people were watching his guest room.

Lu Shaoxi was thinking about how to find Zhou Shangdian's "nail" who was ambushing in this mansion, when suddenly he felt a hot feeling in his lower abdomen, and then his whole body began to feel hot, his lips and tongue were dry.

Lu Shaoxi was startled. After he practiced Lietian Yang Jue, he was extremely sensitive to the changes in his body's yang energy. At this time, the evil fire in his body was obviously extremely abnormal.

Hired!He must have been drugged during the meal just now!
Lu Shaoxi was frightened and angry. He relaxed his body and felt the symptoms in his body. Because he already had the second-grade alchemy as a foundation, his medical level was not weak. He quickly judged that he should have taken some kind of intoxicating Messy drugs.

This kind of drug is not difficult to resolve, but now that he doesn't have any drug in his hand, how can he prepare the antidote?

Lu Shaoxi hurriedly asked the system: "System, is there any way to dissolve the drug in my body?"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and a girl's voice came: "Master Lu, can you come in?"

Lu Shaoxi "looked" through the door, and the person who came was actually a good-looking Vietnamese woman dressed as a maid.

The woman was in her early twenties, she was not a hermit martial artist, and she didn't carry a weapon on her body, but Lu Shaoxi knew something was wrong. She had just been drugged, and this woman appeared?How could she come by such a coincidence?
Lu Shaoxi forcibly pinched her thigh to wake herself up.This must be a Hornet's conspiracy, most likely a beauty trick!Wasp must have wanted to ask something from her delirious self through the woman.

"Master Lu, can I come in?" The woman's voice sounded very pleasant, and when Lu Shaoxi scanned her body through the monitoring radar, it was clearly just a transparent 3D three-dimensional line, and there was an inexplicable restlessness in his eyes.

The effect of the medicine has obviously begun to take full effect!

Lu Shaoxi was in a hurry, if he lost his sanity and was asked the truth, he would never see the sun tomorrow!
Fortunately, the martial arts evolution tree system in my mind finally replied: "Ding! The host's application has been accepted. You can use 50 martial arts evolution points and 100 calories to clear the drug effect of the host. Do you want to clear it?"

Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed and said without hesitation: "Clear!"

He felt that the heat in his body decreased rapidly, and the martial arts evolution points turned into white light and merged into his body, and his mind immediately regained consciousness.

At this time the door had been pushed open, and the Vietnamese woman walked in, her footsteps were as light as a civet cat, her face was extremely calm, it was obvious that similar things were already familiar to her.

Lu Shaoxi's thoughts changed sharply. If the effect of his medicine suddenly disappeared, and he didn't fall into the hornet's trick, the hornet would definitely become suspicious. What should he do?

He suddenly had an idea, raised his head and stared fiercely at the Vietnamese woman in front of him. Although the effect of the medicine was dispelled by the system, his body was still red at this time, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was panting heavily, looking extremely scary .

(End of this chapter)

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