i can eat tips

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
The chaos in Pingcheng quickly settled down.

Most of the people in Pingcheng are still in the dark about what happened. It is not uncommon to hear gunshots from inside and outside the mansion. The third master used to practice with live ammunition in the past. Only some smarter people sensed that the wind direction seemed wrong. This time The commotion was a bit louder, and there were more than a hundred elite guards gathered outside the mansion.

While the civilians and low-level guards were secretly guessing, news spread from the mansion that the third master Hornet was assassinated by the second master Viper's subordinate Lu Shaoxi and suffered some injuries. Wanted warrant, arrest Lu Shaoxi, anyone who dares to hide, the whole family will be shot!Those who report clues will be rewarded!

For a moment the whole city was shaken, the streets and alleys were filled with photos of Lu Shaoxi, and hundreds of guards broke into every house to search for the fugitive Lu Shaoxi. The dog is gone, and economic life has almost come to a standstill.

"What? It's been three hours, and Lu Shaoxi hasn't been found yet?" Bei Tamarin sat on the office chair in the Hornet's big suite with a displeased face.

The patrol captain who had just surrendered secretly complained. He was scolded by the Hornets in the morning, and now he is scolded by the new boss.He said with a bitter face: "Report to Master Bei, nearly two-thirds of the city has been searched, we have gone in and searched every house, and each search team also brought hounds and thermal imagers, but we haven't found any for now. The boy's trace. We will continue to look for..."

Bei Tamarin said coldly: "Didn't that kid get shot? Is it so difficult to find along the bloodstains?"

The patrol captain was even more terrified: "He was indeed shot in the waist when he escaped from the wall in the morning, but the strange thing is that he didn't bleed, and we don't know what happened... It stands to reason that he should not be wearing a body armor or something."

"There are no obstacles in Pingcheng's outskirts. There are watchtowers, electrified barbed wire, and patrol armored vehicles. That kid can't escape if he grows wings. He must still be in Pingcheng. You keep looking for me! Digging three feet will have to kill him." find out!"

Seeing the ugly expression on Bei Tamarin's face, the patrol captain hurriedly responded submissively, bowed his head and retreated.

Not long after the patrol captain left, Bei Tamarin's encrypted phone rang.Bei Tamarin was startled when he saw the number on it, but he thought that the signal monitoring station in Pingcheng was under his control now, and he was not afraid of being tapped, so he pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Zhang Zuoling." If there were outsiders, they would be surprised, because Bei Tamarin's expression was extremely respectful, ten times more respectful than his attitude when he saw the wasp!
A middle-aged man's voice came from over there, saying in Long Xia language: "Bei Tamarin, how is the situation in Pingcheng?"

"Basically everything went well. The Hornets have been captured alive, and Pingcheng has fallen into our control, but..."

Zhang Zuoling's voice suddenly turned cold: "Lu Shaoxi escaped?"

Bei Tamarin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Yes, but I have been hunting down this kid with all my strength, and I will definitely catch him as soon as possible and interrogate him about the news of 'Blood of the Spirit Fox'."

"Well. I have also received an order. I am bringing a few people over to your side now. I will arrive before midnight tonight. You must catch Lu Shaoxi before we arrive! You should know that Yan Shuai has always been very concerned about the 'Ling' "Blood of the Fox", if it wasn't for being coerced by those stubborn old guys in the domestic alliance, and Yan Shuai couldn't collect useful information about "Blood of the Fox", this time he wouldn't give up on the situation in Vietnam, and you are allowed to deal with the Hornets in advance. Do it! Remember, this matter can only succeed and not fail, otherwise Yan Shuai's thunderous anger is not something you and I can afford!"

Bei Tamarin gasped, and even Zhang Zuoling from the intelligence department was dispatched in person. It seems that Yan Shuai attached great importance to the news he reported the night before!
"Yes, don't worry Zhang Zuoling, I will definitely catch Lu Shaoxi as soon as possible!"

Bei Tamarin put down his phone, frowning and thinking hard.This opportunity is a double-edged sword. If it succeeds, it will definitely become a celebrity in Yan Shuai's eyes. If it fails... Bei Tamarin only feels a chill in his heart.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside: "Report!"

Bei Tamarin cheered up: "Is there any news about Lu Shaoxi?"

The guard froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to report the investigation progress of the female spy who was killed in the morning. We have disassembled and studied her communicator. It should be a satellite encrypted communicator. Forward it all over the world. Because this communicator is extremely advanced, it is impossible to determine the communication object of the female spy with our current technology in Vietnam."

"Understood, that maid has been in the mansion for a long time, and she has been lurking for a long time. But it doesn't matter if she is dead, notify the technical department, suspend this matter first, and give priority to searching for Lu Shaoxi's traces. No matter what method is used, he must be found as soon as possible! "


After the guards left, Bei Tamarin opened the map and carefully calculated the location of every possible Tibetan.It stands to reason that there are not many places in Pingcheng where people can hide. Where did Lu Shaoxi hide?


At the same time, Long Xiaguo, the central conference room of the Yuanzhou Branch of the Fist Alliance.

Zhou Shangdian, Dean Xia, the assistant leader of the Intelligence Department, and Shangling Mai Zhongliang of the Silver Star Elite Military Guard Regiment gathered here, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

The situation in Pingcheng changed so quickly and unexpectedly, Bai Ling only had time to report "Bei Tamarin led the rebellion, and a fierce gun battle broke out in the mansion", but there was no further news, fearing that he was affected by the melee and died in the random bombs.Bai Ling was the only informant in Pingcheng arranged by the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance. Without Bailing, the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance had no eyes for Pingcheng.

Zhou Shangdian asked again without giving up: "Xu Zuoling, are you sure there is no new news from 'Bailing'?"

Xu Zuoling from the intelligence department said with a heavy face: "No, the last news was interrupted suddenly. Not long ago, we received a dismantling report from the communicator. It is basically certain that Bailing has encountered an accident..."

Dean Xia, who had been sullen all this time, suddenly interrupted and asked, "Where is the location of Lu Shaoxi's phone?"

"The positioning signal has also disappeared, and the mobile phone may have been destroyed in the flames of war."

For a while, the audience fell into silence.

Mobile phones are generally carried with you, and if the mobile phone is destroyed, how can people be safe?
Dean Xia's gray hair seemed to have turned gray a lot during the short silence. Without saying a word, he turned around and walked towards the door of the conference room. Zhou Shangdian stopped him: "Old Xia, where are you going?"

"Yuebei Pingcheng." Dean Xia coldly spit out four characters.

Zhou Shangdian was taken aback: "Are you crazy? How can a member of the alliance rank leave the country without permission?"

"I want to leave the country, and no one at the border can stop me."

Everyone was shocked this time, Zhou Shangdian held him back and said urgently: "You are equivalent to betraying the Jingwu Alliance!"

Dean Xia suddenly turned around, staring at Zhou Shangdian with red eyes: "Lu Shaoxi is Long Xia's hope, I can't let him have an accident! If he doesn't come back this time, I will never let you go!"

Zhou Shangdian looked at his flushed eyes, not knowing what it was like.

He said in a hoarse voice: "I...I will inform the members of the Silver Star Elite Military Guards who have arrived in Yincheng and the rest of the way to cancel the original mission to ambush the Hornets, and rush to Pingcheng immediately. I promise to save Lu Shaoxi at all costs!"

Dean Xia stared at him for a long time before his face softened: "You guys are no stronger than the second level of condensed core, and you will die in front of Pingcheng's heavy firearms! I'll go, anyway, I'm an old bone."

The muscles on Zhou Shangdian's face twitched, and he said as if he had made up his mind: "I'll go too. Xu Zuoling, immediately draw up an application for leaving the country to perform a secret mission, and send it to the alliance headquarters for approval as quickly as possible! At the same time, prepare the fastest long-distance helicopter to send us to the border!"

Mai Zhongliang Shangling stood up and said: "I want to go too, I still owe this boy Lu a life!"

Xu Zuoling looked at the three people in front of him in surprise, and was too shocked to speak.What is the origin of this Lu Shaoxi, so that two big bosses and well-known fighting heroes of the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance went to rescue him in person at the risk of being punished by the alliance headquarters?


At the same time, an electric suspension vehicle was speeding towards the northern border of Vietnam at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

"Student Qin, are you sure MASTER is in danger?" A cute girl's electronic voice sounded in the hover car.

"I don't know. But the signal disappeared in Vietnam. Lu Shaoxi will never go to Vietnam for no reason. Whether he asks for help or not, since the mobile phone charm I gave him is broken, I have to rush to him immediately. Make sure he's safe."

The long wind blows in the warm air of the air conditioner, the girl caresses two card-shaped nano-weapons, a look of worry appears on Wushuang's pretty face.

"Falcon, speed up and go full speed!"

"Yes, classmate Qin!"

The Falcon accelerated again, running like a shadow on the highway.


Bei Tamarin's guess was wrong. He thought that Lu Shaoxi would not be able to stir up any waves unarmed, but no one expected that Pingcheng, a small town in the north of Vietnam, would attract the attention of countless powerful people because of this young man named Lu Shaoxi. Eyes have become the key to the struggle of several major forces.

The small Pingcheng is about to make huge waves!

 Tomorrow at 12:[-] noon, there will be a big explosion, and I look forward to your support!I will write the testimonials for the shelves tomorrow, so hurry up and write, and then ask for recommendation tickets and collections!Brothers who have monthly tickets, please save it for Lao Mo to vote tomorrow?thanks thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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