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Chapter 152 She and It

Chapter 152 She and It

The captain of the guard did not know Lu Shaoxi, and seeing the enemy enter the mansion, the Hornets were among them, so why would they shoot inside.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Zuoling rushed over with several masters under him.Most of these guards are not hermit warriors. If they have heavy firearms at a long distance, they can naturally deal with Zhang Zuoling, but they will be slaughtered lambs in close-quarters combat.Especially Zhang Zuoling, a strong man in the condensed core state, with true energy all over his body, is simply invincible in Pingcheng.

He was afraid of the power of these heavy firearms, and he was even more merciless in his strikes. However, in a short while, none of the nearly 60 guards remained, and he and several of his subordinates killed them all.

Only then did Zhang Zuoling realize that the young commander from before had disappeared, and he must have slipped away while he was in the middle of nowhere.

That kid actually used "Lu Shaoxi" to distract his attention, he must have obtained some information from Bei Tamarin, and it is even very possible that he is Lu Shaoxi!Bei Tamarin was defeated by him!

He immediately ordered some of his subordinates: "Go find that cunning boy, and make sure to capture him alive! I will go to the mansion to find Bei Tamarin to understand the situation, and I will catch up in a while!"

"Yes!" Several Qi-gathering six-layer masters immediately put on thermal imaging cameras, turned on energy fluctuation detectors, and rushed towards the street.


Lu Shaoxi had already laid down on the roof hundreds of meters away, aiming the hidden weapon sniper rifle in the direction of the mansion.

Just now, seeing Zhang Zuoling and others chasing him out, but the guard captain hesitated, Lu Shaoxi knew that the ambush was a failure, and immediately retreated decisively in the chaos. Later, he saw Zhang Zuoling and others killing dozens of guards.

Lu Shaoxi was secretly surprised. Judging from the skill and ferocity of Zhang Zuoling and several of his subordinates, these people must have experienced bloody fights with bullets and bullets, killing people like grass. There are all signs that they should be professional alliance fighters, and it is not even ruled out. It is possible to be a professional martial artist of the Longxia Kingdom Jingwu Alliance!

But how could the martial artists of the professional alliance of the Longxia Kingdom Jingwu Alliance collude with Bei Tamarin to try to control the situation in Vietnam?
Who is Yan Shuai?

Lu Shaoxi was full of doubts in his heart. Seeing that several big men were ordered to find him, he couldn't help thinking.He still had some confidence in taking out these big guys in the Qi-gathering realm with a sneak attack with the sniper rifle in his hand, but Zhang Zuoling was too strong, unless he could get a heavy machine gun and successfully ambush him, there was basically no chance of winning.

Scanning with the surveillance radar, Lu Shaoxi found that Pingcheng was in chaos. Several scuffles and fierce battles successively caused more than half of the elite guards in Pingcheng to be killed or injured. Most of the rest were rookies who were forced into the gang. There is no loyalty to the wasps and marmosets, some took advantage of the chaos to escape, some even robbed and bullied women, the civilians kept crying and shouting, and some boldly started to flee the city with their children For those who are timid, the doors and windows are closed and shivering in the room.

What should I do?Taking advantage of the chaos to escape from Pingcheng?But Yue Bei is not familiar with the place, where can he escape?What's more, Bailing was missing, and it was difficult to even contact Zhou Shangdian in Yincheng.And since he left like this, the task of capturing the Hornets alive and bringing them back to Long Xia has come to nothing, and the hard work these days has been in vain.

Seeing the big men entering his range, Lu Shaoxi put away his thoughts and focused on aiming at the enemy's head.

"Whoosh!" The sniper rifle equipped with a silencer made a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the bullet immediately drew a beautiful arc, and accurately shot towards the head of the big man among them!
The big man had injured legs and feet, so he couldn't dodge in time, and immediately fell down in response.

There are four left!
Lu Shaoxi shifted the gun and fired another shot!This time, he aimed at a big man with a square face and a medium machine gun.

The big man with a national face is obviously the elite of the elite, the bullet hit him like lightning, and he was able to fall forward at the moment of life and death, narrowly dodging the past.

Lu Shaoxi was taken aback, but he reacted very quickly, and when the first blow was not neutral, he fired another shot. With the ability to slow down the world, his speed from aiming to shooting was unparalleled in the world. It was too late to dodge, the back was hit so coldly, and he died screaming.

But the other three burly men with six levels of energy gathered almost at the same time raised their guns and shot them with a burst of bullets, with astonishing accuracy.

Lu Shaoxi had just changed the magazine, before he could aim the gun, when he saw the bullets coming, he rolled to avoid it.

But the opponent was obviously only aiming at suppressing him, not aiming at his head, the series of bullets only hit the stone chips on the walls around him.

The rest of the big man picked up the medium-sized machine gun of the big man with a Chinese character face, and the three of them divided into three directions: left, middle and right. They rushed up like swallows, and rushed towards Lu Shaoxi. Rich experience, reasonable tactics, and superb strength are far better than Lu Shaoxi, a rookie who has only been in contact with the bloody battlefield for half a month.

Lu Shaoxi could see clearly through the monitoring radar that the speed of these three people was at least two times faster than his own!

He was so suppressed by the firepower that he couldn't lift his head at all. Seeing that the distance between the two sides rapidly narrowed, the distance between them was less than 50 meters.Lu Shaoxi used the monitoring radar to lock on one of the black-faced men with a medium-sized machine gun who charged the nearest. He kept his body squatting, but he raised the sniper rifle with his right hand wearing a spider glove, and it was just one shot.

The black-faced man never thought that Lu Shaoxi could aim and shoot without showing his head, and the distance between the two sides was too close, the bullets were no longer easy to dodge, so the black-faced man hurriedly blocked the bullets with the machine gun in his hand at the same time.

Click!The machine gun was smashed into four pieces, and the arm of the black-faced man was also smashed into a piece of blood.But the sniper rifle that Lu Shaoxi exposed in the low wall was hit by two other enemies almost at the same time, which made Lu Shaoxi's wrist numb, and the sniper rifle was immediately scrapped.

The black-faced man was extremely tough, he let out a roar, and threw his fist at Lu Shaoxi regardless of his injuries.The strength of the punch pierced through the air, extremely fierce, and the speed was extremely fast.

The enemy was outnumbered, how could Lu Shaoxi fight head-on with them, immediately with a kick in his feet, the roof of the place where he was squatting was instantly shattered, and he disappeared suddenly and fell into the house.This change was too sudden, the roaring fist of the black-faced man immediately hit the air, punching a big hole in the roof.

As soon as Lu Shaoxi landed, he jumped out of the window immediately, ignoring the screams of the civilians in the room, and ran along the winding alley.

"Where to escape!" The black-faced man and the other two men were chasing after him.

Lu Shaoxi frowned secretly. These three guys were wearing the latest thermal imaging cameras, and their experience and speed were also higher than his own. It would not be easy for him to sneak attack or escape from under their noses. The only way is to kill them!
The opponent is at the [-]th level of Qi Gathering. Fighting alone, I still have a [-]% chance of winning by relying on the Dragon Fist, but with one against three, the chances of winning are very small. Fortunately, the opponent obviously only wants to capture me alive. Opportunity to turn defeat into victory in a desperate situation!
Lu Shaoxi was thinking about a plan when suddenly the surveillance radar found two figures approaching this side rapidly!

One of the figures was delicate and slender with flying long hair, while the other figure was a battle robot with a height of two meters.

Lu Shaoxi stopped suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

How come she and it!

 Thanks to "Bintan Xueli" for the 100 starting point reward!Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Prodigal Son Baiyue", "Alpine Heroes", "Heaven and Earth Bugs", "Sad Heart" and "Bored 1989"!Thank you brothers for your votes and subscriptions.

  I was too sleepy last night, and fell asleep on the table when I almost finished coding a chapter. I woke up this morning and continued to code, so I am really sorry that I couldn’t update two more chapters last night.Today's holidays will continue to break out, and strive for five more!Looking forward to your subscription and monthly ticket support!thanks thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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