i can eat tips

Chapter 167 Counting

Chapter 167 Counting
After Lu Shaoxi practiced several times to ensure that he had mastered this strongest second-grade boxing skill, he began to sort out Yue Bei's windfall.

When leaving Pingcheng, Lu Shaoxi found an excuse to sneak back to the mansion. The mansion had long since been vacated, and there were many casualties. It can be seen that Zhang Zuoling must have committed a massacre.In the name of caring, he sent Rin who was with him to find a room to change into dry clothes. After Lu Shaoxi went straight to the secret treasure house of the Hornets, he didn't expect to find that the secret passage of the treasure house was blown down in half. He managed to rely on the spider gloves Cut open the gravel and drilled in, and found that the gold, silver and jewels in the treasury had been looted by the fugitive guards. Fortunately, the secret books and the treasures of heaven and earth, which had no real value and were difficult to sell, were hardly touched.

Lu Shaoxi unceremoniously threw all the contents into the inventory. During this period, the system prompted that the inventory was full. Lu Shaoxi spent another 1000 martial arts evolution points to expand the space of the inventory by ten times—breakthrough to the triple energy gathering Afterwards, he had another chance to upgrade his inventory. This time, he chose "expansion". After the upgrade, the inventory still had fifty slots, but each slot could hold one hundred secret books or ten martial arts-related items— —It was only then that I emptied all the treasures related to martial arts in the Hornet's treasury, and finally took a few strings of leftover jewels and stuffed them into my pockets...

In addition to the Hornet's treasury, Lu Shaoxi also searched a large number of natural and earth treasures, medicine pills, and secret books from the secret compartment of Bei Tamarin's room and the big box. A lot of pills.On the way out of Vietnam by helicopter, Lu Shaoxi had roughly estimated that, except for the rare items that were not sold, the sales of ordinary secrets and treasures of heaven and earth could be sold for tens of millions. It is estimated that the value of it is definitely no less than one billion.

Lu Shaoxi made a huge fortune during this trip to Vietnam!
Now Lu Shaoxi is sorting out these treasures.

The first thing he looked at was the secret book.Arrange the secret books from low to high in the inventory and count them again. This time, I have harvested more than a thousand inferior secret books, nearly [-] first-rank secret books, but unfortunately there are less than ten second-rank secret books, and third-rank secret books. It is the only one, and it is written in Vietnamese.Lu Shaoxi took out the third-rank secret book and looked at it. It was a secret book on condensing alchemy. The third-rank one was actually quite precious, but Lu Shaoxi's goal was the sixth-rank alchemy secret book rewarded by the top prize in the elite competition. Naturally, this book could not be read After putting it back into the inventory and locking it, Lu Shaoxi took out all the second-grade secret books and looked through them one by one.

The first book is the secret book of combined attack techniques. Several people join forces to fight against the enemy, and the strength is multiplied. It only requires the practitioners to be disciplined and absolutely trust their companions.Lu Shaoxi's heart skipped a beat when he saw this. It would be appropriate to pass on this combination attack technique to Xu Dachao and others. These foreign boxing masters are disciplined and loyal, and they cooperate with each other tacitly. It's not difficult.Lu Shaoxi put it alone in a grid in the inventory and locked it, ready to evolve it before passing it on to Xu Dachao and others.

The rest of the books are all about fists, feet, fingers and claws, which are far inferior to the evolved tiger-shaped lore. It is estimated that they will be inferior to the tiger-shaped lore after evolution to the limit, so Lu Shaoxi skipped them directly and flipped through them. But I accidentally saw a second-grade and seventh-level "Breaking Heaven Twin Sticks".

Suddenly, the extremely powerful double-stick martial arts that Bei Tamarin used once appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but be very surprised.He now has Bei Tamarin's fire gold short stick in his hand, which is a good thing with +80 strength, even above the spider gloves!Moreover, it is also the most suitable zhenqi weapon for matching with fire attribute skills!It's a pity that he didn't know short stick martial arts, so he didn't take it out all the time. He didn't expect to find this "Breaking Double Sticks"!
He opened it and looked, and saw that there were many handwritten notes in Vietnamese on it, and the inscription was "Bei Tamarin"!
After thanking Bei Tamarin dozens of times in his heart, Lu Shaoxi used the system's evolution function without hesitation to upgrade this secret book to the current highest mortal second-rank tenth level, and then directly learned this book instantly through the "learning" function. New martial arts.

A new leaf immediately grew on the martial arts evolution tree.

Name: Shrouding Thousand Changes (Currently Unable to Evolve)
Grade: [-]nd Grade [-]th Grade

Acquisition: [-]st level/[-]th level

Power: Basic Attack Power +9, Shot Speed ​​+3%
Explanation: The primary martial art "Breaking Double Cudgels" handed down by Fu Na, the king of short sticks in Vietnam a hundred years ago, is a new martial skill evolved through the system. The pinnacle of martial arts.If you reach the highest level, you can use "Block the sky and block out the sun", the shadows of sticks are all over the sky, killing vitality, the basic strength bonus can reach 108, and the shooting speed bonus is 36%. (Note: There are restrictions on the use of "Blocking the sky and the sun", and the host level must be above the fourth level of energy gathering to use it)

This new martial skill that can overwhelm the sky is comparable to the Xingyue interception left by Qin Yang!Although the speed bonus is inferior, the strength bonus is even better. If it is paired with the Huojin Short Staff, wouldn't the power bonus of light martial arts and weapons be 188 points?
Lu Shaoxi clenched his fists, this time the elite competition can use true qi weapons, he can use the fire gold short stick to sweep the elite competition!
Alright, priority is given to practicing Shatian Qianchang, striving to reach the highest level before the elite competition, and still breaking through the fourth level of energy gathering!

After hastily collecting the secrets, Lu Shaoxi quickly sorted out the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, and picked out some worth hundreds of thousands that could be sold and put them in the corner of the inventory. The rest were extremely rare and could be used to refine high-grade pills Keep them all "locked", and use them for alchemy after you improve your alchemy skills in the future.

Finally, there are some pills, which not only have pills to improve the efficiency of cultivation, but also many medicines for healing injuries. The one he gave Qin Ruxuan before was one of them.After picking out a few bottles of pills that are useful to the body refining realm and putting them away, the rest of Lu Shaoxi didn't move for the time being.He still has more than 5300 martial arts evolution points left, but these points are too useful, and Lu Shaoxi doesn't want to use them to evolve pills for the time being.

After tidying things up, Lu Shaoxi practiced hard for over an hour before taking a shower and going to bed.

Glancing at the small room, Rin was still soundly asleep, and in his newly made small bed, the fur ball had slipped into it at some point, sleeping soundly.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but smiled slightly, picked up the fur ball and put it beside the bed, covered the future little friend with a warm sweater, and then got into bed to sleep.


Early the next morning, Lu Shaoxi felt in a daze that someone was lifting his quilt, and suddenly woke up suddenly. He opened his eyes, and met Lin's dark eyes.

Rin was stretching out her hands, as if she wanted to hug him, but when she saw him open her eyes, she took a few steps back in fright. She didn't know if it was Lu Shaoxi's illusion, but the little girl's face was a little red.She panicked: "I... I just want to hug the hairball."

Lu Shaoxi looked down, and at some point the fur ball got into his bed again, snuggling against him and sleeping soundly.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help laughing, he carefully picked up the fur ball and put it in Rin's little hands: "You can hug it while it's asleep, I'll wash my face, and I'll go to the Forest Park to practice later, do you want to go? "

"Can I take the fur ball with me?" Rin carefully hugged the fur ball, with a happy smile on his cute little face.

Lu Shaoxi scanned the weather outside with the monitoring radar: "Take it, but you have to wear a coat. It's snowing outside, so don't freeze."

Rin had already changed into clothes, but it was still a sweatshirt and a short skirt, and Lu Shaoxi felt cold just looking at it.Before going out, he couldn't help but choose a mink coat from the pile of clothes he bought for Rin yesterday, and put it on Rin.

"Midget your own business, I'm running barefoot in the snow at Qin's house and no one cares..." Rin pursed her mouth as if a little dissatisfied, but feeling the warmth of her coat, she raised her head to meet Lu Shaoxi's concerned gaze. The sound is getting smaller and smaller.

Lu Shaoxi took Lin and Fuqiu just into the Porsche supercar, and suddenly felt a strange creepy feeling, as if he was being targeted by something dangerous. He immediately looked around vigilantly, but the surroundings were covered with white snow, and there was no No abnormality was found, and the monitoring radar was scanned again, and nothing was found within 200 meters.

He asked Rin in a low voice: "Rin, did you notice anything wrong, such as being watched?"

Rin was putting the sleeping fur ball on his lap, stroking its fluff carefully. Hearing this, he immediately closed his eyes and released his consciousness to detect it. He shook his head and said, "There is no one watching us around."

Strange, could it be that I've been too nervous and paranoid recently?But there is nothing to be afraid of with Lin by his side, and she will help support the sky when the sky falls. Thinking of this, Lu Shaoxi felt relieved and drove the car to leave Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall.

 Thanks to "S16885183" and "Dancing Wind Chimes" monthly pass!Thanks to "Your" for the 500 starting point reward!Continue to codeword at full speed, and there will be updates!

(End of this chapter)

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