i can eat tips

Chapter 178 Mutual calculation

Chapter 178 Mutual calculation
Lu Shaoxi said softly: "Don't worry, I know it well."

"I'm not worried! The way you were fascinated by that woman just now was really ugly! Uncle Cai Ge was so worried, let me remind you again and again! Huh, what's so good about that woman, isn't it that she has bigger breasts? What!" Rin said with gritted teeth.

Lu Shaoxi was amused in her heart, this Sun Min is beautiful, but she is far behind Qin Ruxuan and Shen Mengyao, even Lin Yurou and Chen Manman are not as good as her, otherwise, how could I pretend to be cheated? She looked fascinated.

"Yes, I understand, you little girl, don't call 'big breasts' or something in front of others. Let's not talk, the competition is about to start, and I'm going to register the true energy weapon." Lu Shaoxi hung up the phone casually.

He was on the phone just now, and the monitoring radar did not leave all the contestants present for a second.

Seeing Lu Shaoxi whispering on the phone facing the passageway, Sun Min secretly exchanged glances with Heidi, and said in a low voice as they passed by: "Successful, follow the plan."

Lu Shaoxi could see clearly that this game was very carefully laid out. I found Mr. Hai, who looked stupid but wasn't stupid at all, to pull hatred, then asked the audience to put pressure on me, and finally used a beauty trick to set up a trap.If such a trick was used in the qualifiers, it would not be easy for Lu Shaoxi to see the flaws, but since experiencing the dangers of the trip to the North, Lu Shaoxi has greatly improved in terms of mind, resourcefulness, and observation. escaped his eyes.

There was a flash of jealousy in Heidi's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Just now I saw that you and that kid were quite close."

"Why, are you jealous?" Sun Min gave him a charming look, "It's all for you to stand out in the end, and you are the only one in their hearts."

Heidi snorted: "See how I deal with you tonight!"

Sun Wenjiao glanced at him angrily, and left quickly.

Lu Shaoxi sneered inwardly, at the end of the game, you two can still stand up, I, Lu Shaoxi, write the three characters upside down!He opened the note and looked through it. It contained the meeting place and meeting code, as well as the serial number list of the co-contestants. Apart from Sun Min, there were five others, all ranked in the middle and lower reaches, not conspicuous.

Lu Shaoxi knew it well. He had obtained simple information about all the contestants from his adoptive father, Dean Xia, last night. These five people were basically Qi-gathering five-fold. On the surface, they were collateral descendants of some aristocratic families, but everyone They all have impressive abilities, and they are not easy to deal with. If they fall into the trap, it is really easy for them to succeed by biting themselves back when confronting the enemy.

He was looking at the note, but the monitoring radar found that Sun Min, who was sitting back in his seat, quietly typed a line on the phone.She pressed it extremely carefully, and even blocked it with her hand on purpose. Basically, no one could see it except her, but Lu Shaoxi had the surveillance radar, so she could see it clearly.

"Dad, Lu Shaoxi is very shrewd. He just pretended to be tricked. I plan to implement plan two and give up Haidi."

The other party responded quickly.

"Okay, it's a good deal to replace Lu Shaoxi with an unfathomable background with Haidi from a small family in the provincial capital. Be careful, you must be real, and you can't let this kid see the flaws."


Lu Shaoxi's heart was terrified, this Sun Min was more powerful than he imagined, and he found out that he was just pretending to be a snake.The so-called plan [-], trade yourself for Heidi, could it be...

A cold light flickered in Lu Shaoxi's eyes, and soon he had an idea.

He squeezed the note into pieces with great strength, and looked at the other contestants. Because Qin Ruxuan reported her absence in advance, her place was automatically filled by No. 30, so there were still 30 contestants.

Among the 30 people, Lu Shaoxi was most afraid of a young man named Zhang Wei.In the list Dean Xia gave him, only Zhang Wei and Sun Min were circled with pens alone.

Zhang Wei, male, looks as ordinary as his name, 25 years old, ranked No. 20 when he passed the qualifiers, his strength is the fifth level of Qi Gathering, it is said that he came from a town smaller than Yuanzhou, at first glance His strength and experience are inconspicuous.After he entered the rest area, he didn't make a sound. He just observed the surroundings quietly. He seemed a little timid, but when he raised his head occasionally, his eyes flickered with divine light. He was obviously a very strategic person.

When Lu Shaoxi saw Zhang Wei for the first time, the system displayed his strength as "Qi Gathering Level [-]", and then quickly jumped back to "Qi Gathering Level [-]". After repeated several times, it was finally displayed as "Qi Gathering Level [-]".

Even the martial arts evolution tree system couldn't easily judge his real strength. Obviously, he suppressed his real strength through some special means, so that he could successfully sign up and pass the preliminaries.

Once he passed the qualifiers, there would be no limit to the strength of the five-fold energy gathering. Even if he showed the strength of the seven-fold energy gathering in the official competition, it could be explained that he improved after passing the qualifiers.

This man is a real rival!

Zhang Wei made eye contact with Lu Shaoxi intentionally or unintentionally, and gave him a naive smile.

At this time, the broadcast began to ask the contestants to register their items, and Lu Shaoxi went to the secret room designated by the referee to register their items as if nothing had happened.

According to the old rules, irrelevant items such as mobile phones and watches cannot be brought into the arena.In addition, the organizer provided basic armor, but after wearing the organizer's basic armor, he could no longer wear his own true energy armor, so Lu Shaoxi naturally chose the Celestial Silkworm Xuanjia.After registering the Spider Gloves, Fire Gold Double Sticks, Charming Blue, and Celestial Silkworm Xuanjia, Lu Shaoxi took all the equipment and stepped into the preparation area.

Soon, the preparatory bell rang, and the referee appeared on each large screen and began to explain the rules of the first knockout match to the contestants and audience.

The main venue of the knockout round is a dense forest area with a radius of 1.5 kilometers in the center of the venue. Before the game, lots need to be drawn to determine the hostages to be protected. When all the players arrive at the 300 designated entrances, the bell will ring and the game will officially begin. The hostages will stand somewhere [-] meters away from the contestants, but they will not be restricted from moving around.Players can decide for themselves whether to take hostages first or ambush their opponents.Players who lost their number badges, were injured and unable to fight, and the hostages to protect fell into a coma would all be directly judged to be eliminated.

After listening to the detailed rules, all the audience were excited and full of expectations for the whole event.This is bound to be a wonderful contest of wits and luck!
After announcing the rules, a large platform was raised from the referee's seat, on which stood [-] ordinary people who acted as "hostages".

The organizing committee had never announced the specifics of the "hostages" before, and it was only at this time that the contestants and the audience saw the hostages for the first time.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

The thirty hostages were all wearing masks, so they couldn't see their real faces, but each of them had a number on their clothes.Judging from their stature, they are all very young girls, at most sixteen or seventeen years old. I don't know where the committee members recruited so many girls to act as "hostages" and what purpose they chose these girls as hostages. It is a "hostage", but to protect these weak little girls to the finish line, it has to be said that it is a very big challenge.Therefore, how to use communication skills to reach a consensus with the protected girl in a very short period of time and work together to reach the finish line plays a vital role in the outcome.

Moreover, there are cameras monitoring the live broadcast throughout the competition. If you accidentally touch the sensitive parts of these little girls during the competition, it is very easy to be misunderstood by the audience, and your reputation will suffer.

Under such circumstances, Sun Mei, as the only woman who entered the official competition, was originally at a disadvantage in all aspects of physical fitness, but at this time, her status as a woman became an advantage, at least a lot of scruples in this regard were reduced.

The rest of the male players looked at me with embarrassment.

Damn, who came up with such a perverted idea!

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Kong Ye ╰ Ming"!Thanks to "Genius Zhang Chun" for the 100 starting point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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