Chapter 18
Lu Shaoxi slept very soundly this time. In fact, he was really tired after exercising all day yesterday and fighting several times in succession.

The next day when the alarm clock rang, Lu Shaoxi woke up immediately. After washing up, he ate his last cup of instant noodles while picking up his phone to see if anyone had replied to last night's post.

At first glance, he was shocked, with a total of 5 hits and nearly 9000 replies!Except for some people who questioned at the beginning, there were all buyers' voices who kept shouting prices.

Lu Shaoxi's eyes widened when he looked at those local tyrants who called out 5000 and 6000, wow, did you make a mistake?200% premium?This is a good thing I have never heard of!

Just when Lu Shaoxi was in full bloom, many martial arts fans who had been waiting all night were shocked!
Netizens with sharp eyes immediately noticed Lu Shaoxi's "Young Master Lu" ID avatar lit up, and immediately excitedly yelled in bold characters: "The master, Master Lu, is online!"

"What? The Great God is online?"

"Master, look over here, look at me, I want to buy your secret book!"

Immediately afterwards, dozens of replies sprung up like mushrooms after rain, all of them scrambling to buy the secret book of "Zhengyang One Finger Zen" from Lu Shaoxi. If it were put in the real world, it would be as hot and lively as grabbing a train ticket at a train station .

However, in just 30 seconds, the number of replies to Lu Shaoxi's post increased by nearly a hundred, and the already quiet forum seemed to be ignited instantly!

Seeing those fiery replies, Lu Shaoxi was a little caught off guard.He never imagined that there would be more than a hundred people waiting in front of the computer all night just to buy his secondary secret book!
Before he had time to look at the latest reply carefully, a golden reply suddenly jumped out of the screen. It turned out that someone had used a forum function card that cost [-] yuan—reply flash card.

"Lord Master, I have been waiting for you all night, so you can sell it to me! I need your secret book very much, and I can bid you 8000 yuan!!" Under the action of the function card, this ID is "I want to be a martial artist" The replies sent by the premium account of "Star" are particularly conspicuous.

All the people who were still online and opened this post read this most prominent reply at the same time, and the original clamor was overwhelmed. The original highest transaction price on this forum was only 6000 yuan. Unexpectedly, this The record was broken in an instant.

8000 yuan is not a small amount. The average monthly salary in Yuanzhou City is only about 3000 yuan. Most of the people who join this forum are poor people who work part-time.

"8000! Trench! Trench! Trench! I'm convinced, I can't compete."

"I'll leave this book to Hao, sir, do you have any other secrets?"

Lu Shaoxi was also taken aback, and then replied with mixed surprises: "Okay, deal."

"I want to be a martial arts star." Immediately replied: "My God, what is your address?"

Lu Shaoxi was about to directly leave the address of Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall in the reply, but after thinking about it, today is already October 10st, and there are only about 21 days left before the star assessment meeting to be held on the 1st of next month. He must improve his strength as soon as possible during this period to ensure good results in the star assessment meeting. If the address of the book martial arts hall is made public, and guests come to buy books for advice from time to time, wouldn't it be a waste of precious time for practicing martial arts?

He thought about it, and finally sent the address of the Shuwuguan to "I want to be a martial arts star" through the forum's private message function.

"I want to be a martial arts star" quickly replied: "So you are so close to me, my god! I will drive here, and it will take about 15 minutes! My god, wait for me!"

Sure enough, within 15 minutes, Lu Shaoxi just opened the iron gate of "Tianyang Martial Arts Bookstore", when he saw a Porsche driving from the alley, stopped in front of the bookstore, and got out of the car, a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, He is not tall, and even looks a little thin. His clothes are not luxurious, but he is clean, without the dandy feeling of a rich family boy.

He immediately recognized that Lu Shaoxi who opened the iron door and was wearing a tracksuit was the handsome young man in the video, so he walked over quickly and said with a shy smile, "Hi, God, I am 'I want to be a martial arts star', My real name is Li Nianjie! I'm here to buy your "Zhengyang One Finger Zen" secret book!" After saying that, he stretched out his right hand to shake hands with Lu Shaoxi.

Seeing that Li Nianjie was quite polite, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but feel good about him, and reached out to shake his hand.

Li Nianjie looked at the bookstore curiously, then looked at Lu Shaoxi's white hands that looked like a scholar, he couldn't help secretly marveling, he came from a wealthy family, and there was no shortage of bodyguards around him, but those bodyguards were all muscular and had calluses on their palms. Can a delicate hand really perform a one-finger Zen?He was a little skeptical, but he was embarrassed to let Lu Shaoxi, a great god, perform live.

Lu Shaoxi saw what he was thinking, smiled lightly, suddenly bent down and stretched out his index finger to support the ground, stretched his waist and legs, and easily stood upside down.

Damn, it turned out to be true!Li Nianjie's eyes were wide open, and he watched in shock as Lu Shaoxi performed all the movements in the video.

The effect he saw with his own eyes was naturally more shocking than the video, especially seeing Lu Shaoxi's relaxed and natural movements, Li Nianjie was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide and forgot to close it.

That's awesome!effort!This must be real kung fu!Li Nianjie was extremely excited. He has been a "really! Martial arts enthusiast" for almost half a year. He has bought several so-called secret books one after another. After practicing for a long time, there is no effect. He happened to see Lu Shaoxi's post last night. He was shocked by the video inside, and subconsciously told him that this video must be true, and this secret book must be the real secret book!Whether he can realize his dream of becoming a martial arts star, the key seems to be on this secret book!
So he didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy the function card of the forum, and snatched this secret book at an abrupt high price.

Now seeing Lu Shaoxi's chic and handsome movements with his own eyes, the admiration and envy in Li Nianjie's heart is like a surging river!
This is the demeanor of a real martial arts master!If I can practice this kind of kung fu myself, how can it be so difficult to make a martial arts movie?
After Lu Shaoxi turned over and stood upright after the performance, Li Nianjie clapped his hands excitedly: "Master, you are so awesome, I am really convinced!"

Lu Shaoxi smiled lightly and said, "Small skills are not worth mentioning." For his strength in the fifth level of body training, such superficial skills are really not worth mentioning.

"No, no, God, this is already amazing!" Li Nianjie was so excited that he was at a loss. He never thought that he would be able to witness the so-called "One Finger Zen" kung fu in martial arts novels. The Sanda fighting skills of the bodyguards are much more handsome and powerful!
Li Nianjie was both excited and nervous, he asked anxiously: "Um... Great Master, can I practice to this level with your secret book?"

Lu Shaoxi stretched out his hand and squeezed Li Nianjie's shoulder bones and arms. Seeing that this young man is a good material for martial arts, he nodded and said, "Yes, you have good qualifications. As long as you work hard, you can do one-finger handstand in one year, and you can do it in two or three years. It's my turn."

Li Nianjie suddenly became excited. Without thinking about it, he took out a black gold bank card from his clothes, and handed it to Lu Shaoxi respectfully: "Master, you can use it to swipe the card. The password is..."

Lu Shaoxi shook his head and said, "You don't need to swipe your card, just transfer money directly with your mobile phone. Just scan my payment code."

Li Nianjie felt even more admirable, he had a black gold card that could overdraft 100 million, and the expert in front of him was not tempted at all and could not be greedy.

 Add more, tears running begging for recommendation tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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