i can eat tips

Chapter 192

Chapter 192
Under the attention of all the people, Lu Shaoxi walked up to about five meters in front of Zhang Wei and stood still.

The referee has started to prepare the two sides, and then announced the start of the game.

Zhang Wei didn't make a move, instead he smiled at Lu Shaoxi: "Lu Shaoxi, I never expected to fight you."

"Oh? Are you ready to fight me?"

Zhang Wei smiled honestly, but there was a sense of self-satisfaction in his bones: "If I remember correctly, Lu Tie is your father, right?"

Lu Shaoxi was stunned: "Yes." This matter is not a secret, and it is not surprising that Zhang Wei found out.

Zhang Wei smiled even brighter: "A year ago, your father was beaten into a useless person by my master. Unexpectedly, a year later, you will be beaten into a useless person by me."

"Your master is Zhang Xuanhao?" The pupils in Lu Shaoxi's eyes suddenly shrank, and a deep-seated anger surged into his heart immediately.

In the past year of martial arts practice, especially in the last two months, he has practiced hard every day. Apart from pursuing the peak of martial arts and making the Tianyangshu martial arts school flourish, he also has another goal, which is to find the person who ruthlessly killed himself for no reason. Zhang Xuanhao, who was beaten by his father into a useless person, has revenge!
Although there is a rule in the martial arts, as long as you don't kill anyone in a formal fair fight, you are fine, but in fact, when you fight, you will stay on the front line by default. contradiction.At the star assessment meeting a year ago, Lu Tie and Zhang Xuanhao met in the competition. Zhang Xuanhao won with an absolute advantage. When they met for the first time without any grudges, Lu Tie was severely injured, his veins were destroyed, and he was beaten into a cripple who could not practice martial arts for life. There was little public outrage, but Zhang Xuanhao was amazingly powerful and quickly disappeared afterwards. Lu Tie's friends searched for him for half a year but failed to find him, and finally nothing happened.

But this enemy, Lu Shaoxi, always remembers that his father, Lu Tie, was the object of his admiration since he was a child. He knows his father's obsession and love for martial arts. Zhang Xuanhao beat him into a useless person, destroying Lu Tie's lifelong dream of fighting Yu once!As long as he thinks of his father's deep and hoarse voice, and his sullen expression lying on the bed, Lu Shaoxi's heart feels like a knife.

If this grudge is not avenged, it will be difficult for him to swallow this breath in his life!

Now that he suddenly knew that the person in front of him was the disciple of the great enemy Zhang Xuanhao, how could Lu Shaoxi remain calm!
The honest look on Zhang Wei's face began to disappear, and he changed into a somewhat crazy face: "Yes, why, do you really want to beat me into a useless person too? Sorry, you are not my opponent, absolutely not!"

The veins on Lu Shaoxi's forehead bulged, his fists were clenched, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"I might as well tell you that I came here just for the sixth-grade secret book of congealing alchemy. If I destroy you, I will get the sixth-grade secret book and practice unrivaled martial arts. Then I will definitely come back and thank you, haha, hahaha—— —" Zhang Wei laughed a little crazy, mocking all over his face.

In the VIP room, Cai Ge, who could hear the conversation between the two clearly, changed his expression, and he cried inwardly, "Zhang Wei is trying to mess with Shao Xi's mind!"
He knew very well that Zhang Wei's strength was already higher than that of Lu Shaoxi. As long as Lu Shaoxi was blinded by anger and hatred, he would inevitably be impatient when he shot, and if he was impatient, there would be flaws. As long as one flaw is grasped, Lu Shaoxi can be seriously injured!

The last time Lu Shaoxi fought against Xu Hanyu, he started from the psychological warfare and won the victory. This time Zhang Wei also used the same method to defeat Lu Shaoxi!

Not only is Zhang Wei's strength extraordinary, but his scheming is even more shocking!

When the audience heard that the two still had such grievances, and heard Zhang Wei's arrogant laughter, they all felt angry, and their hearts were inclined to Lu Shaoxi, and they all shouted that Lu Shaoxi would take care of this hateful guy.Only some mature powerhouses, like Cai Ge, realized Zhang Wei's horror.

In this battle, Lu Shaoxi was led by the rhythm from the very beginning, if this continues, he is afraid that he will definitely lose!
Their worries were indeed fulfilled, Lu Shaoxi seemed unable to stand Zhang Wei's provocation, she rushed out angrily, swinging her fists to attack Zhang Wei!

The powerhouses all sighed secretly, after all, Lu Shaoxi is still too young and energetic to be provoked, this time he is doomed!

The audience shouted excitedly, hoping that Lu Shaoxi would teach the arrogant Zhang Wei a lesson.

Zhang Wei laughed out loud, his fist glowing white came first, facing Lu Shaoxi's fist straight!
The whistling wind of his fist seems to contain infinite power, and even the air is scattered by the power of this punch, forming a vacuum!

He wants to separate life and death with one punch!
Seeing the power of his punch, everyone's expressions changed, and the excited shouts stopped abruptly.

As long as anyone with some eyesight can see the huge gap in strength between the two sides, if there is a head-on confrontation, Lu Shaoxi will definitely be seriously injured!

Just when many people turned their heads and couldn't bear to see Lu Shaoxi's fiasco, something happened!
In an instant, Lu Shaoxi's fist turned into a strange hook-shaped hand, wrapping around Zhang Wei's seemingly invincible fist like a snake. Then, he got close to Zhang Wei, pulled out a short stick with his left hand, and moved towards Zhang Wei's chin from bottom to top. Hit it!

This time, Xingyue's snake-shaped hand and the short-stick martial arts that cover the sky are seamlessly coordinated. Zhang Wei was also taken aback by his eight-level energy-gathering skill. He hurriedly raised his head and backed away. Blast at Lu Shaoxi, trying to force him away.

Lu Shaoxi wanted to pretend that he had been hit by an aggressive strategy, and caught Zhang Wei off guard with a sneak attack, and then used strengthening and instant critical strikes to defeat him, but in the end he was inferior to Zhang Wei in terms of speed. Seeing that the sneak attack failed, he had no choice but to retreat , but he retreated like flowing clouds and flowing water very naturally, without any signs of defeat, and took advantage of the opportunity to hit Zhang Wei's left arm fiercely with a short fire and gold stick.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuu!" The Huojin short stick implying [-]% of his strength collided with the armguard on Zhang Wei's left arm, and was immediately bounced away. It's not easy to remember.

The two sides retreated at the same time, returning to the original position of five meters apart.

This time, both sides of the confrontation made killer moves, but they both retreated in vain. However, the danger and sudden change in it made tens of thousands of people in the audience moved, especially those strong men who thought that Lu Shaoxi had fallen for the aggressive plan. Looking at Lu Shaoxi's calm expression like water, he couldn't help but refresh his understanding of this young man again.

This kid was able to control his mind in a very short period of time, and he even planned to make dangerous sneak attacks. In terms of firmness of mind and quickness of mind, he was simply stronger than many middle-aged people in their 40s and [-]s!
 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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