i can eat tips

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Three Six Secret Books
After comparing several fourth-grade secret books, Lu Shaoxi exchanged 120 points for "Evergreen Alchemy" and "Tianshu Qimen Formation" without hesitation, and carefully selected the remaining 30 points. After a long time, I finally decided to use it for a pair of second-grade true qi armor - "Storm Boots", which can increase agility by 10%. If you inject true qi, you can increase your running speed by 20%, which is also extremely rare. It can increase agility Lu Shaoxi couldn't help marveling at the magnanimity of this elite competition again, and looked forward to the three six-rank pill condensing secret books that can be selected on the podium later!

Soon the staff took out three rewards from the heavily guarded safe, and sent them to Lu Shaoxi, who used the Xianpin stone to identify the secret book and transfer the ownership. Three minutes later, "Evergreen Alchemy", "Tianshu Qimen Array" ", and the blast leather boots were stuffed into Lu Shaoxi's backpack.

Of course, not long after Lu Shaoxi walked out of the prize room, he quietly put these three good things into the system's inventory to avoid losing them.

After waiting for a few minutes, the podium was set up. The chairman of the committee and the chief referee began to give speeches one after another. Lu Shaoxi sat next to him, but he was thinking about how to choose the three sixth-grade secret books for a while.

He had an idea, and immediately asked the system in his mind secretly: "System, is there a way to directly copy the knowledge in the secret book in reality into my memory?"

The V2.0 version of the martial arts evolution tree system quickly prompts: "There is no way to directly copy it into the memory of the host, but the system can achieve a similar function. First, copy the real secrets directly into an electronic version and store them in the inventory. The host can check and learn by himself. But there are two restrictions. One is that the host must touch the secret book itself with his hands before the system can complete the entire process of decryption and electronic copying. Different grades need to consume different martial arts evolution points; The secrets of the electronic archive will not be able to obtain any experience points or heat, but you can continue to evolve and learn through the "special evolution" mode, and the "special evolution" needs to consume double the martial arts evolution points, please pay attention to the host."

Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed: "That is to say, it can be decrypted without the transfer certification of the Xianpin Stone?"


"The secret book of Congealing Pills of the sixth grade, how many martial arts evolution points are needed to perform such a duplication?"

"The electronic decryption and copying of each sixth-grade secret book needs to consume 3000 martial arts evolution points."

3000 points?Lu Shaoxi took a deep breath. He now has more than 15000 martial arts evolution points. 3000 points are not too many, but these martial arts evolution points have too many uses, such as evolution secrets, elixir, and detoxification. All of them must be used. The two secret books that Lu Shaoxi just got have not yet evolved and learned, and there will be a lot of pills waiting to be upgraded. Maybe the layout of the formation can also be improved by martial arts evolution points. Is it worth it to exchange 3000 points for an extra copy of the secret book of sixth-grade condensing alchemy?After all, the Congealing Alchemy Kung Fu is the same as the Qi Gathering Kung Fu, you can only choose one to practice.

Lu Shaoxi thought about it for a while, and finally made up his mind. As long as he has the opportunity to come into contact with these three sixth-rank secret books, he must not miss it. After all, sixth-rank secret books are too rare, and the martial arts evolution points can increase every time he breaks through!The big deal is to delay the evolution of high-level pills!
Soon after the speeches, we entered the award ceremony.

Under the illumination of countless spotlights, Lu Shaoxi strode onto the stage. The chairman of the organizing committee first handed a large check with 3000 million in cash to Lu Shaoxi, and then took out a list with the names of the three secret books written on it, and said with a smile : "Lu Shaoxi, you performed well, choose carefully, no matter which one of these three secret books is, it will be extremely beneficial to your future."

Lu Shaoxi saw that the chairman admired him a lot, so he tried to ask: "Hello, chairman, can you take out all three secret books and let me have a look before deciding?"

The chairman of the organizing committee was stunned: "If you haven't passed the transfer certification of the Xianpin stone, you won't be able to read the text on it."

Lu Shaoxi smiled and said: "It's okay, I just want to see which book is thicker and has more content, maybe the notes in it will be more detailed."

The chairman of the organizing committee couldn't help laughing, waved to the staff and said, "Go, take out all the three sixth-grade secret books, and let our winners see which one is thicker."

Everyone in the auditorium couldn't help Wan Er's smile. Everyone was curious and envious of how Lu Shaoxi should choose secret books from this list, but he didn't expect him to make such a request.But after thinking about it, it makes sense. Although they are all six grades, the ones with more content may explain more in detail, making it easier to learn!

The staff quickly and carefully took out three brocade boxes on a tray.The chairman of the organizing committee personally opened the brocade box, and the covers of the three sixth-grade condensed alchemy secrets appeared on the big screen.

Everyone held their breath and looked at these three extremely rare secret books with admiration.

The one on the left is "Invincible Fire Lin Danjue", which is of moderate thickness and obviously belongs to the fire system.

The middle one is "Zi Xu Qing Feng Dan Jue", the thinnest, it should be the wind element technique.

The one on the right is "Red Gold Nine Wars Alchemy", which is the thickest, and the name looks more like a gold-based exercise.

The fire system increases attack, the wind system increases speed, and the gold system increases defense and sharpness. How should Lu Shaoxi choose?
Under the attention of all the people, Lu Shaoxi first picked up the thickest "Red Gold Nine Wars Alchemy" and weighed it. He was a little hesitant, but he still put it down.Then he picked up the "Zi Xu Qing Feng Dan Jue", squeezed it for a long time, and finally put it down reluctantly.In the end, he pointed to the "Invincible Fire Lindan Jue" and said, "I'd better go back to the flaming system."

The chairman of the organizing committee laughed, and asked people to take the other two books back: "Lu Shaoxi, your choice is very correct. Although changing the skills of different attributes in the Condensing Core Realm can take advantage of the strengths of other attributes, the difference between the world Those who are strong, all of them have practiced the skills of the same system to the extreme, and they are so ambitious that they want to learn from all kinds of schools, and it is difficult to become a master."

Lu Shaoxi thanked the chairman of the organizing committee repeatedly, put the brocade box containing "Invincible Fire Lin Dan Jue" back into his backpack, and left with fists clasped.

Everyone envied and felt a little regretful, until the conference was announced to be over and exited, the audience was still discussing which of the three secret books was the best.

No one knew that in the item column in Lu Shaoxi's mind, the other two sixth-grade secret books had been turned into electronic files and stored quietly in the last grid.


The sensational elite competition came to an end, and tranquility was restored to the hermit martial arts world in Yuanzhou, but the fierce competition, and the most eye-catching Lu Shaoxi, became the talk of countless people after dinner, and these topics are destined to continue quite a long time.

Many people are inquiring about what kind of power support Lu Shaoxi has behind him, and whether he will be recruited by the Thunder Academy or the Fist Alliance, but to everyone's surprise, the Thunder Academy did not issue an announcement to recruit Lu Shaoxi as a student. The Jingwu Alliance did not report any news about recruiting Lu Shaoxi.

While people in the martial arts world were constantly speculating about Lu Shaoxi's next move, Lu Shaoxi led Lin, Xu Dachao and others, and pushed open the iron gate of a large villa.

 Thanks to "Jiangnan V Mythology" for the reward of 10000 starting coins!Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Xiaoyaoyou ag520", "Xiaoxu's practice gradually far away", "YF59", and thank you for the 100 starting point coins reward of "I can't think of digging"!Thank you for your votes!

(End of this chapter)

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