i can eat tips

Chapter 20 Body Refinement 6th Layer

Chapter 20
As the saying goes, "train the muscles, bones and skin externally, and practice breath internally".The biggest difference between modern martial arts optimized by technology and ancient traditional martial arts is that they do not directly cultivate the so-called "internal strength" at the beginning, but first practice body training, and constantly break through the limits of the body through specific body training methods, so that It becomes tougher, stronger and more "pure". Once you reach the tenth level of body training, your muscles, bones, muscles, and internal organs will be as tough as iron. Ordinary sharp weapons can no longer hurt your body. All impurities and toxins accumulated in your body will be discharged. It has reached the level of strengthening people.

Before the fifth level of body training, the strength gap between each level was very large, but after the fifth level of body training, the gap began to gradually narrow, and the breakthrough of each level became more and more difficult.Because the potential limit of the human body is like a spring. At the beginning, it is easy to stretch and the distance is long, but the longer the stretch, the greater the elasticity. After reaching a certain level, if you want to stretch it even a little bit, you have to pay several times more than before. strength.But for Lu Shaoxi and every hermit martial artist who aspires to practice modern martial arts, body training is an insurmountable difficulty. Efficient modern internal strength techniques have successfully entered the stage of "gathering qi", and then "condensed pills". Once the "condensed pills" are successful, "concentrated true qi" will be formed in the body, and the powerful third-rank "martial arts" can be displayed.

Of course, the two realms of "gathering Qi" and "condensing pills" are still too far away for Lu Shaoxi now.His goal is still to focus on body training.The body training method is not difficult to learn after being optimized by technology, but the progress of body training is still related to talent, and even more related to the treasures of heaven, materials and earth. If there is a continuous supply of supplements, the rapid recovery of physical fitness through the power of medicine can make up for the deficit and heal the pain. The efficiency of cultivation will undoubtedly be greatly improved, which is also the main reason why the achievements of the children of martial arts families with strong financial resources are much higher than ordinary casual martial arts practitioners.

Lu Shaoxi, a poor boy, naturally has no money to buy those precious treasures of heaven and earth. Fortunately, after his body has been transformed by the martial arts evolution tree system, he can absorb energy that is purer than the power of medicine by swallowing secrets, and he is extremely talented. Jia, the perseverance, effort and sweat put in are several times that of ordinary practitioners, and the progress of cultivation is so rapid...

At this time, Lu Shaoxi didn't think about such a far-reaching thing at all. He was silently enduring the pain of breaking through the limit, feeling the changes of breaking through the sixth level of body training, but to his surprise, the breakthrough lasted for more than ten minutes , During this period, the abundant and continuously circulating heat in his body somehow gathered at the dantian.

Huh?what happened?Is the six-level breakthrough of body refining different from the previous breakthrough?Never heard of it before?

Lu Shaoxi was greatly surprised, but he didn't dare to move. He stood on the spot and allowed his body to continue to expand and contract, tempering his muscles, bones, meridians and internal organs.

The strands of heat continued to gather, and finally formed a strand of scorching hot air in his dantian, as thin as a hair and shaped like an embroidery needle.

Until this moment, the process of breaking through finally came to an end, the pain disappeared, replaced by an indescribable sense of comfort, Lu Shaoxi's eyes flashed brightly, his whole body seemed to have strength that he couldn't use, he beat himself several times in a row, Both strength and defense have been greatly improved compared to the fifth level of body training.

"The accumulated experience of the host reaches the upgrade limit of 400 points, the realm level is raised to the sixth level of body training, the basic attack power is increased by +6, the basic defense power is increased by +6, the basic agility is increased by +6, the basic eyesight is increased by +1, and the basic ear power is increased by + 1. An additional bonus of 6 basic attribute points, which the host can use to increase the value of the first three attributes."

"Finally broke through to the sixth level of body training!" Hearing the system's prompt, Lu Shaoxi clenched his fists excitedly. With the strength of the sixth level of body training, the chances of passing the star assessment meeting at the beginning of next month will undoubtedly be much greater!At least if he meets that Kuan Shao at this time, Lu Shaoxi is fully sure to get rid of him!
Seeing that there are still six golden points floating on the character attributes on the system interface, Lu Shaoxi smiled lightly, and added them all to the basic agility with his thoughts.

Host name: Lu Shaoxi (22 years old)
Realm level: Sixth level of body training;
Base attack power: 26
Base Defense: 25
Base Dexterity: 45
Base eyesight: 6
Basic ear power: 6
Martial Arts Evolution Points: 72
Experience required for the next level: 800
Host skills: ① devouring secrets, you can improve your strength by devouring secrets;

② Cheats radar, which can detect the existence of nearby Cheats, and the current detectable radius is 9 meters;
③Cheats evolution, you can use martial arts evolution points to improve the grade and characteristics of the secrets.

The changes in various values ​​after the breakthrough were basically within Lu Shaoxi's expectations. What he was most interested in was the basic agility of 45 points. If he hadn't made a mistake in his estimation, his speed at this time would no longer be slower than that of the eighth level of body training.

He tried to push his feet slightly, and jumped up vertically. Unexpectedly, his body was as light as a leaf, and he jumped five or six meters high with ease!I guessed it right, after adding agility points, the system should have reduced the influence of gravity on me again through some principle that cannot be explained by current technology, making me far faster than others with the same strength.

Lu Shaoxi was both surprised and delighted. He was in mid-air, so excited, he casually used the phantom eagle claw hand that had been practiced to the point of rolling claws.

In an instant, thirteen eagle claws with terrifying aura filled the space in front of him, incredibly fast, and then the thirteen energies overlapped together, like a raging tide and huge waves, all gathered in the five fingers of his right hand, The shadows of multiple claws also suddenly merged at the same moment, turning into an unstoppable critical strike!

"Crack!" There was a bright explosion in the air!
Thirteen vigor!The highest state of Phantom Eagle Claw Hand, Thirteen Strengths!

Lu Shaoxi fell back to the ground, his whole body trembling with excitement. He never expected that he could easily use the thirteen strengths of the Phantom Eagle Claw Hand, let alone that it was so powerful.The thirteen-strength critical strike just now produced a bright explosion when it was hit in the air, but if it hit a rock, it might have inserted five deep finger holes!
This kind of power is almost comparable to an entry-level second-grade martial skill!
Lu Shaoxi was extremely excited, and he practiced a few more times, but this time he deliberately practiced, but he could only exert twelve strengths.But Lu Shaoxi wasn't discouraged at all, he had already experienced the thirteen-fold energy once, as long as he continued to practice hard, he would be able to practice these thirteen-fold energy to the point where he could recite it thoroughly and do whatever he wanted!
Looking at the time, it was already evening. Lu Shaoxi picked up his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway through the delivery app. In order to celebrate his breakthrough to the sixth level of body training, he decided to spend extravagantly by ordering a few plates of meat and a bottle of beer.

After ordering, I checked the account number, and there was only about 1000 yuan left.Looks like it's almost time to sell another copy of the defective book.Lu Shaoxi went back to the store in front, picked up a copy of "Emei Flying Goose Kung Fu" from the bookcase, oh, it was a book for practicing light-weight kung fu, flipped through it casually, it was basically an ancient exercise of jumping around with sandbags tied to the feet method.With such a clumsy method, ten years of practice may not make great progress, Lu Shaoxi shook his head, okay, let's see what happens after evolution!

He opened the "Secrets Evolution" interface, and used three "Martial Arts Evolution Points" to evolve it again.

After the soft white light dissipated, the secret book in Lu Shaoxi's hand changed drastically again.

Cheats name: Deng Yunfei Zong Gong
Current grade: ordinary grade inferior grade three

Encryption Technology: Second Generation Retina Direct Projection
Cheats Attributes: Ease of Learning 2, Practice Efficiency 2, Actual Combat Power 1
Additional properties: none

Devour experience: 25
 Regarding the question of adding points, explain here.Points are added by the system. Although the male protagonist added points to agility at the beginning, and did not add strength and defense, his strength and defense are still slightly stronger than those of the same level, but the advantage in speed is more obvious.

  There are two main reasons for only adding agility. One is that the current V1.0 system does not impose any restrictions on adding points, so that the hero can add all points to agility by himself.The second is the lack of attack power, which can be made up for by martial arts and equipment, and the defense can be improved by armor, but in the body training state, there are basically very few martial arts that can increase speed, and the original hero is taking the speed route. It is natural to maximize the advantages.

  In the future, the strategy of restricting points will be added to avoid the imbalance of strength - the V2.0 version of the system has restrictions on the distribution of points, and any item of the three-dimensional value cannot exceed twice the minimum item.

  In addition, the male protagonist also realizes the weakness in strength and defense later on, and will strengthen the point bonus of these two aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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