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Chapter 201 The Successor of "The God of Medicine"

Chapter 201 The Successor of "The God of Medicine"

People in the martial arts fight and kill, who doesn't need some good medicine for self-defense?Not to mention that if you want to improve the efficiency of your practice, you can't do without good auxiliary pills!So alchemists have a very high status in the martial arts.

But not everyone can become an alchemist.

As a partial but extremely important category in martial arts, alchemy is typically difficult to learn and difficult to master. It is not like the body refining state. As long as you practice recklessly, even if your aptitude is too poor, you will always have some achievements after a long time.Alchemy requires extremely high talent. If you don't have talent, even a first-rank alchemist may not be able to become one.Alchemists need to practice specialized alchemy techniques, which are no less difficult than those of warriors, and they also need to learn a lot of medical alchemy knowledge, which takes several times more time and energy than warriors, so the number of alchemists is scarce. Especially the third-rank alchemist who can make alchemy with Qi is enough to become the honored guest of the aristocratic family.

Modern science and technology are advanced, alchemists often use special high-tech automatic alchemy furnaces for alchemy, but these pills made by electric heat can hardly be guaranteed in terms of heat and efficacy, and at most they can barely refine pills below the first grade Drugs have a high failure rate.There is also the elixir refined by the semi-automatic alchemy furnace. The alchemist can adjust the firepower at any time according to the temperature of the fire, and can refine the elixir of about two grades.As for pills above rank three, one must use true energy to refine them, which is why rank three alchemists are so popular.

But no matter what, for an alchemist, a pill furnace is a must. Mu Daochang has been practicing for more than [-] years, and he has never seen anyone who can make alchemy without using a pill stove.At this time, when he heard Lu Shaoxi's wild words, he couldn't help but mocked: "Okay, if you can make pills without using a pill furnace, I will call you Patriarch when I see you from now on!"

Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly, spread out his palms, and thought to himself: "The alchemy function is activated!"

In the eyes of everyone, a phantom of an alchemy furnace suddenly appeared above his palm out of thin air. This alchemy furnace was a circle larger than the one just now. Although it was just a phantom, it was extremely exquisite and beautiful in appearance.It floated in Lu Shaoxi's palm and slowly rotated automatically, which was extremely miraculous.

Damn, magic or some 3D projection technology?so awesome?
Under the stunned eyes of everyone, Lu Shaoxi shouted: "Get up!" The medicinal herb in his hand seemed to be lifted by an invisible hand, and it automatically flew into the phantom of the alchemy furnace in mid-air!Immediately afterwards, a burst of white light appeared, enveloping the entire alchemy furnace like an invisible flame, and the medicinal herbs soon began to melt and deform, like medicinal mud, and the fragrant medicine gas permeated the entire transparent alchemy furnace phantom, making people The smell lifts the spirits.

But in about a minute or two, the phantom of the alchemy furnace disappeared, and the medicinal mud automatically solidified into a green and crystal-clear pill, which gently fell into Lu Shaoxi's palm.

Everyone saw the whole process clearly, and there was absolutely no possibility of fraud. Everyone was speechless, their faces were full of disbelief, and they couldn't even speak.

Hai Shihong's eyesight is extraordinary, his consciousness is released, and he can see a hundred times more clearly than anyone present.

real!This is truly an invisible alchemy furnace for alchemy!No magic tricks or blindfolds!The horror in his heart can't be described in words, there is really someone in the world who can make alchemy with the invisible alchemy furnace!If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!
And looking at the elixir in Lu Shaoxi's palm, no matter its color, luster or fragrance, it is far better than the elixir made by Taoist Mu just now!Even better than the fourth-grade pill that Lu Shaoxi took out by himself, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it must be at least a fifth-grade pill, right?

Hai Shihong couldn't believe his eyes, but he couldn't believe it!
This... This kid is really an alchemist, and he seems to be a very good alchemist!

He didn't know that although Lu Shaoxi had the knowledge of a sixth-grade alchemist, he had never practiced alchemy, so he couldn't do alchemy with true energy. However, Lu Shaoxi had a systematic "alchemy function". Not only did he not have to worry about the heat, but the success rate was even higher. It is [-]%, and the time efficiency is even better than the alchemy skills of a real sixth-rank alchemist!

It can be said that he is not a real sixth-rank alchemist, but he is better than a real sixth-rank alchemist!
Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Lu Shaoxi said leisurely to Taoist Mu: "I'm sorry, I really don't want to have such a swindling and deceitful disciple like you."

"Mind... thought is the furnace! Could it be... Could it be that the honorable master is the descendant of the medicine god?"

The arrogance on Mu Daochang's face disappeared long ago, his face was full of horror, and his whole body was trembling.

The descendants of the "God of Medicine" appear in the world once every 200 years, but there are only a few of them. It is rumored that they can bring back life from the dead. Now that technology is advanced, no one can explain its principle.The most frightening thing is to hear that the lineage of the "God of Medicine" is not only amazing in medicine and alchemy, but also has a kind of poison that is specially targeted at alchemists. With just a few fingers, the poison can abolish the alchemist's lifelong alchemy cultivation. It can be said that it is the world's alchemy. Master's nemesis.

Daoist Mu was so regretful that his intestines were green. If he had known that this young man was a descendant of the God of Medicine lineage, he would not have dared to offend him if he was killed!If this young man was upset and directly used poison to abolish his cultivation, he would really cry without hesitation!
How could Lu Shaoxi know the lineage of the God of Medicine, but at this moment, seeing that Taoist Mu seemed to be in awe of the God of Medicine, he said in a noncommittal voice, "Now do you believe that I am a sixth-rank alchemist?"

"Believe! Believe! This junior is ignorant and offended the immortal master, please forgive me this time!" Daoist Mu trembled all over, knelt down with a puffing sound, and kowtowed desperately until his forehead was dripping with blood.

Hai Shihong saw that Taoist Mu respected Lu Shaoxi like a god, and his heart was even more turbulent!

Taoist Mu is a dignified third-rank alchemist!In Hannan City, it can be regarded as the top five alchemists, but they are so in awe of Lu Shaoxi!
Could it be that the lineage of the "God of Medicine" in the rumors really exists?And this Lu Shaoxi is the descendant of the "God of Medicine" who only appeared once in 200 years?
Thousands of grasses_Ni_ma rushed past in his heart, who would have thought that this ridiculously young boy would be the successor of the "God of Medicine"! Heir of the "God of Medicine"!I'm afraid there are not many in Longxia!Once the news gets out, I don't know how many people will come to curry favor with him!But he still offended him to death!He couldn't help scolding his son in his heart, he wanted to listen to the instigation of the witch of the Sun's family, and treat him as the first bird to deal with Lu Shaoxi!

As soon as the monitoring radar was scanned, Lu Shaoxi could see the expressions of all the people present without turning his head, and couldn't help secretly laughing, especially seeing that Taoist Mu was so afraid of him, he felt more confident in his heart.

This time, it seems that not only will he have the chance to get the seeds of "Blood Lotus" and "Jade Spirit Grass", but he may also take the Hai family for his own use!
Lu Shaoxi didn't show any clues on the surface, he asked Mu Daochang with a cold face: "Tell me, where did you get the prescription of 'Blood Lotus Golden Pill'?"

 Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Jiangnan V Myth" and the reward of 10000 starting coins!Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Black Lantern Specter", "Prodigal Son Bai Yue", "Senior Lights a Cigarette", and "Lighting the Light While Drunk to Watch Big Girls"!Thanks to "Genius Zhang Chun", "Ye Shengtao Yixing Raw Ore Zisha Teapot", "gotisamcuan" for the 100 starting point rewards!I worked overtime today, and I didn't get home until [-] o'clock to start coding. Please forgive me for the late update.There will be ten thousand rewards today, and there will still be six shifts, but the time may be slightly delayed. Try to complete the six shift tasks before noon tomorrow!Then start tomorrow's fifth update!Brothers, please continue to support us!

(End of this chapter)

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