i can eat tips

Chapter 208 The True Genius

Chapter 208 The True Genius

"This is the medicine garden?" Lin Yurou looked at the rockery and strange stone viewing area in front of her, a little dumbfounded.

"Well, but there are organs here, you just need to press these three positions."

Lu Shaoxi taught Lin Yurou how to close the illusion array, and soon the rockery and strange stone viewing area blurred and disappeared, revealing the true face of the medicine garden.

Lin Yurou looked at a large medicine garden with green shoots that appeared after the illusion disappeared, and was shocked: "Brother Shaoxi, this... what kind of technology is this?"

"This is not technology. To be precise, it is a small formation. The way you walked into the villa just now was actually covered with formations. If you didn't have the small keychain in your hand, you would get lost when you walked in."

"Array?" Lin Yurou felt that her brain was not enough, and at the same time, she felt that the young man standing next to her was mysterious and unpredictable.

"Look, this is the medicine garden that I want you to take care of." Lu Shaoxi squatted down and carefully inspected the condition of the seedlings, especially the "Blood Lotus" and "Jade Spirit Grass", which are related to whether his father's injury can be cured. For a good spirit plant, he would come to see it sooner or later.

"But, I don't know how to take care of these herbs..." Lin Yurou saw that Lu Shaoxi specially used the illusion formation to protect these herbs, and guessed that these herbs must be very important to Lu Shaoxi, and couldn't help but get nervous.

"It doesn't matter, I will explain it to you slowly, you are so smart, there must be no problem."

Seeing Lu Shaoxi's eyes full of eager anticipation, Lin Yurou gritted her teeth: "I...I will definitely do my best to take care of them!" She put down the small schoolbag she was carrying, took out a pen and a small notebook from it, and looked serious Said: "Brother Shaoxi, you can just tell me, I will write it down carefully."

Seeing her seriousness, Lu Shaoxi felt that he had found the right person, this little girl must be an excellent student with both character and learning in school.

At that moment, Lu Shaoxi explained the care methods of nearly a hundred kinds of medicinal materials planted in detail. Lin Yurou remembered it very seriously, and asked questions whenever she didn't understand. In about half an hour, she had basically memorized all the points. Lu Shaoxi picked a few spirit grasses at random and she tried to take care of them. Seeing that she hadn't made any mistakes, she immediately developed some appreciation and affection for this careful and conscientious little girl.

"That's right. If you follow this way, you'll be fine. Thank you, Xiao Rou, come with me, and I'll take you to your room. Just take care of these herbs in the morning, afternoon and evening. You can read books by yourself in your free time. You have prepared a room that can be used for lunch break and study. You are a sophomore in high school this year, and you will take the college entrance examination next year, right? Don't delay your study because of my affairs here. "

Lin Yurou didn't expect Lu Shaoxi to think so thoughtfully for her, she was both moved and a little flattered: "No need, I just look at these medicinal herbs by the side, and then I can set up a small table to study."

"Haha, if you stay here all day, my illusion array will be laid out in vain, which is equivalent to 300 taels of silver in this place. Tell others that there are good things here, come and steal them."

Lin Yurou thought about it, and couldn't help but blushed, and followed Lu Shaoxi honestly.

"This is your room. If you want to eat three meals a day, you can write it on a piece of paper and put it in this small mailbox. Someone will order it and deliver it."

Lin Yurou looked at the big room with bright and clean windows in front of her, and was so shocked that she couldn't speak: "I... I don't need to live in such a nice room, just give me a small corner."

"The rooms here are all about the same size. It's really not easy for you to find a small corner."

While the two were talking, Lin Fei ran in: "Lu Shaoxi, Dean Xia is here." She dodged and squeezed between Lu Shaoxi and Lin Yurou, pursing her mouth unhappily.

The hairball who was embraced by her from behind also looked unhappy, struggled to the ground, jumped to Lu Shaoxi's feet, and rubbed against him affectionately, acting like a baby.

On this energetic island in the middle of the lake, the hairball grows even more unusually fast, but in about ten days, its body shape has grown to be similar to that of ordinary medium-sized dogs such as Bianmu, and its strength is comparable to that of a body-training Yazhong, with sharp eyes. His eyes reveal alertness, and his IQ is astonishingly high. Lu Shaoxi taught it to add, subtract, multiply and divide in elementary school, and it was able to learn it.In addition to not being able to speak, its IQ is no less than that of an eight or nine-year-old child.

You know it's only two months old!In the future, IQ will definitely be higher when I become an adult.It is indeed the most intelligent spirit beast in the rumors!

Lin Yurou was taken aback by this spirit beast that looked like a cat and a fox. Lu Shaoxi patted Fuqiu's furry head gently when she saw it: "Fauqiu, this is Lin Yurou, my good friend, be careful not to scare her."

Maoqiu stared at Lin Yurou for a while, then narrowed his ferocious eyes, and actually walked to her feet, rubbing against her gently.

Lin Yurou was too frightened to move, but Rin was not happy. She pulled the fur ball back and said angrily, "Fur ball, how can you get close to outsiders casually! What if someone abducts you?"

Lu Shaoxi was secretly surprised, Ye Mu Spirit Beast was notoriously loathing humans, it was a coincidence, it was normal for Mao Qiu to get close to him, but Lin Yurou was an ordinary little girl, why did Mao Qiu get close to her?You must know that Rin has practiced the vitality training technique, and Maoqiu just doesn't resist her, and has never taken the initiative to get close to Rin!
In the midst of the noise, Xu Dachao approached the villa with Dean Xia, Zhou Shangdian, and Zheng Hai.

Lu Shaoxi hurried out to greet him.

Dean Xia and Zheng Hai needless to say, Lu Shaoxi and Zhou Shangdian are also very familiar, on the one hand, because Dean Xia hinted to him after the elite game that Zhou Shangdian can be trusted, and on the other hand, because Lu Shaoxi found out that Zhou Shangdian treated her very well. It is also favored. The last time Zhou Shangdian put in a lot of effort when collecting the formation materials, without Zhou Shangdian's help, the formation of the island in the middle of the lake would have to be delayed for at least a few days.

When Dean Xia first saw Lu Shaoxi, he was a little surprised and said, "Shaoxi, you are now at the fifth level of energy gathering?"

Naturally, Lu Shaoxi knew that he couldn't hide from the eyes of his adoptive father, a super-powerful person in the Meridian Realm, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I broke through yesterday morning."

Dean Xia and Zhou Shangdian looked at each other, and both could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

You must know that the Qi-gathering realm is the same as the body-refinement realm, the more difficult it is to break through to the later stage, Lu Shaoxi actually broke through from the Qi-gathering level [-] to the Qi-gathering level [-] in less than ten days after the end of the elite competition?This kid's cultivation speed is too shocking, right?If it goes on like this, three months, no, two months, he might be able to step onto the alchemy realm!

"Shaoxi, hold out your hand."

Lu Shaoxi didn't know why, but he absolutely trusted his adoptive father, and he stretched out his hand according to his words.Dean Xia put his finger on the pulse of his wrist, and after a while his face was slightly relaxed, and he said with a wry smile: "That's right, the balance of yin and yang, you didn't practice very much. The day before yesterday, I heard that Qin Ruxuan had broken through to the sixth level of energy gathering, and I still eat it." I was taken aback, now it seems that your current cultivation speed may surpass Qin Ruxuan! Yan Tianbei back then is far behind you! It seems that you are the real monster genius!"

Zheng Hai next to him was stunned. Dean Xia's public praise was like the sun coming out from the west. It can be seen that Dean Xia was really shocked!In fact, he heard that Lu Shaoxi jumped three levels in a month, and his nerves were a little numb. What's more, he didn't know that Lu Shaoxi was practicing the Lietian Yang Jue, which is famous for its dangers and difficulties. His reaction at this time was not as violent as Dean Xia's.

 Thanks to "Your" for the 500 starting point reward and monthly pass! (I heard that You Brothers had a hard time in Taiwan to top up the reward, thank you + touch!) Thanks for the "really endless" monthly pass!Thank you "Jiaben-Brother Lin" for the monthly pass!Thanks to "Genius Zhang Chun" for the 100 starting point reward!I have been working too much overtime recently, so the update is late, but I will definitely try to update it, and I don’t owe everyone’s expectations!The new mission will appear in the next chapter, let's take a look!
(End of this chapter)

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