i can eat tips

Chapter 212

Chapter 212
On the roof of a tall building more than two kilometers away from the island in the middle of the lake, a man disguised as a cleaner held a micro-scope and was staring in the direction of the island in the middle of the lake. The communicator said:

"Boss, all the islands in the middle of the lake that are the targets seem a little strange, filled with clouds and fog, and we can't use our latest ultra-long-range laser sniper rifle for long-range sniping. The only entrance is guarded by security guards. The rest of the place is on the lake. Approach by diving. The photo has just been sent to your mailbox, do you see if we dive into the island in the middle of the lake to do it?"

"You wait." The leader on the other end of the phone took a closer look at the photo, gasped and said: "There are formations on the island, it seems that the target is not simple, and there are expert formation masters to help, no wonder The superiors are so afraid of him. You can't attack on the island, wait for the opportunity, wait for him to leave the island in the center of the lake... No, wait until he leaves the city of Yuanzhou before attacking. Once you succeed in the attack, you will immediately leave Longxia and take a detour to Yuebei first. , then fly to the north country, and finally return to the motherland. Note that there is a little guard of the fifth level of condensing pill beside the target, who is extremely powerful. Be sure to wait for the best time to kill her together! The fifth level of condensed alchemy is about 15 years old , leaving behind is also a huge hidden danger. Long Xia already has a monstrous Qin Ruxuan, and he can't produce any more geniuses!"

"Yes! Don't worry, leader, for the sake of the motherland, even if we sacrifice our lives, we will make sure to complete the task!" The cleaner man said solemnly.He stared at the island in the middle of the lake for a long time before packing up his things and leaving quietly.


The distance was too far, Lu Shaoxi didn't notice the crisis outside, he didn't open his eyes until the evening after practicing, the sky had already started to get dark, and the dark clouds outside were gloomy, as if a blizzard was coming.

With the monitoring radar, I scanned another practice site specially prepared for Rin tens of meters away, and saw countless wind and frost circling around Rin's slender body in the formation of concentrated cold air formed by more than a dozen icicles, obviously practicing Kung Fu. Practice to the critical moment.Rin was wearing a sportswear with a short shirt and short skirt, and the delicate skin all over her body was almost transparent white, looking like a doll carved with jade.

Since the last battle between Rin and Huo Xiongtian, she has also started to practice seriously with Lu Shaoxi. During the day, they practiced independently, and at night they practiced fighting. The small formation that gathers the cold air makes Rin's practice of ice-type kung fu more effective.

In the past ten days, Rin's progress has also been very obvious. It is said that he has almost broken through the sixth level of condensed core.

Lu Shaoxi didn't bother Lin, he stepped out of the illusion formation, and his figure reappeared in the backyard. Looking around, he saw Lin Yurou carefully tending the herb plants in the medicine garden.

To Lu Shaoxi's surprise, this time Lin Yurou didn't look at the small book in her hand, but was thinking about watering and fertilizing the plants, how many milliliters of water should be poured for each plant, and the angle between the light spotting board and the light blocking board. How much and what kind of fertilizer to apply, she did not make a mistake at all.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being secretly surprised. This little girl obviously memorized all the knowledge points in the entire small book with great care. This dedication and memory alone are enough to make people nod and praise.

After Lin Yurou took care of the plants, she looked up at the dark clouds, feeling a little worried.She turned her head inadvertently, and saw Lu Shaoxi coming, quickly wiped the dirt off her little hands, and walked over quickly.

"Brother Shaoxi, I saw that it was going to snow, and I was wondering what to do?"

"It doesn't matter, this formation can protect against wind, frost, rain and snow. What you just turned off is its illusion function, and it will not affect the rest of the formation's functions."

"That's good."

Lu Shaoxi saw that the little girl breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on her pretty and pure face, she couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Rou, how is the work of taking care of this herb today? Do you find it troublesome?"

Lin Yurou shook her head and said, "No, it's much easier than other part-time jobs I do outside, and I also find it very interesting. Each herb has its own characteristics, smell, and appearance. I'm thinking about their appearance while taking care of them. The relationship with habits, and thinking about their medicinal effects, I don’t feel tired at all.”

Seeing that it was going to snow, Lu Shaoxi was afraid that she would be frozen, so she pulled Lin Yurou back to the villa, and asked as she walked, "Xiaorou, you are going to take the college entrance examination next year. What university and major do you want to study in? Have you figured it out yet?"

Lin Yurou was originally weak and looked younger than her actual age. Lu Shaoxi had always regarded Lin Yurou as a little sister who hadn't grown up. It didn't feel strange to hold her wrist, but Lin Yurou blushed a little.She secretly looked at Lu Shaoxi, and said in a low voice: "I originally missed the medical department of Yuanzhou University, but now my family's situation is not good, so I might find a free teacher's college and come out to work after finishing my studies."

Lu Shaoxi remembered that he didn't know her family situation, so he couldn't help asking softly: "You only have mother in your family? Where's your father?"

Probably Lu Shaoxi's voice was extremely gentle, Lin Yurou's eyes were red, and she said in a low voice: "My father died of alcoholism when I was a child, my mother is now a laid-off worker, and can only earn some money by doing odd jobs. No, I originally wanted to study medicine and take good care of her, but it takes five years to study medicine, and the tuition is expensive, I... I think it's better to work early to make money."

Lu Shaoxi thought of how similar the situation of this little girl was when she suspended school two or three months ago and inherited the martial arts school.But I am an adult at the age of 22, and Lin Yurou is just a little girl who hasn't grown up. Just this thought of respecting her mother and being diligent and thrifty in housekeeping is much better than many girls of the same age.It seems that Dean Xia, foster father, has a good way of seeing people. This Lin Yurou is indeed a good boy with excellent character.

He suddenly made up his mind, put his hand on Lin Yurou's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Xiaorou, I want to tell you something important."

"Yes... yes!" Lin Yurou was taken aback by him, and was stared at by him, her face flushed red.

"You should know that I practice martial arts, but I'm not an ordinary martial arts enthusiast. I'm a hermit martial artist." Lu Shaoxi roughly told her about the situation and dangers of the hermit martial arts forest.

"I know alchemy and medical skills. These herbs are used for alchemy. If you want to learn, I can teach you. After you learn it, you will no longer worry about life, but after you learn it, you must always stay by my side and help me, and you must not betray me. , and the martial arts are dangerous. Once you learn alchemy, you are a member of the martial arts. People in the martial arts will often be involuntary, or you will have to hurt others, or even kill people. It is up to you to decide whether to learn or not. If you don’t study, I can continue to ask you to help me take care of the herbs here, and the income will be enough for your family’s expenses and finish college.”

Lin Yurou was dumbfounded when she heard that. In fact, she and Lu Shaoxi had experienced a few tribulations, not to mention the encounter with the Wang family's killer two months ago. In the recent elite competition, she has already seen the danger of martial artists.She doesn't like exciting adventures like Chen Manman, she has a gentle temperament and likes stability and ordinaryness. This world of hidden martial arts is too exciting and dangerous for her.

There are two roads in front of me, one is to enter Brother Shaoxi's dangerous world and walk side by side with him; further away.

She remembered that at the end of the elite competition knockout round, she was taken away by the staff, and she could only watch Lu Shaoxi standing on the stage from a distance. At that moment, she and Lu Shaoxi seemed to be two people in completely different worlds. If Lu Shaoxi hadn't contacted her to help take care of the herbs this time, the two would probably never meet again, and would never see Brother Shaoxi's warm smile.

As soon as Lin Yurou thought of this ending, she felt an inexplicable sadness and loss in her heart.

Not knowing what kind of vague emotion was driving her, Lin Yurou gritted her teeth and said firmly, "I... I will learn!"

Of course, there were some words she couldn't express, and she didn't dare to express them.

But her tightly clenched fists and her beating heart seemed to be silently saying:

I want to walk by your side and walk side by side with you.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of "Ocean 2042"!Thank you for the monthly pass of "Mu Chunfeng 2"!

(End of this chapter)

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