i can eat tips

Chapter 215

Chapter 215
"Huh..." Lu Shaoxi let out a long breath, put away the Yangyuan stone and stood up.

More than two weeks have passed, and under his hard training and multi-level joint efforts, his progress has been extremely fast. Lie Tianyang Jue has successfully practiced the seventh level, and his strength has also been raised to the seventh level of Qi Gathering, and the eighth level of Qi Gathering It's not far away either.

He glanced at the personal attributes in the main interface of the system.

Host name: Lu Shaoxi (22 years old)
Realm Level: Gathering Qi Seventh Layer

Base Strength: 993
Base Defense: 850
Base Dexterity: 952
Basic five senses: 77
Martial Arts Evolution Points: 50150
Additional attributes: basic strength +1 (solidification), gas accumulation +10 (solidification)
Infuriating energy required for the next level: 8192 (currently 60%)

Although it has not broken through to the eighth level of energy gathering, the various data are obviously close to the three-dimensional value of the ordinary tenth level of energy gathering of 1000.

Among them, the monitoring radius of the monitoring radar has reached 3200 meters, exceeding three kilometers.

The opportunity to upgrade small system functions was added during the third breakthrough, but the inventory can no longer be upgraded, so Lu Shaoxi spent [-] martial arts evolution points to upgrade the monitoring radar with three small functions.

The first two items are perspective and fusion.Now the monitoring radar has been completely integrated with his eyes. Anything within a range of more than three kilometers is not only a transparent 3D three-dimensional line in Lu Shaoxi's eyes, but a real perspective. Just adjust the focus of the eyes and you can see clearly at any time Anything, even a small iron nail buried three kilometers deep underground, if you see through the human body, let alone bones, you can even see every capillary clearly.

The third item is to increase the scope of strength judgment.Before, he could only judge the strength of Qi Gathering Realm, but now the strength of Condensing Core Realm can also be clearly judged.

"Okay, work harder, break through to the eighth level of energy gathering and then go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year!" Now there are still five days before the New Year, Lu Shaoxi is secretly encouraging himself.

The battle robot, who had been quietly waiting beside the formation, stood up after seeing that Lu Shaoxi had finished practicing.

"Master, Classmate Qin and Dean Xia called you just now."

The cute girl's voice that Falcon was familiar with came from next to his ear, and Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but smile: "Thank you, partner."

The Falcon had been sent back to Huxin Island a week ago, and it had changed so much that Lu Shaoxi almost couldn't recognize it.

First of all, the peeling and mottled paint has been resprayed again. The new spray paint with light gold as the main color and black as the decoration makes the Falcon even more domineering and majestic, and the Falcon is also much taller, reaching nearly three meters. It still maintains a raptor-like shape and a streamlined fuselage. It is said that its full body armor has been strengthened according to the current most advanced technology of the Thunder Academy, which can withstand the full blow of the fifth layer of condensed core.

The battery also uses Qin Ruxuan's unique high-energy fusion battery provided by Qin Ruxuan. A single charge can guarantee at least a week of power. Even if it is running at full power, it can last for three days and three nights, and it can be charged by solar energy at any time.

With the increase in power, the power system has also been optimized for high power, and the strongest power output is comparable to the five heavy condensed pills.Of course, Falcon suffers from not being able to use powerful martial arts, so in a real battle, he can probably only draw with the fourth level of Ningdan who uses martial arts.

In addition, the functions of the enemy-finding radar and infrared detection have also been updated, and now it can detect movement within one kilometer, which is five times higher than the previous distance of 200 meters.

However, under the repeated strict orders of Dean Xia, no technician dared to touch Falcon's core, so the OS and artificial intelligence remained in their original state, and Falcon's personality did not change. The sound library, in front of outsiders, will randomly switch the voices of various male and female stars "depending on the mood".

Lu Shaoxi took the mobile phone from Falcon's hand, which was turned on silent, and looked at it. Qin Ruxuan called at around three o'clock in the afternoon, and Dean Xia called at five o'clock in the evening.

He thought for a while, and first called back the call from his adoptive father, Dean Xia.

"Father, I'm sorry, I was practicing just now."

"Well, Shaoxi, there is something I need to tell you about your hometown 'Guyuan' town."

Dean Xia's voice sounded a little serious, and Lu Shaoxi was taken aback. His parents lived in the hometown town!
"Father, what happened to Guyuan Town? What happened to my parents?"

"Your parents are fine. The accident happened in Guyuan Town. There has been a strange news since yesterday."

From the words of Dean Xia's adoptive father, Lu Shaoxi knew that something serious happened in the small town of his hometown.It turned out that a few days ago a mountain in the hometown collapsed, revealing an unfathomable hole.Someone curiously went in to check, and found that there was an ancient ruin inside, protected by a powerful formation, and seemed to contain important treasures!
For a while, many nearby warriors heard the news and wanted to go in and explore, but because the formation was too powerful, most of them returned without success. Then there was news that the "hometown" was actually Qin Yang, the first emperor thousands of years ago. There are not only countless gold, silver and jewels in the hometown, but also the shocking martial arts and treasures left by Qin Yang. This ancient relic exposed in the Fengxian Mountains is the place where the treasures are hidden!

At first, the Jingwu Alliance didn't take this news seriously, because there were too many similar rumors, Qin Yang's descendants were still there, and the Gu Qin family was also there, how could it be possible to leave any inheritance in the "hometown" alone?
But as the rumors became more and more widespread, some people even mentioned the most confidential matter of "the blood of the spirit fox", saying that the "blood of the spirit fox" was very likely to be in the ruins, the Jingwu Alliance couldn't sit still, and even He took the initiative to contact the head of the Gu Qin family to verify.The Gu Qin family responded indifferently to this, and only replied "nonsense".

After discussing with Zhou Shangdian, Dean Xia felt that this matter was a bit mysterious, and it seemed to be a conspiracy.And Lu Shaoxi's parents were in the hometown town. After thinking about it, Dean Xia decided to tell Lu Shaoxi the news first.

Lu Shaoxi was dumbfounded.He has no impression of "Homeland". He was born in Yuanzhou, grew up in Yuanzhou, and studied in Yuanzhou. He used to go back to "Hometown" every year just to visit his grandparents and distant relatives. Last year, his father After her mother sold the house and returned to her hometown, Lu Shaoxi also went back several times, but mainly to accompany her father and rarely go out. Who would have thought that there would be ancient relics of Qin Yang's architecture suddenly appearing in her hometown?

"As soon as this rumor came out, although the Jingwu Alliance has issued a statement to refute the rumor, and even sent alliance fighters to disperse the fighters, the hometown is still the focus of countless people in the martial arts world. I don't know how many masters have sneaked in. Zhou Shangdian and I After discussing it, I plan to send elites from the Silver Star Elite Martial Guard Regiment to understand the situation. However, there is no one in the Yuanzhou Silver Star Elite Martial Guard Regiment who understands formations. What Zhou Shangdian means is that I hope you can bring the elites of the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance to go in. Check out one or two."

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20170527055857837" for the monthly pass!Full speed codeword.

(End of this chapter)

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