i can eat tips

Chapter 227 Taunt

Chapter 227 Taunt
The appearance of Ruan Junping and Lu Shaoxi was expected by everyone, but no one expected that Lu Tie would also come!

Isn't Lu Tie not fully recovered from his injuries and his legs and feet are inflexible?I heard that walking was a little bit reluctant before, why is it so easy to walk now?Then look at him full of energy, with strong hands and feet, how can he look like he has been bedridden for a long time?
And Ruan Junping and Lu Shaoxi are also very different from last year. Last year when the two mothers and sons attended the party, they were so destitute, their clothes were all from street vendors, and their faces were sad, but now Lu Tie and Ruan Junping are wearing brand new and decent clothes, and Lu Shaoxi is bright and cheerful sportswear, and the little girl who is pulling it is even more beautiful and gorgeous dress with white stockings.Although the clothes of the group of four were not as rich as the richest Lu Tong's all-imported famous brands, they were elegant and generous enough to stabilize the audience.

Everyone couldn't help but exchanged glances.

Some people were surprised, some people sneered, how could Lu Tie's family be able to wear such good clothes with his background, could it be a famous brand rented from Dongchuan City with a swollen face to pretend to be fat?

Facing everyone's eyes, Lu Tie and Ruan Junping stepped forward to say hello to Mr. Lu, "Dad."

"Oh, Lu Tie, you're here. How are you? Sit down." After all, they are father and son. Seeing that the second son's health seems to have recovered, Lu Xin's face also looked better.

"Basically everything is fine." Lu Tie pulled Lu Shaoxi, and said in a low voice, "You still call him Grandpa?"

Lu Shaoxi knew that his father's generation paid more attention to the clan, and his mother was from a scholarly family, and she didn't want to be talked about in etiquette, so she could only sigh secretly, and called "Grandpa".

Ruan Junping whispered to Rin, "Rin, you are also called Grandpa."

Rin nodded and called out, "Grandpa."

"Oh? Which family is this little girl from?" Lu Xin has long seen that this temperament is different. At first glance, she looks like a little girl from a wealthy family. The main reason is that this little girl is so good-looking and delicate that it makes people I like it when I look at it.

Everyone also heard that Lu Shaoxi brought a little girl home, and they were secretly guessing about their relationship.

Ruan Junping had already thought up her speech, and was about to say, "She is a child of a good friend of Shaoxi, and she will be taken care of by Shaoxi for a while." Unexpectedly, Lin took a step forward, raised her head and said loudly: "I am Lu Shaoxi's bodyguard. !"

She had already seen that Lu Shaoxi was not getting along well with this grandfather, and she wanted to make a good face for Lu Shaoxi, so she stood up on purpose.

But as soon as she said this, the audience fell silent, and after a while, the boys and girls of the third generation of the Lu family and the children of collateral relatives couldn't help but laugh.

Everyone knows how poor Lu Tie's family was before. Such a family has money to hire guards?Moreover, this little girl is soft and cute, with white and delicate skin. She looks like a child raised by a rich family. It is barely reasonable to say that Lu Shaoxi will be her bodyguard.

The loudest laugh was Lu Tong's youngest son, Lu Xijie, who was only two or three years younger than Lu Shaoxi. He laughed loudly and said, "What a cute little girl, she said she was Lu Shaoxi's bodyguard...haha, it's so interesting Lu Shaoxi actually tricked such a little girl into pretending to be a guard."

Immediately, someone taunted: "If you really want to pretend, hire a burly man to be your bodyguard, give some candy to trick this little girl into being a 'guard', and think we are fools?"

Some people disdain: "That's right, and what's more, what kind of guard is popular these days, it's better to say that it's a little maid, and it's more flamboyant to brag about it."

Someone shook his head: "I've seen someone who is desperate for face, but I've never seen someone who is so desperate for face."

There were dozens of people in the audience, but no one believed Rin's words at all. Lu Tong and Lu Ying shook their heads with a smile, and whispered to stop the laughter of the third-generation children.

Only Lu Rongxuan looked at Rin, vaguely feeling that this little girl seemed to be a bit unusual, but then he was amused by his own thoughts.This little girl is at most about 15 years old, even if she really has a certain strength, how good can she be?He glanced at Lu Shaoxi, disappointed in his heart, his cousin was very smart before, how could he come up with such a stupid trick, it's just laughable.

Lu Xin thought the same way, and felt displeased immediately, but he is the head of the family after all, and he didn't want to embarrass his second son too much in public, so he gave a perfunctory "um" and waved his hands: "You guys find a place to sit down first. .”

Listening to the laughter around her, Rin was about to get angry when she raised her eyebrows. Lu Shaoxi looked at his parents and didn't make any excuses. He just sneered and pulled Rin to find a random seat to sit down.In his eyes, this group of people are just passers-by. Could it be that if passers-by laugh a few times, he wants to clean them up?What's more, Grandpa didn't question it aloud. After all, these people are relatives of Dad's clan, and he can't simply use violence to solve the problem.

Everyone saw that he opened the chair to let Rin sit down first, and then sat next to her, and they didn't believe that Rin was his guard.Although the boys and girls did not dare to laugh openly again under the pressure of their parents, they all looked at Lu Shaoxi's family with mockery.

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi didn't continue bragging, Lu Xin's anger subsided a little.He had some appreciation for this grandson at first. After all, Lu Shaoxi had excellent grades since he was a child, especially when he won the first prize in the National Programming Contest in high school. The old man was once proud of it, but later he heard that Lu Shaoxi actually gave up his good fortune. The old man was in a hurry to suspend his studies and inherit Lu Tie's small martial arts school. At that time, he made several phone calls and reprimanded Lu Shaoxi, asking him to put his studies first, but Lu Shaoxi was stubborn and refused to give up. This is one of the important reasons why he almost ignored the embarrassment of Lu Tie's family later on - your father and son are quite capable, if you refuse to listen to my advice and insist on going your own way, then you can solve it yourself The difficulties ahead!Let's see when you can't make it through and beg me!

At this time, seeing that Lu Shaoxi was tanned and much stronger than before, the old man sighed inwardly, and couldn't help but asked again: "Shaoxi, are you still on break from school to open your father's small martial arts gym?"

Lu Shaoxi nodded casually: "Yes."

The old man frowned, and wanted to persuade a few more words, but uncle Lu Tong interjected: "Shaoxi, what's the future of opening a small martial arts school? Why don't you go back to Dongchuan City, uncle has several companies, you can find a The position of department head is given to you, if you do well, it is not a problem to be promoted to deputy manager!"

He waved his hand, very boldly, but anyone could see the complacent and showing off in his bones.

The third sister-in-law couldn't help asking: "Brother, I heard that you have opened a new company today, and the business has developed well this year?"

Just now Lu Tong saw that the third son Lu Ying was playing a big role in front of everyone because of Lu Rongxuan. Now it was his turn to be unwilling to be left behind. He said nonchalantly: "It's so-so, the combined profits of my companies this year are only 2000 million yuan. Around, the increase is less than 15%, and we will strive for better progress next year.”

Everyone was amazed. In a third-tier city like Dongchuan, there are not many multi-millionaires, let alone a millionaire with an annual income of 2000 million.

A relative said enviously: "Then uncle, your family's assets are probably hundreds of millions?"

Lu Xijie rushed to say triumphantly: "My family, I dare not say that there are too many, there must be around [-] million. Brother Shaoxi, I will also be an intern at my father's company this year as a manager, why don't you come and help me?" Be an assistant, I heard that you used to study well, didn’t you? It shouldn’t be a problem to help me write and organize documents? Oh, by the way, if you want to bring your little guard, I can also open her Some salary!" At the end, he winked at Rin with a playful smile, his face full of sarcasm.

Everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing, but the suppressed laughter sounded harsh.

 Thanks to "Damengze" for the rewards and monthly tickets!Thanks for the 200 starting point token reward from "God Breaking Flame"!The two chapters owed are rewarded with more rewards, so make up for it as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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