i can eat tips

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
Behind the stone gate is a long winding corridor with steps. Fortunately, the air inside is not very stuffy, probably because of the large formation outside.

A group of people walked for a few minutes, and finally came to a new cave again.

Unexpectedly, this tens of feet wide cave has no door, and there is only a sentence on the stone wall: "If you never forget, there will be echoes."

After listening to Qin Ruxuan's words, everyone looked at the words in astonishment. Master Xu had been upstaged by Lu Shaoxi just now, feeling displeased, he said coldly, "Young man, what do you think of this sentence?"

Lu Shaoxi, an old man who relies on the old and sells the old, doesn't like it at all. He scans the entire platform with his perspective eyes as if he doesn't hear it. He has a creepy feeling when he sees it. It turns out that the platform is only about half a meter thick. The columns are crossed for support.On the stone wall, there are three doors hidden, and the inside is also unfathomable, fearing that there may be a formation.

But now we have to find the mechanism to open this door, which is probably related to the echo, but the problem is that there are three doors, what kind of echo can open the correct door?

He was still scanning carefully. Seeing that he didn't say a word, Master Xu thought he didn't understand stage fright, so he snorted proudly and said, "This is an echo mechanism."

Everyone was amazed, Wei Zhongdian asked: "Master Xu, what is the echo mechanism?"

Master Xu smiled mysteriously: "Listen carefully." He secretly drew his true energy and shouted: "Open!"

He was so full of energy that the cave echoed endlessly, and there was a "cracking" sound, and the stone wall on the left suddenly parted, revealing a stone gate.

Everyone was amazed, especially Wei Zhongdian and other provincial and capital alliance warriors, who were even more amazed, and almost immediately praised Master Xu to the sky.Master Xu retired for many years, and suddenly he was so flattered by others, he couldn't help but feel a little elated. He said triumphantly: "The key to this echo mechanism is the echo. The test is intelligence. If the IQ is not enough, there is no way to crack it. Sheng Rong, go and pull down the Shimen The switch next to it should be able to open the stone door and enter the next floor."

The middle-aged disciple named Sheng Rong hurried to pull the switch, and Lu Shaoxi suddenly shouted: "Don't pull it! I'm afraid it's a trap!"

Sheng Rong curled his lips: "As long as you talk a lot of nonsense, my master said you can pull the switch! You are so good, why didn't you crack the echo mechanism just now?" He didn't listen to Lu Shaoxi's words, and pulled down the switch forcefully.

Suddenly hearing the sound of "cracking" again, Lu Shaoxi's face changed, and he shouted anxiously: "The floor is about to collapse, stick it to the wall!"

Before everyone could react, suddenly their feet were empty, and the floor suddenly opened downwards!

The fastest responder in the audience was Lu Shaoxi. Without even thinking about it, he held Lin and Qin Ruxuan in his arms one by one, leaped into the air, and shouted: "Falcon!"

Falcon's blue eyes flickered, and when the floor sank, he kicked the ground suddenly and flew over. His left palm rested on the sole of Lu Shaoxi's feet, and the steel claw of his right hand quickly inserted into the cave wall, stopping his falling figure.

Mo Xin's strength of the tenth level of condensing pills is not a cover, a swallow turned around during the fall, clinging to the stone wall like a gecko, because Mai Shangling and Master Xu were close to the cave wall, and they were both in the condensing pill stage. The master, at the critical moment, also clings tightly to the concave and convex of the cave wall.

The rest of the people were not so lucky, and including Wei Zhongdian, they all fell to the bottom of the cave with an exclamation.

Master Xu's face changed drastically, watching dozens of people disappear into the darkness like this.

After all, he hasn't been in contact with these mechanism traps for too long. How could he be calm when he was young and middle-aged? He panicked: "How could this be..."

Lu Shaoxi stared at him, and cursed: "Stupid! If you hadn't let people tamper with the mechanism, how could you have fallen into the trap? How could 'unforgettable' be just a word 'open'?"

Master Xu was anxious and angry, and cursed back: "If you have the ability, save them!"

Lu Shaoxi was about to curse again, "Whether they die or not is none of my business", when suddenly a very pleasant scent blew on his cheeks: "Lu Shaoxi, my guards are all below, they have protected me since I was a child, I have to think about it." Ways to rescue them up."

Only then did Lu Shaoxi remember that he was hugging Qin Ruxuan and Rin, one in each hand.Rin is okay, the little girl is alone, but Qin Ruxuan is at the most beautiful age, her body is soft and warm, with a refreshing fragrance, which makes Lu Shaoxi's heart beat suddenly.

Then I heard Qin Ruxuan calmly analyze: "My ancestor Qin Yang is a pure person, so he shouldn't have left any vicious and fatal traps. I just vaguely heard the sound of hitting something soft below. They should just be Fell on something like a net."

This Second Miss of the Qin family is really amazing, she can still pay attention to details in such a flustered situation just now.Lu Shaoxi has clairvoyant eyes, so she naturally knew that her guess was right. Wei Zhongdian and a group of alliance warriors and guards just fell into a large net that was more than [-] meters deep. It is a blessing in misfortune that it did not break due to the weight of it.

Lu Shaoxi gathered himself together, and then said to Qin Ruxuan: "As long as the correct mechanism is activated, they should be able to get promoted again. Let me try."

When Mo Xin saw that he was holding Qin Ruxuan tightly in his arms, his face became extremely ugly, and he was about to speak, but seeing that he seemed to find a way to save his subordinates, he could only swallow the words bitterly.

Lu Shaoxi carefully observed the other two hidden stone gates with his clairvoyant eyes, while secretly channeling his true energy, he shouted: "Read! Read! Read! Read! Read!"

He kept experimenting with the speed and volume of his speech, and found that the echoes became more and more unified and coordinated. When the word "Nian" echoed clearly from the entire stone wall, the stone wall on the right opened, revealing a stone door.

Lu Shaoxi pouted in the direction of Mo Xin, Qin Ruxuan understood, and immediately said: "Mo Xin, go and press the switch." Indeed, only Mo Xin in the audience has such ability.

Mo Xin glared at Lu Shaoxi angrily, but she didn't dare to disobey Qin Ruxuan's order, she flew out like a swallow immediately, turned over deftly in mid-air, landed beside the stone door lightly, reached out and pulled the switch.

I only heard the sound of the mechanism, a large net slowly rose, and then the floor closed again, throwing everyone in the net down, and the large net was put away again. Considering that this mechanism was designed thousands of years ago, it is really a wonderful workmanship. It's amazing.

Wei Zhongdian and the others escaped from the dead, they were all in shock. Although everyone had great martial arts skills, they were still slightly or seriously injured when they fell from a height of [-] meters, and more than ten people were seriously injured.

Lu Shaoxi jumped back to the ground with the two beautiful girls in his arms, and let go, Qin Ruxuan took two steps back, but Rin still hugged him tightly.

Lu Shaoxi whispered: "Rin, are you scared?"

Rin shook her head, her little face flushed for some reason, she suddenly stood on tiptoe, leaned close to Lu Shaoxi's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Lu Shaoxi, why did you save me first and then Miss Second?"

Lu Shaoxi was stunned for a moment, this little girl asked something stupid, of course it was because you were standing closer than me, and my arms reached you first.

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi didn't answer, Rin didn't ask any more questions, but just smiled happily and let go of Lu Shaoxi, but her little hand tightly held his big hand, as if afraid that he would disappear.

Isn't this little girl frightened?Lu Shaoxi shook his head, and said to Wei Zhongdian and Mai Shangling, "Send the wounded out first, and replace them for reinforcements."

He was afraid of the demon cultivator at the meridian level in his heart, so he said this on purpose, he wanted to ensure that the fighting power of this group of people could deal with the demon cultivator at the first level of meridian.

Almost everyone's lives were saved by him, and Wei Zhongdian finally nodded and said, "Okay."

But when everyone was about to return to the passage on the first floor, they were shocked to find that the entrance of the passage had disappeared at some point!
The people are all discolored.

Lu Shaoxi was also taken aback, there was no way out now, so he had to try his best to move on!Otherwise, they don't want to escape from such a ruin again!Thinking of this, Lu Shaoxi walked towards the correct stone gate without hesitation.

 Thanks for the 500 starting point coin reward and monthly pass of "Can't Remember to Dig", and there is more than one update, the excitement continues!

(End of this chapter)

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