i can eat tips

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

"Catch him alive!" The man in black looked at Qin Ruxuan, and the leader suddenly said in a low voice.

"Yes!" The rest of the men in black immediately surrounded him.

Among the dozen or so black-clothed men around, except for the leader who is at the tenth level of condensing alchemy, two of them are at the ninth level of condensing alchemy, and the rest are between the fifth level of condensing alchemy and the eighth level of condensing alchemy.

Qin Ruxuan was against more than a dozen, and even if the leader didn't make a move, the pressure from those two condensed alchemy ninefolds alone would be quite heavy on her.

No one expected that Qin Ruxuan would take the initiative to attack, and the first enemy she chose to deal with would be those two condensed pill ninefolds!
Kicking off her feet, the whole person rushed out, the red and blue knives in her hands were entangled by thunder and lightning, and there were dazzling red and blue lights, like two shooting stars, one left and one right slashed at the two Ning Dans. Kunou's enemies.

The two strong men who were at the ninth level of condensed alchemy both used single swords, and their sword speed was not slower than Qin Ruxuan's. When they saw Qin Ruxuan attacking, the two strong men threw out their swords at the same time, attacking from unexpected angles Qin Ruxuan took her left and right shoulders.

Their two knives are impeccable no matter how powerful they are, the most amazing thing is that they are quick and light, like a ding jie ox, with ease, showing extremely superb saber skills, no wonder with Mo Xin's sword skills Everyone, when they meet them, they are at a stalemate.

Qin Ruxuan's sword is short, their swords are long, and as men, their arms are slightly longer than Qin Ruxuan's. With all the advantages, Qin Ruxuan's swords are still close to them, and they But the blade was only half a foot away from Qin Ruxuan's shoulder!
But they overlooked one thing, the lightning flashes on Qin Ruxuan's body were not decorations!

Countless electric lights looked like agile green snakes, "Pyrilpiri" wrapped around their knives, and then wrapped around the zhenqi shields around their bodies.In order to guard against these thunder and lightning, the two powerhouses had already laid down their true qi shields in advance, but they still underestimated the thunder and lightning generated by the S-level blood talent, and the strong electric shock penetrated their true qi shields in an instant, climbing up It hurt their bodies, and the electricity made them numb all over, and the knife's momentum suddenly slowed down.

Taking advantage of this golden opportunity, Qin Ruxuan twisted her swords in a backhand circle skillfully, and only heard a soft "click", and her two bloody arms flew into the air. The strong man named Nine Levels of Condensed Pill was cut in two immediately!

Even if their strength is higher than Qin Ruxuan's and their defense power is better than her attack power, but in front of the world's sharpest broken swords, their defense power is really not enough.

The rest of the men in black saw that Qin Ruxuan killed the two Congealing Core Nine Layers in a single move, and everyone's expression changed.Qin Ruxuan kept on walking, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, and wounded four or five people in a row with two swords flying. The leader was originally watched closely by Mo Xin and it was difficult to make a move, but seeing Qin Ruxuan's strength at this time, finally Swing the nine-section whip and join the battle group.

Here, when Lu Shaoxi saw Qin Ruxuan beheading the strong man of the Ninth Layer of Condensed Core, he felt relieved, knowing that Qin Ruxuan had the power of two swords, and his strength was not inferior to his own, and with Mo Xin on the sidelines, Qin Ruxuan should There was no danger, so he lowered his head and concentrated on treating Rin's injury.

Rin had just taken his healing elixir, and the bleeding had stopped from the large and small wounds that were still bleeding, but his little face was still pale, his slender eyebrows were furrowed in pain, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.Lu Shaoxi was startled, and didn't care about the difference between men and women, so she immediately scanned Rin's whole body with her perspective eyes, and her face changed after seeing it.

Rin's injuries were much more serious than the ones he received in the sneak attack last time, the most serious of which was the punch wound in his back. Lu Shaoxi could see clearly with his clairvoyant eyes. There is a deep purple-black fist mark, which has swelled up a lot, and there are black lines spreading around this black fist mark.

This is obviously a very sinister and vicious fist. Not only did it seriously injure Rin's right lung lobe, but it was even more frightening that the punch was poisonous. Spread the whole body, the fragrance disappears and the jade dies.

Lu Shaoxi didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately refined a fifth-grade detoxification elixir and fed it to Rin, and said in a low voice: "Rin, don't move around." After saying that, he slightly pulled down the zipper on the back of her dress, and Rin was slender and slender. A part of his back suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Lu...Lu Shaoxi..." Rin's body trembled slightly, and a shy blush appeared on her pale face.

"It hurts, bear with it." Lu Shaoxi didn't think about it at all. He had already scanned Rin's whole body just now, but now he just saw the fist mark with his own eyes. He quickly took out the silver needle and pierced it one after another. Among the several acupoints on Rin's back, he pressed his right hand on the center of the fist print, secretly turning his true energy into a wood attribute, using the sticky and soft strength of the Dragon Fist, and the emerald-green glow of the palm immediately rose up. Bursts of black water vapor.

It took nearly a full minute before the black fist marks disappeared, and the snow-white skin returned.

Lu Shaoxi heaved a sigh of relief, then pulled out the silver needle, carefully zipped up Rin's dress, and secretly transported wood attribute zhenqi, mixed with the heat of the secret book, into Rin's body.

The wood attribute zhenqi is the most suitable for healing, and the pure secret heat helps, but in a short while, all of Rin's internal and external injuries have been healed.

"It's okay, Rin." Seeing that Rin was still sitting foolishly on the grass, Lu Shaoxi reached out to pull her up, but Rin suddenly cried "Wow", jumped up and threw herself into his arms, hugging her tightly Hold him and refuse to let go.

Lu Shaoxi thought she had escaped a catastrophe and was afraid, and was about to comfort her, but heard Rin sobbing and saying: "I... I thought I would never see you again... Fortunately, you are fine... Where have you been running for so long? Are you injured?"

Lu Shaoxi didn't expect her to be so worried about herself, and was greatly moved. She gently hugged the little girl and said softly, "I've been here since I woke up, and I'll tell you the details later. I'm sorry, I made you worry."

Over there, Qin Ruxuan had already killed nearly half of the enemies, but the rest were hard-hitting, especially with the leader of the tenth layer of condensed alchemy, Qin Ruxuan was still unable to gain the upper hand, and her strength was scattered in the fierce battle. The sound shock was several miles away, and the nearby river beach of more than ten feet had already been pulverized into powder.

To Lu Shaoxi's slight surprise, Mo Xin had only been holding his sword in the battle, and had no intention of stepping forward to help.

Lu Shaoxi stroked Rin's hair and coaxed her a few words, and then said: "Rin, wait for me for a while, I will go and clean up the enemies for Ruxuan, and then I will talk to you slowly." Pull out the double sticks and join the battle group.

Ruxuan?Lin was sensitive to the change in Lu Shaoxi's address to Second Miss, and couldn't help but be stunned.After Lu Shaoxi joined the battle group, he cooperated with Qin Ruxuan very tacitly. The battle situation was immediately one-sided. In less than half a minute, everyone except the leader died or was seriously injured.

The leader was also attacked by the two men and retreated steadily. When he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately whipped left and right. In an instant, the shadow of whip and fist was all over the sky.

 Thank you "Gangnam V Mythology" for the rewards and monthly tickets!The birth of the first alliance leader, moved!Work hard to code, there will be updates!

(End of this chapter)

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