i can eat tips

Chapter 252 Big Stone Gate

Chapter 252 Big Stone Gate

But there was nothing in front of it, and there was still a large area of ​​grass.

"Lu Shaoxi, what did you find?" Qin Ruxuan quietly touched her and fell beside him.

When Lu Shaoxi turned her head, she saw Qin Ruxuan's pretty and unparalleled face. Thinking that she had almost confessed her love to her before, she couldn't help but feel hot on her face, but she still couldn't help leaning towards her gently. .

Qin Ruxuan glanced at him with anger and joy, but didn't move away: "I'm asking you something."

The beauty is by the side, the fragrance is blowing, and listening to her coquettish and coquettish voice, Lu Shaoxi is intoxicated physically and mentally. If it is not such a dangerous situation in front of him, the two of them can talk about love in this fairyland-like eighth floor. What a joy in life.

The relationship between the two has not been clarified yet, but this kind of ambiguous relationship is the most touching stage.Lu Shaoxi had this kind of stage with Shen Mengyao before, but later he was about to drop out of school. He broke the boat and formally confessed to Shen Mengyao, but in exchange for a cold rejection...

Lu Shaoxi quickly calmed down, and said in a low voice: "In front is an illusion formation, and inside is the last big stone gate leading to the ninth floor."

"Big Shimen?" Qin Ruxuan tried to release her consciousness, but she couldn't sense anything.

"I'll try to build a small formation to make a gap, so that you can see the situation inside." Lu Shaoxi looked at the coat that was draped over Qin Ruxuan: "There are a few keychains in my coat. Can you help me get it?"

Qin Ruxuan blinked, and said in a low voice, "You can reach out to get your own clothes." There was a teasing smile in her beautiful eyes, but her pretty face couldn't help but blush.The pocket of Lu Shaoxi's coat is just above her slender waist. If Lu Shaoxi reaches in, he will definitely touch her small waist. Qin Ruxuan is a pure and pure girl, although she is playful and bold, but she really let a man touch her. How can I not blush.

Lu Shaoxi feigned anger and said: "You think I dare not?" He reached out to touch the pocket of his coat, Qin Ruxuan saw that he actually reached out his hand, couldn't help but smile, his face was red like fire, his slender waist slightly swayed, his left hand Reach out to stop him.

If she wanted to stop it, Lu Shaoxi would naturally stop it.

The two showed their skills and fought more than ten moves between square inches. In the end, Lu Shaoxi was faster, and when he caught a gap, he grabbed Qin Ruxuan's soft and tender hand like a spring onion.

Their eyes met, and they turned their heads in embarrassment at the same time, but their heartbeats accelerated a little, and there was an indescribable passion flowing through their bodies.

"Okay, let go of my hand, and I'll take it for you." Qin Ruxuan's voice was as gentle as a spring breeze, and there was even more affection in her eyes.

Lu Shaoxi reluctantly let go of her little hand.Seeing Lu Shaoxi's expression, Qin Ruxuan's heart was as sweet as honey, she quickly took a few keychains from her pocket and handed them to Lu Shaoxi: "Is this?"

"Yes." Lu Shaoxi quickly set up a tiny formation on the ground.

Following his changing techniques, the formation glowed slightly, and a small hole with a radius of about two inches appeared in front of his eyes. "If you release your consciousness, you will be able to see clearly what's going on inside."

Qin Ruxuan released her consciousness according to her words, and there was a completely different scene inside.

A large stone steps hundreds of feet long winds up and leads directly to a huge stone gate.

The stone gate is at least a hundred feet high, soaring into the sky, people standing in front of it are like little ants.Two or three hundred men in black were surrounding the big stone gate, trying to find a way to open the door and enter.Wei Zhongdian, Mai Shangling and other captured alliance warriors and the Qin family's female bodyguards were seriously injured, and they were all thrown into a corner and kept under strict watch.

At present, the two old men in black are directing everyone to push the big stone gate with all their strength, but the big stone gate does not know what material it is made of, and it may even be part of a formation, even if the two or three hundred men in black are all above the fifth level of condensed core The strength can't be pushed at all.

One of the black-faced old men became angry. He stretched out his hands, and he immediately sucked the two alliance warriors towards him. The black-faced old man bit the left alliance warrior's throat, and sucked up their blood in a blink of an eye. He threw it away like garbage, and sucked the blood of the alliance warrior on the right. During this period, the two alliance warriors were frightened and tried to struggle desperately, but they couldn't move at all, and could only watch helplessly as the black-faced old man sucked himself dry of blood.

After sucking the blood of the two alliance fighters, the bones of the black-faced old man exploded like roasted beans. The gloomy black air completely enveloped his body, transforming into various images of unjust ghosts, and even faintly heard the howling of ghosts and gods. It was Qin Ruxuan who was so bold that he couldn't help holding Lu Shaoxi's big hand tightly.

The black-faced old man wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, then took a deep breath, his arms expanded twice in an instant, like Popeye, and he was extremely terrifying. He carried a large round hammer with a radius of 50 cm in each hand and approached the large Shimen, when the men in black saw that he was going to attack, they immediately retreated more than ten zhang, not daring to approach him.It was just another white-faced old man standing with his hands behind his back, not moving in place.

The black-faced old man took a step forward.This step of his was like a wild beast moving, the whole ground was shaken, and deep footprints appeared on the solid ground.

As soon as he stopped, he immediately shouted violently, and the two hammers slammed towards the big stone gate at the same time.

No one can describe the terrifying power of his pair of hammers. Like huge black stars, the pair of hammers slammed into the big stone gate with all their strength amidst the screams of countless innocent souls.

With such a terrifying force, let alone a stone door, even a door made of gold and iron would punch a big hole!

"Boom!" The huge impact made everyone's ears buzz, and the strong shock wave even knocked back more than ten steps from those who stood close.

But to everyone's surprise, the big stone gate was still motionless, not even a crack appeared!
Everyone was shocked, looking at the big stone gate in disbelief.

Only the white-faced old man who had been watching coldly could see clearly that the sledgehammer failed to hit the stone gate at all. The moment the sledgehammer was about to hit the stone gate, an invisible barrier appeared to block the terrifying blow for the stone gate. hit.

The barrier disappeared in a flash, so not many people could see it clearly.

The white-faced old man murmured: "Qin Yangguo's real name is well-deserved, and the formations he set up are very powerful. Just the formations on the big stone gate alone must have rank six?"

Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan saw that their palms were covered in cold sweat, and at the same time they were very fortunate. If it weren't for this formation, they were afraid that the black-faced old man's double hammers would really smash through the big stone gate, and then they wanted to grab Qin Yang's other Part of the inheritance, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Now that the system has not been upgraded, Lu Shaoxi is still unable to judge the detailed strength of the Meridian Realm, but looking at the pair of hammers of the black-faced old man just now, the strength is obviously more than twice that of the self-destructing Demon Cultivator. strength!
Even if he and Qin Ruxuan have greatly improved their strength now, they are still tough enough to deal with a meridian with a second level, let alone a white-faced old man who is estimated to be similar in strength!And they still have 300 people under their command!

Lu Shaoxi frowned.

The layers of the ruins can be advanced or retreated, and now the passage to the seventh floor has been closed, it seems that there is no way to do it next time, and I and my party can't even think about exiting this ruins safely!
 Thanks to "Your" for the monthly pass and the 100 starting point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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