i can eat tips

Chapter 273 I'll Fight You Blindfolded

Chapter 273 I'll Fight You Blindfolded
Among the thousands of people, only Lu Shaoxi remained unchanged. Hu He Zhengxiong is a three-layer Tongmai Tongmai. If he doesn't even have this strength, how can he be called the "Master of Changsheng Pavilion" when Tony ruled the roost?
Moreover, Hu He Zhengxiong is rough on the surface, but in fact he is extremely scheming. He has controlled the entire battle situation from the very beginning, and blindfolding his eyes is his best move. At least 30% higher than Tongmai Erzhong, and the ear power is also better. For Hu He Zhengxiong, blindfolding only slightly affects the speed. It still has the advantage of speed. The most important thing is that it can anger Qin Shifeng. The moment of anger to attack seized the initiative, and fully developed his swordsmanship and martial arts, forcing Qin Shifeng to have no power to fight back, and then truly controlled the entire battle situation!

This Tiger He Zhengxiong is indeed a formidable enemy!

Over there, Qin Shifeng was at a disadvantage, and his fist moves changed immediately. At the same time, he used the third-rank martial art "Xingyue Blast" of the ancient Qin family. In the past, it seemed that he was very powerful, but everyone could see that he was a little out of control, and he no longer had the grand master's demeanor that was as stable as a mountain.

"What kind of genius is the number one in the provincial capital, nothing more than that!" Hu He Zhengxiong laughed loudly, and suddenly he stepped up and swung his waist. waist!

The saber qi whistled, rolling up golden light all over the sky, and the invisible aura blocked Qin Shifeng's retreat.

This change was even more miraculous, Qin Shifeng couldn't avoid it, so he had to grit his teeth and fight resolutely, all the light of water blue's true energy melted into the crystal fist, and slammed towards the wooden knife blade.

The fists and knives collided again!

Metal zhenqi is the sharpest, and water-type zhenqi can contain everything. In this unreserved martial arts confrontation, is it the sharpness of metal that cuts through the softness of water, or the softness of water that entangles the metal? Sexual benefit?
Amidst the loud noise, the vigor scattered like a wave, shaking all the marbles in the arena to shatter. Except for Lu Shaoxi and Lin, all the audience present were staggered and fell backwards from the shock.

Victory and defeat!

Hu He Zhengxiong remained motionless, but Qin Shifeng spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and flew out more than ten feet involuntarily. With a sound of "Pa!", he fell heavily in front of Lu Shaoxi.

There was a dead silence in the audience, everyone looked at Masao Huga standing proudly on the stage in fear, and kept silent like a cicada.No one would have imagined that Qin Shifeng, who was so powerful, would be defeated by Hu He Zhengxiong in just a few strokes!

"Brother Qin!"

In the silence, Lu Shaoxi exclaimed "turned pale with shock", and hurriedly leaned down to check Qin Shifeng's injury. The metallic zhenqi quietly penetrated into his body, following the original knife wound left by Huga Masao, and then stabbed fiercely into Chixu.

Qin Shifeng was seriously injured, but Lu Shaoxi's attack was quick and ruthless, and Qin Shifeng's internal organs were cut in half by the sharp metallic zhenqi.Qin Shifeng spurted blood again, tilted his head, and died.

Before the duel, Qin Shifeng's murderous look at Lin Shi only flashed by, but how could he escape Lu Shaoxi's eyes.Lu Shaoxi knew well that this Qin Shifeng's palace was extremely deep, and he was highly valued by the Gu Qin family, and had a deep hostility towards him and Rin. Such a strong enemy must not be left behind!So how could he miss this golden opportunity?

This time, he was under cover. Anyone who looked at Qin Shifeng's wound would only think that Qin Shifeng was beheaded by Hu He Zhengxiong's metallic true energy.

"Brother Qin, hold on!" Lu Shaoxi sensed a super strong man with eight layers of meridians approaching like lightning, and immediately put his hand back on Qin Shifeng's shoulder, calling Qin Shifeng's name anxiously.

"Get out of the way!" An old man with a square face flew over from a distance, landed in front of Qin Shifeng, stretched out his hand to check his breath, stomped his feet resentfully, picked him up and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant .

Lu Shaoxi "stands blankly" on the spot, seemingly at a loss.

Lin whispered, "It's Mr. Guo, the ninth member of the Guqin family!"

Lu Shaoxi knew that the Gu Qin family must have attached great importance to this Qin Shifeng, and specially sent a priest to secretly protect him. Qin Shifeng was only seriously injured just now. If he hadn't acted in time, he might have been rescued by this priest surnamed Guo.

But now Qin Shifeng's vitality is dead, even the god Da Luo can't save him!

Just as he was thinking, there was a burst of arrogant laughter from above the ring: "If this Qin Shifeng is the most talented young martial artist in Huahai Province, then I am really disappointed! Longxia Wulin's younger generation, there is no one left! "

Hu He Zhengxiong had pulled off the black scarf blindfolded at some point, standing alone, majestic, his not tall body was like a towering mountain at this time, making it impossible to look up.

Although the faces of the four masters were ashen, and thousands of Long Xia warriors were also filled with grief and anger, but this Hu He Zhengxiong was so powerful that even Qin Shifeng was far from his opponent, who would dare to stand up and move his beard?

Dong Yekang walked up to the ring with a large stack of clothes, and raised one of the clothes with his right hand. The big "Long Xia Coward" printed on it was very eye-catching. He smiled and said: "Master, here is the T-shirt, you can give it to me." These cowards..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a hat whizzed towards him with strong wind, and it was so fast that it easily cut the clothes in his hands into two pieces and nailed them to the ground!Higashino Yasushi was also knocked back several steps by the strong wind, and sat down on the ground!

The hat is round and soft, only the brim is flat, and it can fly so fast that it can even cut the clothes in two and nail them to the ground. How terrifying is that?

On the hat, the four red letters "Tony Weak Chicken" jumped into everyone's eyes.

Seeing this hat and these four words, everyone immediately understood who threw it.

No one spoke, but everyone's eyes fell to one place in surprise.

Footsteps sounded, and a well-mannered young man twirled a hat that was exactly the same as the ground in his hand, walked slowly onto the nearly destroyed arena, stood ten steps away in front of Hu He Zhengxiong, calmly said: " I haven't given you my hat yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Hu He Zhengxiong's eyes flickered: "Lu Shaoxi?"

Lu Shaoxi raised her head and met Hu He Zhengxiong's aggressive eyes.

It was as if invisible sparks were flying.

Hu He Zhengxiong's eyes are like a knife in his hand, extremely sharp, but Lu Shaoxi's eyes are like a deep pool, no matter how sharp your knife is, you won't be able to cut through the pool.

Hu He Zhengxiong stared at him coldly: "You are much stronger than the rumors." Lu Shaoxi threw his hat just now, although it could not reach the situation of falling leaves and flying flowers to hurt people, but it was no less than swinging silk into a stick. It can only be done with the strength of seven or eight layers of condensed pills!This is much stronger than the rumored Lu Shaoxi who is only at the fifth level of Qi Gathering.

"Yes, but you are much weaker than I imagined." Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly, flicked his wrist, and the hat in his hand flew out like lightning again, and it was nailed straight into the ground between Dongye Kang's crotch, scaring Dongye Kang Screaming and clutching his crotch, he retreated desperately, looking extremely embarrassed, how could he still have the slightest arrogance before?

The Long Xia warriors were full of joy and applauded, but at the same time worried about Lu Shaoxi.

Even if Lu Shaoxi has the strength of seventh or eighth level of alchemy, Hu He Zhengxiong has just easily defeated Qin Shifeng, who is at the second level of Tongmai. You, Lu Shaoxi, challenged yourself on stage and uttered wild words. Isn't this asking for trouble? ?
But there was a scene that surprised them even more. Lu Shaoxi tore off the hem of his long-sleeved sportswear, covered his eyes, and said with a smile: "Since you are so weak, I won't bully you anymore. I will fight with you blindfolded." let's hit!"

 Thanks to "灬Mia灬" for tipping 100 starting coins!There is another update!I accidentally typed the chapter number wrong again, 555, I will ask the editor to help me change it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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