i can eat tips

Chapter 276 Megatron Huahai

Chapter 276 Megatron Huahai
Hu He Zhengxiong looked down at the two big holes on his body in disbelief, then spurted blood wildly, fell from a high altitude, fell heavily to the ground, and died.

"Master!" Hu He Zhengxiong's disciples rushed over with mournful yells, everyone drew their waist knives and wanted to fight Lu Shaoxi desperately.

Rin rushed towards him like a whirlwind, and with a wave of his small hand, the chilling energy turned into an invisible giant hammer, blasting Higashino Yasushi and others into the air, either dead or seriously injured.

"Just because you want to fight with Lu Shaoxi?" Rin stood beside Lu Shaoxi with her small chest upright, but her big eyes peeked nervously at Lu Shaoxi to see if he was injured.

Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly, and patted her little head: "I'm fine, mere Hu He Zhengxiong can't hurt me. Let's go, let's go home for lunch."

He casually took out a few hats with "Tony Weak Chicken" written on them from the small backpack on Rin's back, threw them on Tiger He Zhengxiong, and winked at Li Nianjie and Xu Dachao in the crowd, telling them to protect their parents When he went back, he held Rin's little hand, swaggered into the Porsche supercar, and left in the dust.

Only the horrified audience of martial artists from the two countries was left behind. After a while, the reporter of "Huahai Martial Soul" came back to his senses and shouted: "Oh, I forgot to interview Lu Shaoxi!" Seeing that Lu Shaoxi had long since disappeared, the reporter hurried He took out his camera, rushed into the collapsed "ring", and snapped shots of the fallen Hu He Zhengxiong and his disciples.

Everyone reacted from the shock one after another, and cheers resounded through Yunxiao.

Taro Yamada was so ashamed that he brought his men over to move away Masao Toraga and his disciples. The warriors from Enshu were suppressed by the Dongni for a few days, and they were full of anger. There were boos and jeers all over the place: "Tony the weak chicken, get out of Yuanzhou! If you dare to come again, our God Lu will take care of you!"

"That's right, thanks to Hu He who arrogantly said that he wanted to challenge the entire Yuanzhou. How is it going now? Was he beaten to death by Lu Shaoxi, who was born and bred in Yuanzhou? Ask for trouble!"

"Hmph, I'm so proud of Long Xia, how can I allow Tony to be so weak! Remember to take back the hat that God Lu gave you! Haha!"

The warriors in Yuanzhou were full of enthusiasm, and they had long forgotten the virtue of modesty and humility. They beat the dog in the water blindly, and vented all the anger they had suffered in the past few days.

Of course, no matter how arrogant they are, they dare not mention Lu Shaoxi in their words. If it weren't for Lu Shaoxi, this Hu He Zhengxiong might really challenge the entire Wulin in Yuanzhou, and kick the Wulin in Hannan City, the provincial capital.

Taro Yamada and other Dongni warriors lifted Tora Masao and the others like bereaved dogs, bowed their heads and left, not daring or in the mood to brawl with Longxia warriors.

Their disastrous defeat in this battle not only greatly affected the morale of Dongni Wulin, but most importantly, they lost the young generation who was most likely to break through to the God Transformation Realm, Masao Tora. They could have fully expected how furious Master Dongni Wusheng would be. .

It seems that the relationship between Long Xia and Tony will get worse soon, and there will be constant challenges...

Apart from Tony Wuzhe, the Patriarch of the Wang family was probably the most disappointed in the audience. His expression changed and his hands and feet were cold.

He never forgot that he had offended Lu Shaoxi.But now that Lu Shaoxi can even take care of Hu He Zhengxiong, it is not impossible to uproot the Wang family.What to do next?Should we contact the other three families to fight against Lu Shaoxi, or should we rush to offer gifts and negotiate peace?
Many people are destined to be unable to sleep on this day. The Patriarch of the Wang family is too troubled to sleep, but for the rest of the Yuanzhou warriors, he is too excited to sleep.

Soon, a top news item on the "Huahai Martial Soul" APP popped up: "Lu Shaoxi won glory for the country, killed Hu He Zhengxiong, the shocking duel, wonderful!"

This news is less than ten minutes away from the last one, "Hope is disillusioned! Qin Shifeng was defeated by Hu He Zhengxiong's sword in a few tricks! Tony is rampant, and the younger generation of Long Xia Wulin is unmanned!" In less than ten minutes, countless people were unable to go to the duel scene and were still immersed in it. The warriors in grief, indignation and despair were startled for a moment, and then they opened the news with great joy, and after a closer look, they all shouted in surprise.

Countless people liked and replied to this news headline, and among them, the students from Thunder Academy were the most joyful and proud. Teacher Lu played on behalf of Thunder Academy, how could they not be overjoyed?
After Dean Xia heard the news, he laughed and sighed: "This kid, you have given me too many surprises! In today's battle, no one can stop his soaring momentum! Long Xia is very lucky!"

Zhou Shangdian reacted faster, and immediately called Mai Shangling, who had just arrived in Yuanzhou, and shouted: "Go to Lu Shaoxi, no matter what, those guys from the Jingwu Alliance in the provincial capital can't recruit him!"

After this battle, Lu Shaoxi's name swept the entire Yuanzhou and even the entire Huahai Province like a whirlwind, and became a well-deserved leader of the new generation in Huahai Province. In the line of sight of certain upper class figures.

The news also attached the video and photos of the battle scene at that time, but because the scene was too chaotic, the shooting was a bit rough.But the people who saw it still widened their eyes in shock, and someone immediately commented: "My God, is this a human or a god? So awesome?"

"Tongmai Realm uses all its martial arts to fight, do you think it's a joke?"

"But isn't Lu Shaoxi at the Qi-gathering state? Why did he suddenly jump to the two major realms and become the Tongmai state?"


No one can answer this question, so there are many speculations. Some people say that the hidden forces behind Lu Shaoxi used countless natural treasures and panacea to improve his cultivation level. Some people say that Lu Shaoxi is actually very powerful, but he has been pretending to be a pig. tiger.Amidst the divergent opinions, Lu Shaoxi was covered with a halo of mystery, further boosting his fame and legend.

In fact, many years later, this wonderful World War I is still talked about.Because the legendary story of Lu Shaoxi's invincibility in the world has been remembered by the entire Huahai Province and even the entire Longxia martial arts circle since this war.


While countless people were discussing the wonderful battle between Lu Shaoxi and Hu He Zhengxiong, Lu Shaoxi had already finished his lunch and leisurely returned to his room to rest.

He really needs to take a break. After the system was upgraded to V3.0, before he had time to take a closer look, he hastily integrated and evolved the secret book "Eight Emperors Heaven and Earth God of War" and was busy practicing. Now that the duel is over, it's time Take a good look at the new features of the system.

He looked inside his brain, and a brand new interface immediately appeared in front of him.

On the top of the interface is written "Martial Arts Evolution Tree System V3.0" in large ink characters, majestic and majestic.

In the middle is still a portrait sitting cross-legged, but the clothes on his body are even more gorgeous. Twelve meridians all over his body have been lit up, and the Ren meridian among the eight extraordinary meridians has also been lit up—this is Lu Shaoxi's current progress in strength.

The martial arts evolution tree behind the portrait has really grown into a big tree, with luxuriant branches and leaves, countless large and small leaves and countless flower buds, which symbolize the martial arts knowledge accumulated by Lu Shaoxi.Among them, the one with the darker color and rainbow lace is naturally the martial arts and martial arts that he has practiced to the limit.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket of "The Poor Ghost with Extraordinary Skills"!The second one is delivered!Thanks to "925841.qdcn" for the reward of 100 starting coins!The second update!
(End of this chapter)

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