i can eat tips

Chapter 279 followed

Chapter 279 followed
Not long after Lu Shaoxi left, several alliance warriors rushed over. Xue Erniu and Zhao Deping were on duty at the bridgehead today and stopped them immediately.

The leading alliance warrior politely handed over his rank envoy certificate, begging to see Lu Shaoxi.

Seeing that it was actually a Shaodian from the Jingwu Alliance in the provincial capital, Zhao Deping hurriedly said: "Zhang Shaodian, Mr. Lu just went out and is not on this island."

Zhang Shaodian was startled, and asked, "Where did he go? When will he be back?"

"I don't know. Mr. Lu didn't say anything."

Zhang Shaodian hesitated for a while, and said, "Okay, we'll wait for him here."

Several alliance fighters parked their cars and waited in the pavilion on the shore.

Zhao Deping thought for a while, but still felt that he should send a message to Lu Shaoxi. Just as he picked up his mobile phone, another off-road jeep rushed over. It almost stopped at the bridge, and the car hadn't stopped yet. A middle-aged envoy in league uniform had jumped out of the car and said anxiously, "Zhao Deping, where is Mr. Lu?"

Zhao Deping recognized Mai Zhongliang Shangling from the Yuanzhou branch who had been here several times, so he went up to meet him and said, "Mr. Lu is out, what is your urgent matter, Mai Shangling?"

At this time, Mai Zhongliang had already spotted several alliance fighters in the pavilion, and the two sides looked at each other, and they both laughed tacitly.Mai Shangling walked over and stretched out his hand and said, "Isn't this Zhang Shaodian? Why did you come to this island in the middle of the lake during the Chinese New Year?"

Zhang Shaodian shook hands with him and said affectionately, "Mai Shangling, happy new year. Are you here to see Mr. Lu?"

"Yeah, just pass by and give him a New Year's greetings, after all, we are old friends."

"It turns out that Mai Shangling and Mr. Lu know each other? That's really great. By the way, Mai Shangling, there just happens to be a vacancy for Shaodian at the Jingwu Alliance in our provincial capital. I wonder if you are interested in coming to fight side by side with me." ?”

"Zhang Shaodian is really flattering Mai. Mai can't do well in this small place in Yuanzhou. He has always felt ashamed of Zhou Shangdian's trust. How dare he go to the provincial branch to show shame? Oh, since Mr. Lu is not here, then I Just ask him to pay New Year's greetings next time. Zhang Shaodian, I'm leaving first."

"Alright, Mai Shangling, go slowly."

The two shook hands affectionately again, before Mai Shangling jumped into the jeep, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

The martial artist next to Zhang Shaodian said in a low voice: "Zhang Shaodian, this Mai Zhongliang is too ungrateful to give up such a good opportunity."

"Mai Zhongliang is Zhou Gengqing's right-hand man, how could he jump ship to our provincial branch?" Zhang Shaodian smiled and jumped into the car: "Stop talking nonsense, get in the car and catch up! This Mai Zhongliang must also come to snatch Lu Shaoxi Yes, he is familiar with Lu Shaoxi, so he should have Lu Shaoxi's contact information, we must follow him! No matter what, Lu Shaoxi can't be allowed to join the Yuanzhou side! Otherwise, the branch competition will be held later. This year's No.1 will be lost!"

Mai Shangling was so vigilant, he guessed their intentions when he saw a car following them far behind, he couldn't help but curse secretly, and immediately called Lu Shaoxi.

"Mr. Lu, I'm Mai Zhongliang... yes, happy new year! I have something important to see you, where are you? Oh, on the way to Wang's department store, right? Okay, I'll let you go later Lan Yun is looking for you to meet up, we will meet and talk later!"

After all, he is not familiar with Lu Shaoxi, and he dare not lose the foundation of the Jingwu Alliance in the provincial capital. The Jingwu Alliance in the provincial city is willing to throw out a "Shaodian" to recruit him. It is not impossible to throw out a "Shangdian" to attract Lu Shaoxi , and Zhou Gengqing, the highest-level member of the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance, is only Shangdian. There is no way to win the Provincial City Jingwu Alliance. The current plan is to prevent the Provincial City Jingwu Alliance from contacting Lu Shaoxi first, and then contact him. Xiaozhi may be able to successfully "abduct" Lu Shaoxi to the ship of the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance with emotion and reason.

He hurriedly called Lan Yun again: "Lan Yun, where are you? Are you still on vacation? Take a fart vacation, and rush to Wang's Department Store to find Lu Shaoxi, no matter what, you can't let him join the Jingwu Alliance in the provincial capital." contacts!"


Lin Yurou saw Lu Shaoxi putting down the phone and smiling there, and couldn't help asking, "Brother Shaoxi, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I just think today will be very interesting!"

Although Lu Shaoxi didn't know what Mai Shangling wanted to do with him, she could tell that Mai Shangling attached great importance to meeting him.And Zhao Deping sent him a message just now, saying that someone from the Jingwu Alliance in the provincial capital also came to visit him.I don't know if the two are related?

But no matter what, the current situation is a golden opportunity for him.

The Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance is the local snake in Yuanzhou, with guns and strong men, although the Wang family is majestic, but in front of the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance, they are nothing.

Lu Shaoxi decided to take this opportunity to give the Wang family a severe blow!Anyway, in the current situation, as long as he doesn't do too much, the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance will definitely stand by his side and support him!
Thinking of this, Lu Shaoxi was in a good mood, and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate towards Wang's supermarket.


Lu Shaoxi and Lin visited this super mall of Wang's last time, and this time they are even more familiar with it. In just over 20 minutes, he and Lin Yurou have stepped into Wang's department store.

The matter of Lin Yurou's entry and exit to Huxin Island has long been known by interested people, and Lu Shaoxi is not afraid of being seen walking with Lin Yurou, as long as Lin Yurou's alchemist identity is not revealed.

It was obviously the first time for Lin Yurou to come to such a high-end shopping mall. Seeing that a small T-shirt was sold for more than 1000 yuan at the entrance of the store, she was a little frightened.You must know that the average salary in Yuanzhou is only in the early three thousand!

Seeing her embarrassment, Lu Shaoxi smiled and said, "It's okay, just take whatever you like, I don't need to spend money to buy things here."

"No need to spend money?" Lin Yurou couldn't believe it.

Lu Shaoxi smiled and said: "Yes, the owner of this shopping mall still owes me a lot of debts. You can just take it and treat it as me getting back some interest."

Lin Yurou was a little dumbfounded. Seeing Lu Shaoxi's confident appearance, she had to believe it, but she had never done anything without giving money.

Lu Shaoxi saw a very famous girls' clothing brand in the distance, and there were quite a few people queuing up to check out. Qin Ruxuan had bought clothes of this brand before, and said, "The women's clothing of that brand should be pretty good, and it is most suitable for young girls." My child, fashion is not kitsch, go, I will take you to choose."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Lin Yurou to the shop, Lin Yurou followed him into the shop at a loss, and suddenly heard a female voice shouting in surprise: "Hey, isn't this Lin Yurou? Why are you here? "

Lu Shaoxi turned her head, and saw a girl who was about the same age as Lin Yurou, but well-dressed, was walking over with a young man in a suit and leather shoes on her arm. It seemed that she also planned to buy clothes in this store.

The girl was heavily made up and looked at Lin Yurou with faint hostility and ridicule.

Lu Shaoxi only took one look at her and lost interest, but when his eyes fell on the young man, his eyes immediately lit up.

The candidate who will cooperate with him to make a big splash in the mall is here!
 Thanks to "Yi Youran", "Lian Rui 1314", "Book Friends 161221235549147" for the monthly tickets!Thanks to "Yong" for the reward of 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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