i can eat tips

Chapter 29 Qin Ruxuan

Chapter 29 Qin Ruxuan

"Sorry, this is mine..."

Hearing a slightly indifferent girl's voice coming from in front of him, Lu Shaoxi raised his head, and saw a tall and beautiful girl in a blue student uniform standing in front of him.

She is about eighteen or nineteen years old, with refreshing ponytails, surprisingly beautiful facial features, and a slender figure. Dim yellow lights sprinkled on her ordinary blue student uniform, revealing an indescribable nobility Dusty temperament.

"Uh, I'll give it back to you." Lu Shaoxi recovered, and quickly handed the paper-cut to the tall girl.

"Thanks, the wind was strong just now, and I was accidentally blown away." The tall slender girl took it, clipped the paper-cut into the book in her hand, and then looked curiously at Lu Shaoxi and the guard behind him: "Aren't you this A college student?"

She was holding two thick books in her arms, her beautiful eyes were still hazy and sleepy, and her hair on the sideburns was also slightly disheveled, as if she had just woken up. With a little lazy and charming look, it is enough to attract the attention of any man.Lu Shaoxi has also seen all kinds of beauties, but compared to this elegant female student in front of him, they are obviously much inferior.

Could it be that this girl who is prettier than those female stars on TV is also a hermit martial artist?I'm afraid even that black-bellied girl is not as beautiful as her.Lu Shaoxi was secretly surprised, and replied: "Yes, I just came here for training today."

"Your strength is a bit strange." The tall slender girl looked at Lu Shaoxi for a while, then suddenly said something.

"Eh? Strange?" Lu Shaoxi was stunned. Could this female student see her own strength?He was surprised when suddenly a bell rang in the academy.The guard whispered: "Mr. Lu, the time limit is up, and outsiders must leave the academy."

"Okay, sorry, let's go." Lu Shaoxi nodded to the tall female student, and quickly followed the guards to the entrance of the college.

The female student looked at his back, thought for a while, and suddenly took out the paper-cut from the book, let go, and the phoenix was blown away by the strong wind again.

But the female student's snow-white little hand stretched out "swish" quickly, and she easily pinched the phoenix paper-cut in the wind.She nodded as if confirming something and said to herself: "That's right, it must be at least the speed of the eighth level of body training. Strange, he is obviously the strength of the sixth level of body training."

She muttered to herself, shook her head slightly, put the paper-cut away again, and walked slowly towards the "trial place".

She walked a little slowly and casually, and her expression was a little cold, but at this moment, she just walked from the dim place to the brightest place of light. The yellow light shone on her body, as if she was covered with a holy and pure veil.

The students who were chatting and walking in groups of three or four soon noticed her, and their eyes froze in place for a while, and then their faces flushed with excitement as if seeing a big star, and their eyes shone with burning light.

"Senior Sister Qin!" The juniors were the first to shout out in surprise.

"Junior Sister Qin!" The seniors also became excited, especially the seniors, who could hardly hide the admiration on their faces.

The tall and beautiful girl just nodded politely to everyone, and a large group of people immediately shouted in ecstasy: "Senior Sister Qin (Junior Sister) look at me, look at me!"

"Ruxuan, you're here!" A few female students who were waiting at the gate of the "Trial Ground" immediately came up to them, skillfully surrounded the tall girl and separated her from the fanatical fans.

They were obviously very familiar with tall girls. First, a slightly fat female student "complained" and said, "Ruxuan, I haven't seen you since noon today. Where did you go?"

"Huh? I'm just a little tired. I slept in the library for a while." The tall slender girl stretched her waist, and the infinite charm revealed in her laziness instantly stunned countless boys around her.

Several of her best friends are familiar with her temper, and while dispersing the fans, they smiled bitterly and said: "You slept comfortably, do you know that your previous record in the trap passage was broken."

The tall slender girl responded nonchalantly, and said indifferently: "I just left that record casually, isn't it good that someone refreshed it?"

"Ruxuan, you don't know that it's actually three outsiders who broke your record this time! The new record for the trap passage in the sixth level of body training is the most exaggerated, 39 seconds! I don't know if it's opportunistic or some shady trick !"

"Oh?" The tall slender girl finally became interested: "39 seconds 57? Are you sure it's the sixth level of body training?"

"Yes. Not only the sixth level of body training, but also the record of seventh and eighth level of body training has been broken!"

A few girlfriends were chattering away, when they suddenly heard another shout from the "Trial Land": "My God, the record of the sixth to eighth level of physical training against robots has also been broken! "

"Huh? I also didn't leave my name. Could it be those three outsiders again?"

Hearing the exclamation of the surrounding students one after another, the tall slender girl turned her head and looked in the direction of the courtyard gate thoughtfully. The well-mannered young man just disappeared at the courtyard gate with the guards.

"Could it be him?" the tall slender girl murmured to herself.

"Ruxuan, what did you say?"

"Nothing, just found something interesting."


Lu Shaoxi vaguely heard the noise from the students behind him, thought it was some activity and didn't care, he followed the guards all the way to the gate of the academy, and the tall and thin guard who took him to do the strength test in the morning happened to come from the academy Running over, he saluted Lu Shaoxi very politely, and then handed a file bag to Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi thanked him, opened it, and found a brand new driving license and motor vehicle registration certificate inside, and the owner was in his name.Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being secretly surprised at the efficiency of Thunder Academy and the old man, and the tall and thin guard led him to a large cargo truck to lead the car.

Soon, the old electric suspension vehicle with the model number "ZGMT-X10A" was handed over to Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi got into the car and was inserting the key to start it, when he suddenly heard the system prompt in his mind: "The system has detected that the host has excellent programming ability, and this electric suspension car is a deformation combat machine model ZGMT-X10A Man, the operating system is extremely old and does not have artificial intelligence. The system can assist the host to upgrade its operating system so that it has artificial intelligence and unlocks all performance restrictions. It needs to consume 15 martial arts evolution points. Do you want to upgrade it?" Lu Shaoxi was stunned, the martial arts evolution tree system can actually upgrade and transform the OS of the battle robot?Judging from the evolution function of the secret book, the upgrade function of the system is extremely advanced, and he couldn't help but be moved.

It's just that he didn't dare to upgrade in front of the guards. After saying goodbye to a few handed over guards, he started the car and left Thunder Academy. Unexpectedly, although the car looked dilapidated, it actually had excellent power.After a while, he arrived at a deserted place a few kilometers away.

He stopped the car, checked his martial arts evolution points, saw that there were still 148 points, and said to the system without hesitation: "I agree to upgrade!"

"Ding! The upgrade request has been accepted, 15 martial arts upgrade points will be deducted, and the knowledge required for the upgrade has been transferred to the host's memory."

(End of this chapter)

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