i can eat tips

Chapter 293 Seven Star Panlong Formation

Chapter 293 Seven Star Panlong Formation

The 49 well-trained foreign boxing masters shocked the audience as soon as they appeared on the stage. When the dozens of fighters saw the two sides contact, they fell down more than a dozen companions, and all of them were killed in seconds. Qi color changes back.

"Lu Shaoxi!" A small figure swayed, and appeared beside Lu Shaoxi in the blink of an eye. The skirt fluttered, bringing a faint fragrance. It was Lin.

She hugged Lu Shaoxi's arm, and shouted a little unhappy: "Why didn't you call me when you came out?"

Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly, and patted her little head: "Just a temporary idea, seeing that you and Manman are having a good chat, I don't want to disturb you."

Seeing Lu Shaoxi mentioning the incident in the corridor, Rin couldn't help but blushed slightly, and stopped talking.

Shi Quanxing's expression also changed: "You...you are Lu Shaoxi?" He hurriedly backed up a few steps, hiding behind the well-dressed man.

The well-dressed man Fu Jianhao secretly cursed Shi Quanxing as a waste, but Shi Quanxing is a relative of the sect master, so he could only curse in his heart.

He took a step forward, cupped his fists and said, "So it's Mr. Lu, no wonder he looks so familiar."

Lu Shaoxi glanced at him: "Oh? I don't know who you are? With your strength, why do you need to work for such a small company?"

Fu Jianhao snorted and said: "This is Wudoumen west protector Fu Jianhao. He was only ordered to protect this company, not to work for it. Don't be afraid to tell Mr. Lu that this company is protected by our Wudoumen. Although Mr. Lu has outstanding strength Famous in Yuanzhou, but we Wudoumen are not afraid of you. We do not violate the water of the river. Today we each take a step back. You should not touch this company and this land again. I will not hold the men you injured just now. how?"

Lu Shaoxi suddenly thought of Huo Xiongtian who he had cleaned up with the help of Huxin Island more than a month ago.It seems that Fu Jianhao didn't know that Huo Xiongtian's master and apprentice died at his own hands.

But Wudoumen is still playing in Yuanzhou, Lu Shaoxi is a little surprised.Judging from the information reported before the Falcon went to repair, Wudoumen suddenly withdrew from Yuanzhou years ago. For some reason, it has re-invaded Yuanzhou now, and wants a backdoor company to buy this land?

Lu Shaoxi has many doubts in his heart, but he is determined to win the Dragon Claw land. Although Wudoumen is powerful, this is Yuanzhou. Not only is he backed by Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance and Thunder Academy, but now he also has the identity of "Qianlong" Zhongdian. Even this Martial Arts Gate!

However, people in the martial arts have to be reasonable in doing things. You can't do whatever you want just because you are strong, otherwise you will easily become the public enemy of the martial arts.This is the reason why Lu Shaoxi found some superficially acceptable excuses for dealing with the Wang family before. Now that he wants to compete with Wudoumen, he naturally has to learn from the famous.

Lu Shaoxi rolled his eyes and thought of an excuse.He pointed to Lin Yurou and Aunt Chen Shumo, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "It turns out that Changsheng Company is guarded by Wudoumen, so please forgive me for being rude just now. But they are my friends and they happen to live in In this area, if you want to take advantage of the situation to forcibly demolish the house, it would be too embarrassing for me."

Fu Jianhao frowned and said: "The compensation price we gave is based on the average market price, and they don't suffer a loss."

Aunt Mo whispered: "The average market price is obviously less than half of the market average price, and there is no relocation at all. We have lived here for decades, so we are not willing to move."

Lu Shaoxi seized the opportunity and immediately said: "Guardian Fu, you heard it too, what you have done is too dishonest!"

Fu Jianhao glared at Shi Quanxing, he didn't understand that this guy had forced down the price by half in order to enrich himself.But he had nothing to do with Shi Quanxing, and he was a little afraid of Lu Shaoxi's strength.

This morning, the news of Lu Shaoxi defeating Tongmai triple tiger He Zhengxiong is naturally known to Wudoumen. Fu Jianhao himself is not Lu Shaoxi's opponent. If he really wants to deal with Lu Shaoxi, he is afraid that the main altar will send some old guardians who have been in retreat for many years. , this price is a bit high.

He swallowed his anger and said: "Mr. Lu, I will decide for your friend, and pay 1.5 times the market price for demolition and relocation compensation. Is it okay?"

"Then what about moving back?" Lu Shaoxi asked knowingly that they must be demolishing these old houses to build formations, and moving back was impossible, so he asked deliberately.

Sure enough, Fu Jianhao said displeasedly: "Mr. Lu, I have paid 1.5 times the market price, why are we talking about moving back? Mr. Lu, I will give you face, and you have to give us Wudoumen face! In Huahai Province, we Wudoumen is also a well-known sect, if you go too far Mr. Lu, don't blame us for being rude!"

Lu Shaoxi laughed loudly: "Interesting, Fu Hufa, you are threatening me. I originally wanted to buy this piece of land just to win. Since you have such an attitude, then I will fight to the end! You Wudoumen will fight with you!" I’m right, so just let the horse come over!”

"You!" Fu Jianhao was furious, and he smiled angrily: "Mr. Lu, you are very powerful, but you are still alone. If our information is correct, your parents have also come to Yuanzhou ? It's not easy for us to deal with you, but it's not difficult to deal with your family and friends! Unless you guard them all the time, we can't beat you, and we can attack them at any time!"

Attacking family members has crossed the bottom line of martial arts rules. Unexpectedly, Fu Jianhao, as the most ancient martial arts protector, would dare to be so unruly!Lu Shaoxi's eyes suddenly became murderous: "Am I alone? Do you think they are air?" Lu Shaoxi waved his hand: "Dachao, set up the Seven Star Panlong Formation, let them see your strength! This Fu Jianhao is the strongest, your key points Take care of him."

"Yes!" Xu Dachao replied loudly, and immediately pulled out the black steel dagger from his waist.This black steel dagger is a substandard zhenqi weapon, and the price of one is nearly 20. It was purchased by Lu Shaoxi to make up for the lack of strength of foreign boxing masters and their inability to fully exert the power of the combined attack.

"Array! There are 37 targets, with Fu Jianhao as the lead enemy!" Following Xu Dachao's command, the figures of 49 masters of foreign boxing flickered, seven of them formed a small formation, and the seven small formations formed a large formation. There was a formation, but black light flickered, and figures shuttled back and forth, like seven black dragons weaving back and forth among the Wudoumen crowd.

They are proficient in movements, with wonderful footwork on their feet. Obviously there are only 49 people, but after the movement is unfolded, there are many figures, as if there are hundreds of people, and the direction and timing of the dagger attack are very precise, and the cooperation is very tacit. Just listen There were screams all over the place, but after a face-to-face meeting, more than half of the Wudoumen's people had fallen, only a few Qi Gathering Realm and Fu Jianhao were lucky enough to escape because of their outstanding strength.

Fu Jianhao was secretly startled, his whole body glowed with intense qi, his fists were like thunder, and he slammed at one of the foreign boxing masters with an unstoppable momentum, trying to make a breakthrough.

But those who surrounded him were the most powerful Xu Dachao and others. They didn't fight Fu Jianhao at all, they kept walking, and the formation changed in an instant, like a dragon wagging its tail. Fu Jianhao's punch was fast and fast. It was fierce, but it was empty!
He punched nothing, but several daggers had pierced towards his vitals. If Fu Jianhao's zhenqi body hadn't blocked them all, there would have been a few more blood holes immediately!

In just a short while, the rest of the Qi Gathering Realms also screamed and fell to the ground. The combined attack formation of 49 people was like a dragon swimming around, changing endlessly, surrounding Fu Jianhao and attacking again and again.

Fu Jianhao wanted to break through several times, but these foreign boxing masters trusted each other and were extremely disciplined. They strictly followed the layout of the formation in every shift, and there was no panic or mistake. It was even possible to combine the forces of 49 people together, and the blow stabbed by Xu Dachao actually glowed with a strong infuriating light, with an astonishing momentum. A long bloodstain!
What a terrifying formation!Fu Jianhao was frightened and angry, his fists covered his whole body like the wind.

 Thank you "North Gate Braggers" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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