i can eat tips

Chapter 300

Chapter 300

This flying sword is obviously Wu Youliang's last and strongest martial arts trick. Not only is it fast, but the most powerful thing is that the invisible true energy pulls the hilt like a silk thread, making the tip of the sword tremble slightly, implying countless subtle changes. I'm afraid it will be difficult to dodge other four-level superpowers who can open the meridians.

But Lu Shaoxi was different. Seeing that Feijian could break through his qi shield, he immediately entered the deceleration world.

Under the deceleration world, not only time slows down by a hundred times, but most importantly, you can completely see through Feijian's true trajectory!

Lu Shaoxi's figure swayed dozens of times in an instant, luring out all possible potential changes of the flying sword, and then he fell back and avoided the mortal flying sword in the slightest.

Although this subtle contest between the superpowers lasted only for a moment, it was far more dangerous and exciting than the rough duel between Lu Shaoxi and Gu Zhanjun just now!
A look of wonder flashed in Wu Youliang's eyes, he spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and said with a miserable smile: "Okay, okay!" His body collapsed and he died!
Lu Shaoxi had some respect for this opponent, and immediately stood in silence for three seconds before jumping up and pounced on the remaining strong Wudoumen like a tiger.

At this time, more than half of these Wudou sect powerhouses have fallen, and they have been killed by Rin long ago. Seeing that the envoys on the left and right have fallen one after another, there is no fighting spirit, so they hurriedly ran for their lives.

But how could Lu Shaoxi let them go, he took a deep breath, operated the "Eight Emperors Heaven and Earth God of War Art", turned the attribute of true energy into wind, and suddenly the whole body was surrounded by a breeze, Lu Shaoxi shuttled back and forth on the mountain road like a phantom like a wisp of light smoke .

This is the first time he has fully used "Xingyue Instant Kill" with the wind attribute. The [-]% shooting speed bonus is really frighteningly strong. The strong men of Doumen fell to the ground one after another, with their hands covering their stomachs with pain on their faces—their abdominal meridians had been crushed by Lu Shaoxi's punch, and they became useless people who could no longer practice martial arts.

For these enemies who wanted to deal with him, Lu Shaoxi had no intention of being kind at all.If it weren't for fear of killing all these people, it would most likely lead to strong suppression from the Wulin Management Association and intervention and punishment from the Jingwu Alliance in the future. Lu Shaoxi would not just abolish their martial arts.

Under Lu Shaoxi's all-out attack, under the pincer attack of Lin, Lei Lin and Mao Qiu, more than a hundred experts from Wudou Sect were wiped out, and none of them escaped. More than half of them were killed or injured, and the rest were basically crippled.

The mountain road is full of Wudoumen powerhouses screaming in pain.

Lu Shaoxi scanned around with his clairvoyant eyes to make sure that nothing had slipped through the net, and then he unhurriedly took away the zhenqi weapons, pills and secret books carried by the martial arts experts.He had found a chain gun, two secret books and a bottle of pills from Yu Wenli before, and this time his luck was even better. More than half of the experts in Wudoumen carried weapons, pills and secret books of the first rank or higher. And there are quite a few types—people in Wudoumen seem to have the habit of carrying secret books with them to facilitate their cultivation.

While complaining about the strange style of this ancient sect, Lu Shaoxi honestly put all these trophies into the inventory.

Seeing that there were no more good things worth searching for, Lu Shaoxi clapped his hands, picked up Wu Youliang's mobile phone, took out the miniature keyboard and data cable, and cracked the lock screen password in less than a minute. I saw the phone call from the "door master".

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Shaoxi's mouth, and he called the door owner.

Soon there came a very young man's voice, which sounded a bit feminine: "Wu Zuoshi, look at the time, you should be ready to enter Huxin Island to deal with Lu Shaoxi? Remember not to kill him, he is still considered Thunder A part-time teacher of the academy, if you kill him, you will have endless troubles, just cut off his hands and feet and make him a useless person."

Speaking of the last sentence, there was deep hatred and anger in his voice.

Lu Shaoxi laughed loudly: "Hey, Lord Sect Master, I really appreciate your mercy! I, Lu Shaoxi, thank you here!"

There was an obvious gasp, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice: "You are Lu Shaoxi? Where are my people?"

The voice of the young sect master was slightly trembling, and even the cell phone of the left envoy Wu Youliang fell into Lu Shaoxi's hands. Without asking, it is obvious that he himself has probably been defeated by Lu Shaoxi.

"Your subordinates are all in Crouching Tiger Ridge, but I'm afraid that one-third of them will stay forever. If you contact He Shenning immediately, you may be able to save the rest."

Seeing that he suddenly named He Shenning's name, the young sect master couldn't help being startled, but soon calmed down again, and said bitterly, "Lu Shaoxi, you're so ruthless!"

Lu Shaoxi smiled and said: "To each other. I am not polite to accept the assets that you Wudoumen robbed in Yuanzhou! In order to obtain these companies and assets, you ruined other people's families. I am doing justice for the heavens."

Hearing that Lu Shaoxi actually wanted to seize Wudoumen's assets in Yuanzhou, the owner of the sect really panicked this time: "Lu Shaoxi, how dare you! Do you know that these company assets are related to—" He took back his words abruptly.

Lu Shaoxi said "Oh": "What is it related to?"

The door master gritted his teeth and said: "If you dare to swallow these assets today, sooner or later you will spit them out with all the profits!"

Lu Shaoxi let out a long laugh, and suddenly said coldly: "Listen, from now on, anyone from the Wudoumen who dares to step into Yuanzhou will have their martial arts destroyed and crippled! No one can be an exception! You are not afraid of death Just bring someone here in person!" After saying that, he crushed the phone casually, threw it on the ground, took Lin and the two spirit beasts to unfold, and quickly disappeared on Crouching Tiger Ridge.

And in the ancient house more than a hundred kilometers away, the young door owner's face was green and white, and his heart was full of shock and anger.

What made him angry was that Lu Shaoxi dared to threaten him like this!Surprisingly, the situation in Yuanzhou is completely over this time. He has dispatched most of the strong men in the sect who obey his orders tonight. If Lu Shaoxi really takes care of them all, then he will really become a bachelor commander.As for those old men who are in retreat, they have long ignored the affairs of the door. Even if he knelt down and begged those old men, they would not even pay attention to them.

The head of the sect made more than a dozen phone calls before he could contact a confidant who had been deprived of martial arts on the spot.After confirming that all these hundred people had failed miserably, the sect master was in despair.

Now there are only three ways, one is to try every means to regain Yuanzhou's assets and defeat Lu Shaoxi, but he basically has no super strong in his hands, and to touch Lu Shaoxi with his own strength of the eighth level of condensed alchemy is to die, this way Basically not feasible.The other is to ask Yan Shuai for help, but if Yan Shuai knows that the good situation in Yuanzhou is ruined by himself, he will definitely lose his position as sect master, and he may even lose his life.The third rule is to flee quickly before Xu Zuoling finds out about the situation and cleans himself up, maybe there is still a chance of survival.

After much deliberation, the young sect master finally gritted his teeth, packed up the money, and fled overnight, never to be seen again.

And after this battle, Wudoumen, the nuomen sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years, soon began to decline and disappeared in the torrent of history... Of course, this was all after a while.


When the news spread the next day, the entire Yuanzhou Wulin was completely shaken.

 Thanks to the "Fengqingi" brothers and the monthly pass of "Love and Love Together"!Thanks to "Lazy Invincible" for the reward of 500 starting coins!Thanks to brothers "Duhu Xing" and "Genius Zhang Chun" for their reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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