i can eat tips

Chapter 307 The Field Exercise Begins

Chapter 307 The Field Exercise Begins

"Next is the field practice field starting tomorrow?" Rin stood on a high hillside, looking at the rolling mountains and plains below with wide eyes.

Falcon replied: "Miss Lin, according to the location indicated by MASTER, the following should be the destination."

Rin glanced at it angrily, and muttered in a low voice, "You're so talkative, I didn't ask you."

Falcon tilted his head, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "Oh, it turns out that Miss Lin wants to talk to MASTER! According to the analysis of the information I collected, there are several possibilities for a girl who wants to talk to a boy. The first is I just like it……"

Rin blushed and kicked Falcon: "You are the one who talks most! Don't talk!"

Falcon actually said "hey" twice in a very humane way, and really shut his mouth.

Lin blushed and secretly looked at Lu Shaoxi, seeing that he was still thinking about something and didn't hear the conversation between the two at all, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, but also a little angry and lost.

She pulled Lu Shaoxi's clothes, pouted and said, "Lu Shaoxi, you have been thinking about things since half an hour ago, and you don't talk to me."

Only then did Lu Shaoxi come back to his senses, and apologetically touched the little girl's chestnut-colored shawl hair and said, "Sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

Today is the middle of February in the new calendar, just after the Lantern Festival, he and Rin sat on a falcon and rushed to the field practice site designated by the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance and Thunder Academy, but on the way he received an email unexpectedly .

The email was still from the anonymous mailbox.

In the past few days, he has sent three emails to the anonymous mailbox whose email address has been checked. The first email was to tentatively extend an olive branch, asking if the other party was interested in helping him manage the company, but he did not receive a reply. But Lu Shaoxi discovered by hacking into the mail server that the other party had already clicked on his email.So he sent another email the next day, saying that he still has some companies that need the same plan, hoping that the other party will continue to help out with a proposal, and the price is negotiable, but there is still no reply.

Moreover, Lu Shaoxi judged based on the information fed back by Li Yuanzhao after studying the plan in depth, the probability that the plan implied a conspiracy was not high.

So he decided to take another gamble to test whether the other party was malicious.

Yesterday, he selected a few companies he had seized from Wudoumen, wrote the details of the companies in an email, and sent them directly to that person, asking him to help him write another proposal.

I didn't expect to receive a reply from the other party before nine o'clock this morning. The email didn't say a word, only a detailed plan was attached. Lu Shaoxi read it carefully several times along the way, and was even more surprised.It can be seen between the lines that this person has spent a lot of time studying the information he provided in the last email. This time the plan is more detailed than the last one, and judging from the last modification time of the document, it was actually written at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night of.

There is such a good person in the world who stays up all night to write a plan for him, but doesn't even mention a word of remuneration?

Could it be that someone wanted to take refuge in him, so he deliberately played such a trick to impress himself?But it’s not like, if this is the case, the other party will not deliberately hide the IP and email address. If it is not for their own cracking technology, they will not be able to find it at all.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't figure it out, so he kept thinking about all kinds of possibilities and the hidden good intentions or malice behind it. He didn't notice when Rin talked to him several times.

At this time, he withdrew his thoughts and looked at the restricted area in front of him.

This restricted area is huge and the terrain is complex, including rivers, barren mountains, dense forests, deserts, grasslands, caves and many other landform features, it is indeed very suitable for actual combat exercises.

However, for a small-scale sparring with only 500 people, this area is a bit too big, which also increases the difficulty.

Originally, Lu Shaoxi was supposed to come here three days ago with the teachers and students of Thunder Academy to make preparations, but because he has too many affairs to deal with now, especially commanding the Hai family to take the opportunity to clean up the remnants of Wudoumen in the provincial capital. Power, so it was delayed until today.

"Let's go, Rin, we have to report quickly, and everyone else is probably ready."

Lu Shaoxi took Lin's little hand, sat in the Falcon that turned back into a hover car, and galloped along the road on the hillside to the gate at the bottom of the mountain.

This is a restricted area nearly 20 kilometers away from the city of Yuanzhou. The wilderness with a radius of tens of kilometers is surrounded by thick barbed wire up to [-] meters high. Only alliance fighters or college students with entry permits are allowed to enter.

Lu Shaoxi showed his Zhongdian certificate attached to the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance, and the guard immediately saluted respectfully and let him in.

Just as Lu Shaoxi parked the Falcon, Zheng Hai had already received a call and rushed to the entrance to pick him up. The meeting between the two naturally had a lot of chatter.

"Brother Lu, Dean Xia is also here in person, but he is discussing the details of the actual combat exercise with Zhou Shangdian and couldn't get away, so he specially asked me to pick you up. Have you read all the materials of this field exercise?"

"Brother Zheng is too polite. I have read all the materials."

In this grand rehearsal, 250 professional warriors from the Yuanzhou Fist Alliance fought against 220 seven students from Thunder Academy.

In order to ensure the authenticity, effectiveness and fairness of the exercise, the strength of all the personnel participating in the actual combat exercise should not exceed the tenth level of energy gathering. If their own strength exceeds this limit, they must suppress their strength at the tenth level of energy gathering.

At that time, each participant will have to wear a special armband, which is equipped with a strength monitor. Once the concentration of the wearer's true energy exceeds ten energy accumulations, the armband will automatically unlock and fall off, and the participant will be eliminated directly. out.

Lu Shaoxi and Rin, who broke through to the Tongmai state a few days ago, were able to participate in this actual combat exercise because of the restriction of this special armband.

In this actual combat exercise, the Jingwu Alliance dispatched the Silver Star Elite Military Guards. The biggest feature is that it uses anti-invisible firearms equipped with paintballs. The shooting speed of the paintballs is the same as that of real anti-invisible bullets. If the sensor on the vital part of the arm is damaged, it will be regarded as injured. If the "injury" is too severe, the armband will also be unlocked and fall off, and the participants will be eliminated.

The Thunder Academy sent third and fourth graders. Except for a few who were unable to attend due to special reasons, basically all the third and fourth graders were present.These students are only equipped with the most basic anti-hidden weapon pistols, and a day's rations, which can be described as a huge disparity in equipment.

The task of both sides is to capture or behead the opponent's "leader general" within seven days.

This is the basic information about this actual combat exercise that Lu Shaoxi has grasped so far.The specific detailed plan will be announced today, and the actual combat exercise will officially start tomorrow.

Lu Shaoxi took Lin, followed behind Zheng Hai, and soon came to the residence of Thunder Academy.

This is more than 200 Thunder Academy students who have already assembled and are undergoing basic training to familiarize themselves with the terrain of the actual combat exercise as soon as possible.When everyone saw Lu Shaoxi, they cheered immediately: "Teacher Lu is here!"

"Wow, God Lu! Welcome!"

"God Lu, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

 I originally said that there will be three shifts today, but there are some facts at home that are too late, please forgive me, there will be three shifts tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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