i can eat tips

Chapter 316 Mutual Prey

Chapter 316 Mutual Prey
The second problem Lu Shaoxi faced was ammunition.

Thunder Academy students each only have a pistol and fifteen rounds of paintballs, which seems like a lot, but the students are generally nervous during the first battle, even students with excellent marksmanship are prone to miss, and even shoot desperately in panic, in vain Waste of bullets.

A small confrontation last night can see the seriousness of this problem.

There were nearly [-] students in eight teams and ten teams. Except for the six who were eliminated, the rest fired seven paintballs per capita.

In other words, it took the students more than 400 rounds of bullets to "eliminate" nine enemies, and nearly half of them were taken care of by Lu Shaoxi.The consumption of this ammunition is too fast, not to mention that Lu Shaoxi has no ammunition in his hands now, even if there is a lot of ammunition, he cannot withstand such consumption.

Yesterday he had confiscated all the guns and ammunition of the eliminated personnel on both sides, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

Without ammunition, if you want to rely on martial arts alone to fight against well-armed enemies, then there is no need to fight this battle.The battlefield is different from a duel in martial arts. What is more important is one-on-one duels. You come and go. The battle is simple and rough. Whoever has the best weapons and who has the most people will have a greater chance of winning. Just like two people with similar strength in the martial arts People, whoever has good skills, strong martial arts, and high-grade weapons will most likely win the duel.

So if the ammunition problem is not resolved, it is basically impossible for Lu Shaoxi to command the students to win this actual combat exercise.

The solution is nothing more than two, open source and throttling.

There is no way to reduce expenditure in a short period of time, but open source is a good way.

So Lu Shaoxi has been paying attention to the hostile team of about 30 people about five kilometers to the northeast, and "witnessed" the whole process of them defeating Song Yuhong's 30 people.

In the end, Song Yuhong managed to escape with only a few people including Ma Wendao and Xu Tianhua, and the rest of the Lu faction students were all eliminated.

Lu Shaoxi "looked" at the triumphant and arrogant look of this hostile team, and his heart moved, thinking of trying to trick them.

This group of enemies was small in number, but they had complete weapons and ammunition, were equipped with snowmobiles, and had experienced an overwhelming battle to be arrogant. In Lu Shaoxi's eyes, they were simply the best prey.

However, for a group of students who have almost no actual combat experience on the battlefield, once they meet suddenly, this mobile team of 30 people will still bring a devastating blow to the entire student team.

How to "coincidentally" discover the traces of these enemies and make arrangements in advance becomes the key to this battle.

When Lu Shaoxi saw that the seventh team in charge of reconnaissance came back one after another, and Zhang Chun was also among them, Lu Shaoxi immediately took it to heart.

He called Zhang Chun over, opened the map, pointed to the northeast and said, "Brother Zhang Chun, it's getting late, and I plan to camp here tonight, but there are many forests here, and it is easy to have ambushes. Your lightness skill is the best. Let’s go and explore. If we find enemies, we’ll see if we can change the camping location.”

"Yes!" Zhang Chun looked at Lu Shaoxi thoughtfully, and soon disappeared into the snow.

His lightness kung fu is really outstanding, even if his strength is suppressed to the tenth level of energy gathering, there are still only faint footprints on the snow, which can't be found if you don't pay attention.


Five kilometers to the northeast, No. 70, the No. [-] unit of the Yuanzhou Silver Star Elite Martial Guard Regiment, was advancing in a detour.

There is no communication equipment, no compass, they can only rely on the electronic map in their hands, the surrounding woods, and the sun to determine their orientation, but it is not difficult for these experienced alliance warriors.

According to the rules of the actual combat exercise, the Silver Star Elite Martial Guard Regiment is divided into six teams. Except for the main force of 100 people, the rest of the teams are small teams with as many as 40 people and as few as 20 people. Each team enters the actual combat exercise area. They are all randomly generated by the computer. They may be together or they may be very far apart. They cannot communicate with each other through communication equipment, so they can only fight on their own. The mission goal is the same as that of the students. Find the nuclear warhead and "eliminate" Leaders among students.

However, what is more difficult than the students' task is that they don't know who the leader among the students is, or whether there is such a number one person, but the leader of the main force of the Jingwu Alliance must wear a badge with a logo according to regulations. Order service.

This actual combat exercise is a test for the students, and it is also a test for them professional alliance fighters.

The captain of Team No.70 is Dai Hui, a rank of Shaoling. He has joined the Jingwu League for four years. He has rich experience and has made many military exploits. , They should search for traces of the student team all the way, fight if they encounter it, and join the main team in the nuclear warhead area if they don't.But yesterday, when Dai Hui found that the location where he entered the actual combat exercise area was only ten or twenty kilometers away from the original station of the student team, he began to think about these student teams.

If a team of more than 200 students were all cleaned up by him, it would be a great contribution.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to meet up with the main force. Instead, he circled and patrolled the area that must pass through the nuclear warhead. He took his time and waited for the fish to take the bait. To signal the enemy's situation.

Their patience was finally rewarded, and more than 30 people including Song Yuhong rushed into the trap like blind flies.In fact, Song Yuhong also proceeded in batches according to the content learned in the combat class, echoing each other, but when he met Dai Hui, an experienced alliance warrior, his deployment according to the scriptures was as childish and ridiculous as elementary school mathematics.

Dai Hui's mobile team completed the entire ambush process in the open plain area with almost no effort, and the battle was over without wasting a single extra bullet.If Song Yuhong and others hadn't reacted quickly and jumped into a ravine to escape, Dai Hui's ambush would have been perfect.

However, quite useful information was also obtained from the mouth of the "captive".

For example, Lu Shaoxi has become the commander of the joint team and is leading the students here...

Dai Hui already knew the combat effectiveness of these student teams, and it would not be a problem for him to clear away two or three hundred from 30 people!
Dai Hui was stroking the beard on his lips quite proudly, and the vice-captain Shen Jianguo next to him smiled and said, "Dai Shaoling, you said that if we captured Lu Shaoxi alive, would it count as capturing the enemy's leader?"

"It should be counted." When Shen Jianguo mentioned Lu Shaoxi, Dai Hui felt even more interesting.

The name Lu Shaoxi had been circulated for a long time among the Yuanzhou Silver Star elite military guards, but except for a few elite detachments, the rest of the fighters only knew his name, and they didn't know what skills he had and what tasks he had completed.But even those elites with eyes above the top will be awed when they mention this name, which makes the alliance warriors who don't know it surprised and amazed.It wasn't until Lu Shaoxi defeated Hu He Zhengxiong that Dai Hui and the others knew that this kid was amazingly powerful.

But in this actual combat exercise, both sides have to suppress their strength. If I can capture Lu Shaoxi alive, it will be a majestic thing to pass back to the military guards. At least I will look good in front of those elite elites!

"Report! The signal of the enemy's trace is sent back from the distant hillside!"

Dai Hui cheered up, and yelled at his subordinates: "Brothers, let's let these students see how powerful the real alliance fighters are!"

All the alliance warriors laughed and responded in unison.

If you don't have a heart and a heart, you will definitely be able to send these two hundred students home this time!
 Thanks for the monthly pass of "It's All Magic Gold"!

(End of this chapter)

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