i can eat tips

Chapter 319

Chapter 319
The night was getting dark, after observing that there was no Jingwu Alliance team that could pose a threat within [-] kilometers, Lu Shaoxi took Rin back to the tent to rest, Rin got in first, and asked in a low voice: "Lu Shaoxi, are we going to sleep? "

Just now Rin wiped her body with hot water in her small tent next to her. I don’t know if it’s because of the hot water. Now her little face is flushed and looks like a ripe apple, which is extremely cute.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help taking a few more glances, he coughed and said, "You go to sleep first, I'm practicing kung fu next to me, I haven't practiced kung fu since yesterday, if I don't practice kung fu again, it will be useless."

"Then...then I'll go to sleep first." Rin took off his shoes, and then sneaked a glance at Lu Shaoxi, seeing that he didn't look at him, he quickly took off his coat and got into Lu Shaoxi's bed, as if he completely forgot that Lu Shaoxi said to sleep You can't take off the rules of the alliance uniform.

Lu Shaoxi has 360-degree perspective eyes, how could Rin's small movements escape his eyes?Lu Shaoxi recalled that the first time she saw Rin, she started to take off her skirt in front of her, as if she had no sense of gender at all. Does this behavior count as growing up now?
Lu Shaoxi had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't dare to look any more, so he immediately calmed down, crossed his knees and began to practice the Eight Emperors Heaven and Earth God of War Art.

Now that he is not on the island in the middle of the lake, only the heat generated by devouring the secret book will speed up, and his cultivation speed will be much slower, only about ten times that of ordinary people. Of course, this speed is already shocking in the eyes of others.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Shaoxi woke up from the trance.Looking at the time displayed on the armband, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

Lu Shaoxi let out a long breath. A few hours of hard training had no obvious effect. It is extremely difficult to improve the strength of Tongmai Realm. If he wants to upgrade to another level, it may take at least half a year.

He smelled a very pleasant faint fragrance in his nose, which made people feel refreshed and happy physically and mentally. It was like the fragrance of flowers and better than the fragrance of flowers. Lu Shaoxi was slightly startled, and then remembered that Lin was sleeping soundly in his tent.

He smiled wryly and shook his head. He was ashamed to sleep next to her. He was about to get up quietly to inspect the camp. As soon as he moved, he found that the corner of his clothes was caught by something. Looking back, it turned out that Rin's little hand had been holding him tightly. The hem of his clothes seemed to be afraid that he would sneak away.

Looking at the little girl who was sleeping soundly in the dark with a smile on her mouth, Lu Shaoxi burst out laughing. Just as she gently pulled her little hand away, her see-through eyes suddenly caught a rapidly moving figure more than 20 kilometers away.

This person's movement is so fast!At least it has the strength of the fourth level of Tongmai Tongmai!And it's coming this way!
It stands to reason that everyone in the actual combat exercise area wears smart shoulder straps to suppress their strength, and it is impossible for anyone to fully display the strength of the Tongmai environment.Unless, this person is not a member of both parties participating in the actual combat exercise!

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help becoming vigilant, and locked on this figure tightly with his perspective eyes.

The person who came was a woman wearing a grimace mask, wearing a white camouflage tights all over her body, her movements were light and fast, and she was obviously very good at tracking and hiding.

Lu Shaoxi adjusted the focus of his perspective eyes, and quickly saw the woman's appearance clearly. She was in her early thirties, with slender eyebrows and long eyes, and a cold expression. She wore a pair of black daggers around her waist. The murderous look, at first glance, is a ruthless character with blood on his hands.

Who is this man?Did you just pass by or did you come here on purpose?

When he thought of the "purpose", a line of words appeared on the top of the woman's head: "Threatening and profiting to lure Lu Shaoxi into serving Yan Shuai."

The new feature of clairvoyant eyes works!

This woman actually came for herself, and she is from Yan Shuai!

Lu Shaoxi was stunned. The name "Yan Shuai" impressed Lu Shaoxi very much. Although Dean Xia never told him about Yan Shuai, and even Falcon didn't collect much information through network monitoring, in Lu Shaoxi's heart, Yue Bei The most memorable thing during the trip was "Yan Shuai", the mysterious behind-the-scenes manipulator.

How can someone who can dispatch a leader-level alchemy master and secretly control the situation in Vietnam be an ordinary character?Not to mention that even Dean Xia and Zhou Shangdian are extremely afraid of this handsome Yan.

Lu Shaoxi knew very well that this woman came after him, and judging by her appearance, she would not be afraid to kill people. Maybe she would casually kill a few students on patrol in order to sneak into the camp to talk to him.

These students are the capital of Lu Shaoxi's future, how could Lu Shaoxi sit back and watch them be killed, he quietly got up, got out of the tent and pretended to patrol the camp, and walked to the edge of the camp.

After saying hello to a few dark-sentry students, Lu Shaoxi swooped up like a swallow, and appeared at the edge of the woods half a kilometer away in a moment, and said slowly: "Come out, I know you are inside."

The woman who had just arrived in the woods was obviously very surprised that her whereabouts were found. She was silent for a while, and finally appeared in front of Lu Shaoxi.Under the moonlight, Lu Shaoxi stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm and unpredictable.

The woman sized him up for a while, then said coldly: "Oh? You are Lu Shaoxi, and you deserve your reputation. You are the first to discover my location without the help of divine sense." Her voice was obviously changed by the voice-changing module in the mask. It sounds like a robot.

Naturally, Lu Shaoxi would not say that he has clairvoyance, he said calmly: "You forgot to deal with the smell of perfume on your body. When I was patrolling the camp just now, I was standing in a downwind position, and my sense of smell was better than others, so I was lucky to find your perfume. exist."

The woman was startled for a moment, she did have a very faint smell of perfume on her body, she was lazy and didn't have time to deal with it, but she didn't expect that this boy who she didn't pay attention to found her trace.She couldn't help but nodded and said: "You kid is a bit interesting, no wonder you can beat Wudoumen to pieces, even the head of Weimen fell into your hands, and fled overnight."

Lu Shaoxi's heart moved slightly: "So you are from Wudoumen?" He was surprised in his heart, why would people from Wudoumen do things for Yan Shuai?
The woman snorted coldly: "Wudoumen? What is Wudoumen? How can I be from Wudoumen? Lu Shaoxi, my master admires you very much. Are you interested in following him?"

Lu Shaoxi wanted to know the background of Yan Shuai, so he pretended to be surprised: "You are not from Wudoumen? Then who are you? Who is your master?"

"You don't have to worry about who my master is, but as long as you do things well for him, you will be guaranteed endless prosperity and wealth in the future!"

Lu Shaoxi turned around and asked again: "Oh? I defeated Wudoumen, your master not only doesn't hold grudges against me, but also wants to win me over?"

The woman said disdainfully: "Wu Dou Sect lost to you under such generous conditions provided by my master, which proves that they are useless waste. After you cleaned up these waste, how can my master hold grudges against you? He always seeks talents If you are thirsty, my master welcomes a talent like you." Every time "my master" is mentioned, blind admiration will flash in the woman's eyes.

Lu Shaoxi saw it, and pondered deliberately: "Does that mean that I will be useless in the future, and your master will abandon me at any time?"

"You are different, you are my master's favorite person, as long as you agree to follow my master, my master can guarantee that you will reach the state of transformation within a year!"

God Transformation Realm?Lu Shaoxi's heart jumped violently.

For him, the God Transformation Realm is indeed a great temptation.But the question is, does this Yan Shuai really have a way to make himself a God Transformation within a year?

(End of this chapter)

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