i can eat tips

Chapter 325

Chapter 325
Lu Shaoxi saw that a strong attack was not going to work, his eyes rolled, and he quickly took it to heart.

He found that Rin wanted to take a risk and rushed over to help him, and immediately said loudly: "Rin, don't worry, this little formation is nothing special! I can break it in a while!"

After all, while dodging the attacks of the three, he gave them a middle finger.

This provocative method has obvious effects, and the three masters were all furious when they heard it. They have dealt with countless powerful enemies in this joint attack formation, and they have never missed it. It can be said that they are invincible existences at the same level. How can they be so despised by Lu Shaoxi now? Not burning with anger?

The three of them looked at each other, the formation suddenly sped up, and the weapons in their hands turned into countless lights and shadows, making every move inseparable from Lu Shaoxi's vitals.

Lu Shaoxi secretly shouted, this formation is best at trapping the enemy, but if the attack is strengthened and the attack is blindly rushed, the transformation of the formation's eyes will be slowed down.

Lu Shaoxi suddenly kicked his feet in a row, and the large snowflakes on the ground attacked the faces of the three of them like countless hidden weapons.The three of them never thought that Lu Shaoxi would resort to such a low-level sneak attack. Their sight was blocked for such a moment, and the formation inevitably stagnated.Lu Shaoxi had already grasped this opportunity, his fists were like the wind, and he attacked the master swordsman who was standing in the eye of the formation.

The master swordsman suddenly saw a pair of fists appearing in the snowflakes. He was so shocked that he had no time to dodge, so he had to return his sword to cut Lu Shaoxi's fist. Return the power to the other body", fingers blooming like lotus flowers, lightly pressing and pulling on the dagger.

"Kuang!" The short sword collided with the short spear next to it, shaking both of them numb at the same time.Lu Shaoxi laughed loudly: "How difficult is it to break your formation?" His movements were faster than his voice, and the tiger-shaped lore Huanhu used it, forcibly beating the dagger master back, and the formation lacked one person immediately. broken.

Lu Shaoxi took advantage of the victory and pursued immediately after a successful blow, his body swayed, and both hands Xingyue intercepted and attacked the master wielding the saber and the spear respectively.The speed bonus of Xingyue's interception is extremely high, and he is best at short combat. Li Jin beat two masters who are also good at close combat in a hurry.

Suddenly there was a strong wind from behind, Lu Shaoxi didn't even think about it, and swung out with a chopping palm, which collided with the opponent's fist.

The air exploded, snowflakes splashed, and the two took a few steps back at the same time.

Lu Shaoxi sneered and said, "Oh? You finally made a move?"

It was Feng Qing who made the shot, and he still had a lazy and cynical smile on his face: "Lu Shaoxi, you are really good at fighting, let me see Lie Xinxi, come on, let's have a good fight." He withdrew his fist and drew it again. The snake-shaped soft sword at the waist protruded, and the silver soft sword came out of the hole like a silver snake, full of murderous aura.

Lu Shaoxi saw that he had been besieged by more than a hundred enemies, and Rin on the other side was also besieged, but there was no danger in the confrontation between the two sides, so he immediately calmed down and said calmly, "A sneak attack from behind is a good fight?"

Feng Qing smiled and said: "On the battlefield, winning is the only goal. How can there be any rules in the world?"

"Oh, what you said makes sense. Well, if you want to fight, then..." Before the last word "war" was finished, Lu Shaoxi had already made a move, and he kicked up large snowflakes in a row again, blocking Feng Qing's sight , but he slammed his bow on the back, hitting the alliance warriors who besieged him like a cannonball.

All the fighters of the alliance were shocked by Lu Shaoxi's martial arts just now. Seeing that the coach was going to fight alone with Lu Shaoxi, they were excited to see the wonderful duel between the two, but they didn't expect Lu Shaoxi to attack suddenly, and they still attacked themselves. !

The warriors of the alliance were caught off guard, and were knocked down by Lu Shaoxi one after another. Lu Shaoxi stopped the momentum of the rear collision, and immediately exerted force on his feet, and flew out like a swallow, flying towards Lin's direction.

He is not stupid, the opponent has a large number of people, and with his current strength of only the third level of condensed core, even if he can defeat Feng Qing, he will not escape the fate of being besieged and defeated. Seeing that his students have completed the layout according to plan, how could he Will fight the enemy again.

"Rin! Flash!"

Lu Shaoxi intercepted and killed the alliance fighters who surrounded Rin several times in a row, grabbed two automatic rifles, grabbed Rin's little hand, and ran towards the direction he came from.

Feng Qing shook the snowflakes away with a wave of his hand. Seeing that Lu Shaoxi had escaped, he couldn't help but startled, and then laughed loudly: "Come on, catch up with this kid! Everyone pay attention, there should be an ambush ahead!"

He has rich experience in the battlefield, so he can naturally guess that there may be an ambush in front of Lu Shaoxi, but he also knows that the fighters of the Yuanzhou Jingwu Alliance have experienced many battles, and their number is no less than that of the student team. Want to play an ambush?I still don't know who ambushed whom!

He led three masters to use their agility to chase Lu Shaoxi and Lin first, while the alliance warriors jumped on snowmobiles and followed behind.

Lu Shaoxi pulled Lin and ran with all his strength, and a few minutes later he had rushed up the hillside. Using his clairvoyant eyes, he could not help but be overjoyed to see the enemies behind him chasing after him.

Come on, come on, just follow me!

Although he and Rin's true qi movement is suppressed at the tenth level of gathering qi, their physical fitness is still in the meridian state. The fierce battle just now basically didn't consume any physical strength of the two of them.

Lu Shaoxi turned around and shot while running. He didn't aim at Feng Qing and the other three, but all the ordinary alliance warriors who were chasing closest.

Feng Qing and the others planned to speed up and catch up with Lu Shaoxi when he aimed his gun, but Lu Shaoxi's running speed was not affected by the shooting at all, and his marksmanship was unbelievably good. As soon as the gunshot rang, an alliance warrior fell down Be eliminated.

After chasing one after another, seven or eight alliance fighters were eliminated soon.

By the time Lu Shaoxi used up the bullets from the two automatic rifles he had seized, the number of alliance warriors had changed from more than 150 at the time of pursuit to less than 130.This rogue-like style of play made Feng Qing and others dumbfounded, and the alliance warriors shot back one after another, but Lu Shaoxi was as sensitive as a flying swallow, and his running trajectory was ever-changing. He couldn't even aim at him, and countless bullets landed Shaoxi and Rin flew by, but missed a single shot.

At this time, Lu Shaoxi had led the enemy to run for about three or four kilometers. Feng Qing and others were surprised that they did not encounter any ambushes along the way. Lu Shaoxi turned around and rushed into a forest, and arrogantly raised his middle finger at everyone. , loudly said: "If you have the ability, chase them in!"

Feng Qing raised his hand to stop all the alliance fighters, he sneered in his heart, trying to use such a crappy trick to lure us into the woods and step into an ambush circle?When we are fools?There were messy footprints in front of the dense forest. Obviously, the students rushed into the forest to set up ambush in a hurry, and there was no time to deal with these footprints.

But since the students are in the dense forest, it's easy to handle. When it comes to jungle warfare, these alliance warriors can beat them by a few blocks!
Feng Qing immediately ordered: "Get out of the car! Be vigilant, disperse into the dense forest, and destroy the enemy!"

It is not suitable to drive a snowmobile in the dense forest. The alliance warriors immediately got out of the car with their guns, dispersed, and approached the dense forest cautiously and carefully.

Sure enough, as soon as they approached the dense forest, there was a lot of gunfire from inside, and the bullets continued to shoot out. However, the experienced alliance warriors immediately lay down and fought back, with almost no casualties.

Just as the alliance warriors were about to climb close to the dense forest for a surprise attack, suddenly a dozen black lacquered objects were thrown from behind, and landed on the densely populated alliance warriors.


The alliance warriors fell on the ground, and there was no time to dodge. With the sound of "Boom!", countless scarlet dyes scattered, and forty or fifty alliance warriors were eliminated.

The alliance warriors hadn't figured out where the grenade was thrown from, when suddenly snowflakes rose from the snow behind, and more than 30 students appeared, all armed with submachine guns, and fired towards this side.

Some students actually dug a hole early to hide in the snow and launched a sneak attack from behind!
In the chaotic and fierce confrontation, the alliance fighters once again fell 60 people, and the more than 30 students who played the role of death squads also fell.However, under the ebb and flow, the student team clearly has the upper hand, and the balance of victory has tilted towards the student team!

(End of this chapter)

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