i can eat tips

Chapter 341 Mission Begins

Chapter 341 Mission Begins

Lu Shaoxi knew that this guy had been monitoring the entire building of Tianwang Entertainment Company with his spiritual sense in the morning, and that he and Shen Mengyao's "challenging" must have been hidden from him, so he didn't explain it right now, but just smiled inscrutablely: "In short I have to ask Brother Feng to support and help us to complete this task together.”

Feng Qing winked and said: "It must be. Don't forget to give me a favor fee after soaking in Goddess Shen. I heard that most female stars have a few beautiful celebrity girlfriends. You have to ask Goddess Shen to introduce me."

"That's no problem." Lu Shaoxi smiled and agreed, but she was complaining in her heart, how could Shen Mengyao's withdrawn personality have any celebrity and beautiful girlfriends?When she was in high school and college, she had only two or three female friends who were barely getting along, and they were all mediocre in appearance.

There are people coming and going here, and it is inconvenient for the two to chat, so they waved goodbye soon.

Lu Shaoxi returned to the Falcon, and observed Feng Qing with his clairvoyant eyes.I saw him disappear in a clothing store quickly, and when he came out, he had changed into a completely different style of clothes. Originally, his white suit was a bit like an elite white-collar worker, but he changed into a British college-style coat, and recombed his hair After a while, wearing brown glasses, his facial features became more three-dimensional, and he turned into an image of an overseas student with a very aristocratic temperament.This make-up is so flawless, if Lu Shaoxi hadn't been staring at him, he wouldn't have been able to tell that he was Feng Qing a few minutes ago.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help praising her.This is different from any human skin mask, it is purely made up by Feng Qing in a very short period of time.It seems that this disguise should also be a professional skill that must be learned in Qianlong.

Seeing that Fengqing changed to a coffee shop and continued to hook up with young beauties and chat, but his eyes from monitoring the hotel never let up, Lu Shaoxi once again lamented the professionalism of the Qianlong elite team members, and at the same time, he was very concerned about the closed training he attended after more than a week. A bit of anticipation and interest.


The hotel Shen Mengyao stayed in was not the best hotel in Yuanzhou, but it was definitely the quietest hotel with the most elegant environment. This five-star hotel named "Lvyi Hotel" was built in a villa area in the city center , high-quality security and a large number of people can effectively prevent entertainment reporters from sneaking in to inquire about gossip.

After several inspections, Lu Shaoxi walked to the hotel gate. As soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw the security guard politely invited two reporters who were disguised as ordinary residents to come out.

From the conversation, I learned that these reporters wanted to pretend to be friends and asked to see Shen Mengyao, and the security guards had been instructed to "please" them to leave immediately.

This was in Lu Shaoxi's expectation, if Shen Mengyao could meet him casually, would he still be considered a big star?
Looking through the eyes, the hotel has [-] floors, and Shen Mengyao lives on the [-]th floor. Right now, Miss Shen is lying on the bed wearing earphones, listening to something, with a very strange expression on her face, as if sad , Another look of nostalgia.

This is an expression that would never appear on Shen Mengyao's face at ordinary times.

Lu Shaoxi was stunned for a while, and saw that the female bodyguard with sunglasses lived in the room next to Shen Mengyao, but the other room was empty.

He couldn't help but think to himself, if he lived in that empty room, with his excellent hearing, he might be able to hear the voice in Shen Mengyao's earphones.

Intrigued, he strode to the front desk, trying to secure the empty room next to Shen Mengyao, but the waiter at the front desk said apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir, all the ten floors and above of our hotel have been booked out. There are no external services these days.”

It is estimated that Shen Mengyao was afraid of being disturbed by the reporters, so she booked all the ten floors above, and only arranged for her manager, accompanying make-up artist, clothing artist and other accompanying personnel and bodyguards to live.

Lu Shaoxi once again looked at Shen Mengyao's financial ability with admiration. The room rate of this hotel alone is 20 per day, right?Do celebrities make money like this?
Unable to live next door to Shen Mengyao, he could only settle for the next best thing and get a room on the ninth floor.

He took the key card and walked into the elevator, only to find that the elevator was identified by the key card. He could only take the elevator to the ninth floor, and his plan to go directly to the nineteenth floor to find Shen Mengyao fell through.But Lu Shaoxi didn't care, he came to his room, and after resting for a while, he saw that the snow outside was getting bigger and bigger, and it was difficult to distinguish people ten steps away, so he opened the window, equipped with spider gloves, and turned over flexibly, like a spider. Usually glued to the outer wall.

The sky was full of wind and snow, and the surveillance cameras installed on the outer wall of the hotel were almost useless. Lu Shaoxi chose another room that was right on the edge of the surveillance, so he didn't have to worry about being discovered by the surveillance.

On the other hand, the "Red Flag" sniper who was standing guard on the big tree in the distance spotted him at once, but after seeing through the earliest infrared vision instrument of the Jingwu Alliance that it was Lu Shaoxi who climbed the wall, he was suddenly stunned, especially when he saw Lu Shaoxi Actually secretly gave a thumbs up in his direction, even more dumbfounded.He hurriedly contacted Feng Qing through the communicator on the collar: "Report to the captain and found that Lu Shaoxi is climbing up the outer wall on the ninth floor. The target seems to be Miss Shen's room. Do we want to stop him?"

Feng Qing apparently also discovered Lu Shaoxi's actions through his spiritual sense, and he replied: "Don't worry about him, his task is to protect Miss Shen personally and cooperate with our long-distance protection."


After finishing the call, Feng Qing couldn't help but cast a glance at Lu Shaoxi's direction, and admired: "Climbing the wall in the wind and snow and sneaking into the room to pick up girls, this is a perfect move. I don't know if Goddess Shen will be moved or frightened?"


With the help of spider gloves and his nimble body skills, Lu Shaoxi climbed to the nineteenth floor in the blink of an eye. With the help of his true energy, he easily pushed open the window and slipped in.

Just after shaking off the snow on his body, Lu Shaoxi was about to stick it on the wall to secretly listen to what Shen Mengyao's earphones were playing, when suddenly the room opened, and the black muzzle of the gun was pointed at him coldly.

"Who? Put your hands up, or I'll shoot you!"

A woman's stern voice sounded.

Lu Shaoxi immediately raised his hands, looking honestly at the woman in sunglasses and a suit in front of him: "I want to see Miss Shen, please pass it on."

Lu Shaoxi had long recognized that this woman was Shen Mengyao's female bodyguard with a high concentration of alchemy. With her strength, it was expected that she found her trace. She never expected that she would be so vigilant and take action the moment she found herself. .

Mo Yi looked him in the eyes, suddenly his face changed slightly, and he asked vigilantly, "Are you Lu Shaoxi?"

Lu Shaoxi was surprised: "Oh? You still know me?"

Mo Yi said with a cold face: "If you don't want to die, leave here immediately!"

"I'm sorry, I have a mission." Lu Shaoxi took out Qianlong's small gold medal and raised it. Since Shen Mengyao can make the Jingwu Alliance pay so much attention to protection, then this female bodyguard with ten heavy condensed cores may also be Jingwu Union people.

Sure enough, Mo Yi recognized the brand, and her face changed slightly: "Qianlong? Are you here on behalf of the Jingwu Alliance?"

Lu Shaoxi smiled and nodded, "Yes, I was ordered to protect Miss Shen by her side."

 Thanks to "Xiaoguan" and "Guchengxi" for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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