i can eat tips

Chapter 357 Sudden Changes

Chapter 357 Sudden Changes

Guan Zhengyao's strength is far superior to Yaodao's. This kick came first, and he was about to kick Yaodao. Unexpectedly, Yaodao's arched figure suddenly bounced upright, and the whole person took advantage of the momentum to jump up, narrowly avoiding Guan Zhengyao. Almost a killer kick.

Guan Zhengyao saw that he was able to evade his own attack with a weird jujitsu in the nick of time. Although he was slightly surprised, the other kick kicked out in a row, towards his chest and abdomen.

The power of this kick is even more terrifying, the kick glowing with ice blue light has an attack power no less than that of the fire attribute!As if carried by this kick, the wind and snow in the sky turned into countless hidden frost weapons, attacking the retreating demon sword!

Apparently, Guan Zhengyao had made up his mind to kill the weaker Yaodao in the Black Panther team first with a thunderbolt.

Suddenly the figure swayed, and a palm waved towards him like silk.

This palm is a typical soft palm martial art. The amazing thing is that the arm and palm of the person who strikes seem to have no bones, making the palm strength [-]% soft and [-]% firm. several times.If this palm is slapped on the tofu, the tofu will not be damaged at all, and the hardest granite under the tofu will be shattered into powder!

Guan Zhengyao saw how powerful this palm was. Once he was hit, even if he had a body shield, he would feel extremely uncomfortable, but he still did not dodge or dodge. It was just that the foot that was originally kicking at the demon knife swept across the momentum, and with a sharp force The wind swept towards this soft arm.

It is Guan Zhengyao's fiercest "Thirteen Stances of Desert Kuangsha" to defeat ten times with one force!
It was the Black Panther who made the attack. Seeing that Guan Zhengyao used such a fierce attack to break the softness, he frowned, unwilling to fight him to the death in the first move. To keep.

This move is round and natural, and it shows the black panther's extremely advanced palm skills.

"Boom!" Guan Zhengyao's invincible kick kicked on the cotton ball, and there was a dull bang. The panther took advantage of the momentum to retreat, and its body swayed left and right. Min beat the cheetah, and its feet changed several positions while breathing. Guan Zhengyao's attacking pace was blocked, and at almost the same instant, Gray Wolf and Yaodao also stepped on their feet, attacking Guan Zhengyao from left and right.

Gray Wolf roared violently, all the hair on his body stood on end, his skin turned blue-white like steel, his appearance was strange and terrifying, the most frightening thing was that his hands and five fingers suddenly grew long claws like steel wolf claws, Like Wolverine in the movie.Snowflakes splashed, and the long claws of both hands attacked one after another, rushing towards Guan Zhengyao's back!This claw strike is not only powerful, but also at a tricky angle, making it impossible to defend against.

Yaodao held the knife in both hands, dragging the tip of the knife to the ground, but it turned into a cold light the moment it approached Guan Zhengyao, drawing a trajectory that was very natural and reasonable, cutting towards Guan Zhengyao's waist like lightning.

With Guan Zhengyao's eightfold ability to unblock the meridian, when encountering the pincer attack of these two fierce gods, his original aura like a rainbow was also stagnant. It was too late for him to chase the black panther. The radiance of true qi transforms into huge arms, which bear the strong attack of the gray wolf and the demon knife!
Violent vigor mingled, and both sides were shaken at the same time. Gray Wolf and Demon Sword were shaken back three steps, and Guan Zhengyao's tiger body was also forced to take a step back, but Gray Wolf and Demon Sword cooperated tacitly, and as soon as they stopped, they stopped again. Attacked over.

The black panther followed like a shadow, with a pair of cotton palms forming two vortex-like soft forces, covering Guan Zhengyao head-on.The most frightening thing is that these two soft forces do not attack in a straight line, but are thrown out like soft whips, covering them along a trajectory that is as natural as nature, and it is extremely difficult to resist.It's like someone whipping a whip, whether you are horizontal or vertical, the whip can follow the trend and continue to pull down.Huagumianzhang martial arts has been practiced to such a state of strength and softness, it is really amazing.

Guan Zhengyao raised his eyebrows, shouted, and once again fought head-to-head with the three thugs.

His fist and foot moves are clumsy and powerful, while the black panther, gray wolf, and demon knife are also only attacking but not defending. For a while, the wind of the fist roared, the air of the knife, the shadow of the claw, the shadow of the palm covered the sky and covered the ground, and the snow field hundreds of meters around was completely covered by energy It was smashed into mud, the ground subsided, and even the big tree 800 meters away was shaken to the side by the vigor.

On the surface, it seems that Guan Zhengyao has the upper hand, and the attack of the Black Panther team can't help him at all. In fact, the attack of the Black Panther team is as dense as a net. There was even no way to break through the siege of the Black Panther team.Once he has any negligence, or if his offensive is weaker, he will immediately be suppressed by the counterattack of three powerful enemies.

Guan Zhengyao couldn't help being secretly startled. In fact, his strength is far superior to any member of the Black Panther team. If he fights alone, he is confident that he can take the life of Gray Wolf or Demon Sword within three or five moves, even if the Black Panther It is said that it will be strengthened strangely, and Guan Zhengyao is still confident that he can be smashed into scum within fifty strokes, but after the three of them form a combined attack formation, the fierce attack of the gray wolf, the sharp and fast knife of the demon knife, and the softness of the black panther But the palms cooperate seamlessly, and the power has increased several times.After dozens of moves, Guan Zhengyao began to sweat on his forehead.

He couldn't help but secretly groaning, he was too arrogant. Although he had heard about the amazing formation of these three people, he didn't really take it to heart. At this time, let alone wanting to win, even if he wanted to escape, it would be difficult to reach the sky. The Black Panther team The formation has been fully deployed, trapping him to death.

"Guan Zhengyao, aren't you very arrogant, you said that you can kill three of us by yourself, why don't you shout now?" Gray Wolf yelled with a smug grin.

The panther also sneered and said, "Guan Zhengyao, if you are captured without a fight, we can spare your life. Our organization also values ​​talents like you very much."

Guan Zhengyao glared angrily: "Hey, how can I lose to you foreign clowns?" He shouted sharply, the bones of his whole body creaked, and he actually resorted to strengthening, a series of wonderful tricks With his martial arts boxing moves, his fists exploded into shadows all over the sky, and he slammed towards the gray wolf.

"Death struggle!" Gray Wolf would not fight him resolutely, and immediately backed away.

There is a time limit for strengthening, once the time limit is up, the strength will plummet, and then Guan Zhengyao will be defeated.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment when the gray wolf had just retreated, two figures were ejected from a distance like meteors, and a huge hammer shadow wrapped in frost slammed down towards the top of the gray wolf's head with a frightening wind. .

Almost at the same time, two shadows of golden dragon fists glowing with lightning and flame roared towards him, entangled and slammed into Gray Wolf's back!
The timing and coordination of this sneak attack was perfect, even if the black panther sensed something was wrong earlier, it would be too late to rescue the gray wolf.

The two intertwined golden dragons of thunder and fire hit Gray Wolf's back first, and immediately penetrated Gray Wolf's blue-white, supernaturally tempered body with a force of destruction, punching a big hole where his heart was. , and then the sledgehammer slammed in, knocking the gray wolf down a few inches into the ground, and Guan Zhengyao's mighty martial arts punches also struck at the same time, and the gray wolf turned into a blur before it even screamed. flesh!
This sudden turn of events startled everyone present, and both sides retreated at the same time, but the two figures, one large and one small, who attacked the gray wolf did not stop at all, their fists and giant hammer cooperated to attack the demon sword again!

 Thanks to "Gaitian" for the monthly pass!Thanks to the "Genius Zhang Chun" brother for the 100 starting point reward!Thanks to "book friend 1764550216" for the reward of 100 book coins!The new cover has been uploaded, you can refresh to see it!One update today, three updates tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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