i can eat tips

Chapter 362 Let me try

Chapter 362 Let me try
Those entertainment reporters did not know where they got the news. They knew that Shen Mengyao flocked to the "Tianwang Opera House" after the rehearsal, blocking the entrance. Thinking, afraid that these reporters would rush into the rehearsal venue long ago.

Seeing that the front door and the back door were crowded with people, Lu Shaoxi simply used his body skills to jump from a nearby tall building to the roof of the "Tianwang Opera House", then opened a skylight from the inside, and slipped in without anyone noticing.

As soon as he landed on the stage curtain like light smoke, he heard Sister Hu say like a salesman: "Miss Shen, why don't you choose again? These people are the most popular young students at present. Not only can they dance well, A few of them know martial arts, which is most in line with the artistic conception of your new song."

Shen Mengyao closed the roster and handed it back, and said flatly: "Everyone looks sissy, and they don't look like men at all. I sing love songs, not homosexual songs."

Lu Shaoxi almost burst out laughing, but fortunately he tried his best to hold it back, but he knew that Miss Shen was the most serious about music and couldn't tolerate anything less.

"But you who chose last time said you were too masculine..."

"Last time, those were all muscular men, how could they look like students at all?"

Lu Shaoxi hung upside down on the curtain with folded arms and listened for a while, and finally understood.Shen Mengyao has a major new song that is going to be shown at the concert, and this new song is planned to be in the form of a situational MV, but the male candidate who will be on the same stage with Shen Mengyao has not been selected for a long time. It seems that the concert is less than five days away, no wonder Shen Mengyao frowned.

The concert was hot before it even started, and the momentum of public opinion was very grand. With Shen Mengyao's stubborn nature, she naturally hoped to make the concert the best, so that all the audience felt that the expensive tickets were worthwhile. Value—oh, the last sentence was made up by Lu Shaoxi himself. With Miss Shen's character, she naturally doesn't care about the audience's opinion.

Sister Hu thought for a long time, then suddenly whispered: "Miss Shen, what do you think of that Mr. Gong Zhuoye you met last time when you were back in Yuanzhou? He is not only the manager of an entertainment company, but also a well-known singer in Yuanzhou. And I have learned martial arts..." When she made contact with Shen Mengyao's eyes that seemed to be able to read people's hearts, she immediately felt chills, and quickly explained: "Miss Shen, I have no selfishness at all. I just think that Mr. Gong—that is, my nephew is the candidate who best meets the requirements you listed. If you don’t like it, I will never mention it again. "

Only then did Shen Mengyao look away, and said calmly: "If you can't find it, just cancel this new song. Life is never as good as you want it to be."

Lu Shaoxi saw that she looked a little lonely and unwilling, and there was an inexplicable complex emotion in his heart, just like when he saw this girl running in the rain before, he couldn't help but catch up with her and use his coat to protect her from the rain .

It seems that I am really a protective person.

Lu Shaoxi smiled wryly, and was about to jump down to give Shen Mengyao an idea, when Mo Yi, who had been resting on the stage with her eyes closed, suddenly shouted: "Who!" come over.

The fist turned into countless fist shadows, and hit Lu Shaoxi directly. Once hit, the 10cm steel plate would be easily pierced.

But in Lu Shaoxi's eyes at this time, it was just a child's play. He casually stretched out his hand and pinched Mo Yi's wrist, and said with a smile, "Oh, I don't see that you have made some progress."

Mo Yi was startled when he saw the person who came to subdue him so easily, but when he saw Lu Shaoxi's habitual smile, he was shocked and angry: "It's you again, you... let me go!"

"Let go of you? No problem." Lu Shaoxi threw down with all her strength, and Mo Yi fell down the stage like a cannonball. If she hadn't been extremely skilled, she would have had a big somersault.

Lu Shaoxi doesn't like Mo Xin, and even dislikes Mo Yi, not to mention that this woman often acts as a light bulb, staying by Shen Mengyao's side every step of the way, so she will bully her whenever she gets the chance.Of course, this Moyi is from the Qin family and was sent by Shen Mengyao's grandfather, Lu Shaoxi didn't think she would really hurt her.

Mo Yi finally stabilized her figure and stood on the ground, raised her head and glared at Lu Shaoxi angrily. She was obviously very angry, but somehow she couldn't hate her in her heart, especially when she saw Lu Shaoxi floating down on the stage with a graceful figure. Domineering, Mo Yi's face turned a little hot, and she didn't dare to stare at him anymore.

"What are you doing here? Bullying Mo Yi again." Shen Mengyao glanced at Lu Shaoxi, her face was still cold, but her eyes lit up obviously.

Lu Shaoxi shrugged his shoulders: "When the work at hand is over, let's see if there is anything I can help. What kind of candidates are you looking for? I know quite a few people, and maybe there are some who meet your requirements."

Shen Mengyao said coldly: "Don't bother you, I will look for it myself."

"No trouble, no trouble, the effect of your concert is related to my company's income, besides, I still owe you a favor."

When Sister Hu saw Lu Shaoxi, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration, pointed at Lu Shaoxi and said, "Miss Shen, what do you think of this Mr. Lu? I think he is quite suitable."

"he and I?"

Shen Mengyao and Lu Shaoxi looked at each other.

Shen Mengyao snorted, looked back and said: "Not good, he has never learned stage performance, so he can't do it..."

Lu Shaoxi also has self-knowledge. It is okay to ask him to perform martial arts, but he is really not talented when he goes on stage to cooperate with Shen Mengyao to perform the MV plot live.He was about to refuse, but found a line of words floating above Shen Mengyao's head:

"It would be great if Lu Shaoxi came to act."

After this period of exploration, Lu Shaoxi has become more and more proficient in controlling the "Eye of Desire".This ability can not only see the long-term wishes of the target person, but also the recent wishes, depending on what the strongest desire in the heart of the target person is at that time.If the current wish is strong, the display is the current wish content; if there is no current wish, then the display is the long-term wish.

Did Shen Mengyao want me to act?
Lu Shaoxi was worried, he had never acted before, not even on stage, and this concert was so important to Shen Mengyao, wouldn't it make Shen Mengyao sad if he messed up because of himself?
But when he looked at the clearly visible words above Shen Mengyao's head, countless emotions arose in his heart, and finally he said: "Let me try it. I can't, you can teach me."

Shen Mengyao raised her head in surprise, then quickly turned her face away, and said in a low voice, "You...you can't learn."

"You can learn it if you teach me seriously. Didn't you teach me to sing before, at least I'm not tone-deficient now." Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but chuckled when he remembered the experience of being constantly corrected by Shen Mengyao in KTV.

Shen Mengyao seemed to be recalling the same memory, her red lips curled up attractively, but when she saw Mo Yi beside her, she drew back her lips.

Lu Shaoxi saw it, knew that the time was almost up, and pretended to be tough: "How? Let me try it. If I really can't, you can change people! I am one of the organizers of this concert, and this right always There are, right?"

Shen Mengyao snorted lightly: "Try it, if it doesn't work, I'll kick you off."

As she spoke, her originally frowning brows stretched out, like two crescent moons showing a smiling face.

(End of this chapter)

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