i can eat tips

Chapter 369 Really Hurts

Chapter 369 Really Hurts
By the way, where is the murderer?Never let the murderer go!

Lu Shaoxi's heart full of despair immediately turned into deep-seated hatred and anger. He clenched his fists and looked up, seeing a figure of a fat man disappearing into the corner. Lu Shaoxi immediately subconsciously wanted to use "what" to scan the corner Behind the house, huh?Why do I always feel that I can see through the objects around me to find the fat man?

The fog in his brain was thicker, blocking his thinking whenever he sensed something was wrong, making him seem to be trapped in a never-ending nightmare.

By the way, why am I here?Am I forgetting some important convention?

"Lu Shaoxi, my last song will start about two hours after the opening, you have to remember to prepare 15 minutes in advance."

Is this Shen Mengyao's voice?


This is my voice?
When did this conversation take place?

The pain in his brain was getting worse and worse, and the fog was trying to block his thinking.

Don't get in my way!
Lu Shaoxi gritted her teeth hard, trying to find out the truth behind the fog.

His perseverance and determination far surpassed ordinary people, and he finally remembered in the severe headache, didn't he confront the "Blood Skull" in the golden bell formation?Why did he suddenly come to this world?Is it teleportation, or hallucination?

Wasn't the fat man who "killed" Shen Mengyao just now the black panther's fellow apprentice who he had fought against?

Although he tried his best to remember many things, his brain was still foggy and slow, and it seemed that he had been poisoned by a powerful psychedelic poison.

Lu Shaoxi forcibly concentrated his mind, but he could no longer refine the antidote elixir, so he simply gritted his teeth and shouted: "System, immediately remove all toxins from my body."

"Received the host's request, this time to remove the toxin needs 10 evolution points, are you sure to pay?"


Countless light spots merged into his mind, and Lu Shaoxi's thinking suddenly became clear!

"This kid's defensive formation is really strong. The eight-door thousand-lock formation has been bombarded for a long time, but he still hasn't been able to break through it!" The young man protected by the Bell Phantom.

The fat man rubbed his injured ribs and smiled viciously: "It's okay, look at this kid's eyes closed, his face is pale, and his forehead is full of cold sweat. It seems that he has been poisoned by phantom poison, and it is very deep. Time can't wake up. Hey, the secret poison of the soul-absorbing pharmacist is not a joke. This kid is probably dying of pain now! As for this kid's defensive formation, no matter how powerful it is, there is a limit. The golden light is obviously not as strong as it was at the beginning? As long as it is blasted for 10 minutes, it will probably be blasted."

The knife general said viciously: "Don't kill him for a while, I will smash all his limbs and bones, and let him crawl on the ground like a dog. If you want to live, you can't die!"

The strong man with the giant ax licked his lips, and said with a chuckle: "Anyway, he is poisoned and can't resist, why don't you give him to me to play with first, I haven't played with such a white and tender little boy for a long time."

Both the fat man and the sword general knew that this strong man had a habit of Long Yang, and they would all smile wickedly.

The miniature gunner is the oldest general among the generals, he frowned and said: "Xie Niu, don't mess around, this kid is stronger than we imagined, if he suddenly wakes up, it will be troublesome, according to the sword general, we will kill him first." The bones of the hands and feet are all shattered, and we don't care how you want to play at that time."

The strong man with the giant ax shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Pao, you are too careful. Look at this kid, he seems to wake up—" His voice stopped abruptly, and his face was full of incredible shock.

The other three followed his gaze, only to see the young man in the center of the formation in the distance, who had opened his eyes at some point and was staring at him coldly.He didn't speak, but his whole body was wrapped in red flames, like a red tiger that might pounce at any time.

"You have some skills, and you can actually poison me."

Lu Shaoxi's calm voice clearly reached the ears of the four generals through a distance of hundreds of meters, and all four of them changed expression.

"The two sides are hostile, and you have nothing to say if you want to deal with me, but if you dare to 'kill' her, then there will be no redemption."

Lu Shaoxi's eyes seemed to be on fire, and he quickly changed a few handprints with both hands, the light of the golden bell suddenly became brighter, and the range expanded several times, bouncing off the countless chains of light falling from the sky.

Lu Shaoxi's whole body suddenly became bigger, and under the "strengthening", his height suddenly increased to [-] meters!

When Lu Shaoxi kicked his feet, a deep pit appeared on the ground. Between the splashes of white snow and mud, Lu Shaoxi, like a fire shadow, penetrated hundreds of meters of eight-door thousand-lock array at a frightening speed. In front of the four skeleton generals, the burning fist first attacked the strong man with the giant ax standing at the front.

This punch came too fast, too fast, too fierce, the man with the giant axe had no time to lift the giant axe to resist, Lu Shaoxi's fist pierced through his chest, and pierced through his back.

The crimson flames wrapped the strong man's body in an instant, and when the strong man fell down, he had become a scorched black wreck.

Alright, get rid of the powerful enemy who retains the best strength!

Lu Shaoxi's red eyes turned and landed on the weakest sword general. The sword general was terrified and wanted to escape, but just as he was about to move, Lu Shaoxi's right hand passed over his neck like lightning, and the spider glove flashed away. Now, Dao Dao's head flew up.

The fat man and the miniature artilleryman didn't expect that Lu Shaoxi would kill two of his own generals in a row before raising his hands and throwing his feet.

As soon as Lu Shaoxi saw the figure of the fat man, it overlapped with the running figure of the fat man in the illusion and nightmare, and his anger became more intense. He abandoned the miniature artillery and chased after the fat man at full speed.

What an astonishing speed he was running at full speed, wherever his figure went, the white snow on the ground was blown away by the scorching wind and melted in all directions!

The fat man had just run more than ten meters, when Lu Shaoxi had caught up with the fat man, and his palm was inserted into the fat man's heart from the back like a knife.

The fat man's eyes protruded like dead fish, his chubby face was convulsed and deformed with pain, and blood spurted from his mouth and nose.

"It hurts?"

Lu Shaoxi pointed hard at the position of his heart, and said coldly: "Just now, my pain was hundreds of times worse than yours now!"

Angry light flashed in his red eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "Dare to 'kill' Shen Mengyao in front of me, you really dare to do it! Do you know how painful it is in my heart?" He slashed his palm down hard , the fat man was split in two before he even had time to scream!
One more left!
Lu Shaoxi turned her head and saw that the miniature artilleryman had rushed more than a hundred meters away. Lu Shaoxi exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and the flames all over his body immediately turned into a breeze.

Lu Shaoxi's figure swayed as fast as a gust of wind!
In the next instant, he was stopped in front of the miniature artilleryman.

The miniature artilleryman was so shocked that his face turned pale. He suddenly raised a remote control in his hand and screamed, "Lu Shaoxi, don't mess around. There are explosives buried in the ground for three kilometers around you. As long as I press this button, This place will explode into a sea of ​​flames in no time! You can't escape!"

 Thank you "God-given lazy" for the rewards and monthly pass!There are currently five chapters of Wan Rewards that are owed, try to make up!Then began to fight back readily!
(End of this chapter)

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