i can eat tips

Chapter 377 Follow the clues

Chapter 377 Follow the clues
The night was gloomy, with dark clouds covering the sky, and a blizzard was about to fall.

Recently, the media in Enshu published the headline "a cold winter once in 50 years", which is quite eye-catching. However, the winter in Enzhou this year is indeed much colder than in previous years, and even the number of snowfalls has increased significantly.

It wasn't obvious that Lu Shaoxi and Shen Mengyao were sitting on the Falcon, but when they opened the car door, the biting chill hit their faces, Shen Mengyao couldn't help shrinking her neck, and Lu Shaoxi quickly took off her coat and put it on her.

"It's too cold outside, why don't you stay in the car?" Lu Shaoxi knew that Shen Mengyao was most afraid of the cold, and it was almost one o'clock in the morning, which was the coldest time, and this was the highway area in the suburbs of Hannan City, the provincial capital. , the wilderness where even the mobile phone signal is weakened.

"It's okay. If I'm hiding in the car, what's the point of coming here? You wear the clothes yourself, and I don't want to wear your clothes." Shen Mengyao said "disgusting" when she saw that Lu Shaoxi was only wearing a long-sleeved autumn coat. Handed back his coat.

In the past, Lu Shaoxi would probably have been greatly shocked by Miss Shen's seemingly indifferent words, but now she can already guess that she is afraid that she has just recovered from the poison, and her body is too weak to bear the cold, so she is determined not to want her clothes.

This girl always has a completely different attitude between what she thinks in her heart and what she says in her mouth.

Once he saw through Shen Mengyao's sincerity, Lu Shaoxi's love for her deepened a bit.He originally wanted to release the body shield to shield Shen Mengyao from the cold wind, but he changed his mind as soon as he rolled his eyes.He took Shen Mengyao's slender hand, and passed the true energy of the red flame into her body.

Shen Mengyao only felt a warm current all over her body, as if soaking in a hot spring was extremely comfortable. She glanced at Lu Shaoxi, hummed softly, and let him hold her hand.

Lu Shaoxi pulled her towards the scene of the accident, but he felt an indescribable sense of happiness in his heart.Before leaving the concert venue, Shen Mengyao had removed her makeup and changed into her usual low-key and inconspicuous clothes.At this time, she was wearing a long purple dress, a snow-white down jacket, a thick scarf around her neck, and a cotton cap on her head. Makeup is not deliberately dressed up, but she is still graceful and graceful.

If it weren't for the rush to find the whereabouts of Cai Xun who might be in danger, Lu Shaoxi would even slow down and walk like this for half an hour.

According to the two people who repeatedly read and studied the information sent by Zheng Hai in the car, they agreed that the transport vehicle should have disappeared on this highway section of about several hundred meters.

However, the past half a month has been full of wind and snow, and there are no clues on this section of the road.

This is also in the expectation of the two. If there are any obvious clues in the case of the disappearance of the transport vehicle, how can the Jingwu Alliance be helpless?
Falcon turned into a battle robot and followed behind the two. The headlights on his shoulders were turned on, and the bright beams illuminated a large area of ​​the ground. Shen Mengyao was observing the environment while thinking carefully, but Lu Shaoxi was much simpler and rude. He directly launched his own The ability of see-through eyes scans the entire lot inch by inch.

According to the photos taken in the intelligence materials, there were no traces of fighting and damage at the scene, but under Lu Shaoxi's perspective eyes, he soon discovered that there were several places on the ground that were slightly sunken. The shape and size of the sunken ground showed that it seemed to be two There are human footprints, but the footprints are extremely inconspicuous and buried under the snow, most people may not be able to find them.

Lu Shaoxi waved his palm lightly, with so much energy, the snow scattered on the ground.

Shen Mengyao, who was next to him, followed his gaze, but found nothing unusual, and wondered, "What are you doing?"

"There are footprints." Lu Shaoxi pulled her down and squatted down, pointing to the barely visible shallow footprints on the ground.

Shen Mengyao looked carefully for a while before she could see clearly, she couldn't help but glance at Lu Shaoxi in surprise: "Your eyesight is surprisingly good."

Lu Shaoxi smiled and didn't explain, and Shen Mengyao didn't ask, she stretched out her slender fingers and pressed the ground lightly, and said in thought: "If I remember correctly, the news reports that the highways are now paved with the latest synthetic solidified cement. , the ground is extremely hard, ordinary people may not be able to break out the damage with a big hammer, so how could someone leave such shallow footprints?"

"I can do it." Lu Shaoxi secretly transported his true energy to his right foot, and pressed it down with the method of the jackhammer, and the same shallow footprints appeared on the ground immediately.

"I think these two people probably didn't come here to leave these footprints on the road like you, and judging by the size of the footprints, these two people seem to be the same size as ordinary people, but the distance between the footprints is a bit large , not like a normal stride."

Lu Shaoxi secretly praised this girl for her outstanding observation skills, nodded and said: "Yes, it seems that these two people should have considered the issue of footprints, so the stride distance is very large, and the number of footprints has been reduced as much as possible."

He had guessed these things a long time ago, but now it is rare that a clever girl like Shen Mengyao is here, and he happened to confirm his speculation with her.

"Then these footprints obviously have to be left. The strength of your kick just now can probably kick heavy objects?"

"It depends on the situation. If it is an instant explosive power, it should be able to kick about ten tons."

"Ten tons..." Shen Mengyao's beautiful eyes lit up: "Do you still remember the weight of that transport truck? It should be around ten tons."

"That's right, if it's two superpowers who have access to the meridian and the first level, if they are separated from each other, they should be able to pick up the transport vehicle and take it away without showing a trace."

Shen Mengyao found that this guy was much smarter than before. As soon as he mentioned the beginning, he could think of the latter, making the conversation extremely easy.What on earth made this guy change so much?

She became more and more curious, and couldn't help but said: "Hey, can you tell me about your experience for more than a year?"

Lu Shaoxi giggled and said: "If you want to know, I will know everything, and I will talk endlessly. But the story is very long, why don't you stay in Yuanzhou for a long time, and I will tell you slowly?"

Shen Mengyao rolled his eyes at him: "If I don't leave, your mission will not be completed."

"It doesn't matter what the task is, I just want you to stay by my side." Lu Shaoxi gently shook Miss Shen's soft and slippery little hand.

Shen Mengyao's pretty face flushed slightly, she snorted softly, but didn't answer, she followed her footprints and walked towards the edge of the highway. Outside was a slope, leading directly to the dark woods.

"It's strange. It should be extremely inconvenient to move a huge transport vehicle in the woods, and from the data, it can be inferred that they did it within 5 minutes. How could they move the transport vehicle far away in such a short period of time?" The more Shen Mengyao thought about it, the more curious she became.

"They don't necessarily have to move far."

There was a golden light in Lu Shaoxi's eyes, he pointed to the dark weeds outside, and said slowly: "You can also just hide there!"

 Thanks to "yyywqtqya" for the monthly pass of "Many Questions"!Thanks to the "Genius Zhang Chun" brother for the 100 starting point reward!
  In addition, I recommend the new book "The Rise of Humanity" by "Shanren has a clever plan", it is absolutely excellent!

(End of this chapter)

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