i can eat tips

Chapter 38 Sun Lihen

Chapter 38 Sun Lihen

Many spectators in the audience didn't pay attention to the previous East No. 3 competition, and when they saw this young man, they felt a little familiar.

"Hey, the person from East No. 3 looks familiar, who is it... Ah, could it be that he belongs to the Sun family..."

"Hush, keep your voice down, you can't watch the big screen? What's written on it!"

"My God, it turned out that the one who was kicked out by the Sun family... Isn't he missing? Why did he run out again?"

"Who knows, but looking at him like this, it seems that the rumors are true... He really has a big change in temperament, completely different from before!"

The whispers in the audience naturally couldn't escape Lu Shaoxi's eyes and ears. He couldn't help but glanced at the east screen curiously. The information of the players from both sides was displayed on the top of the screen:
"Sun Lihen of Chiyanshu Martial Arts VS Lu Shaoxi of Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall."

Sun Lihen?The name sounds a little familiar.A flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Shaoxi's mind, and he suddenly remembered.He had heard Cai Qun mention this Sun Lihen.

Sun Lihen, the second-grandson of the Sun family of the Yuanzhou martial arts family, heard that he used to be a playboy, greedy for drinking and lust, and hated martial arts, but since his sister disappeared more than a year ago, his temperament has changed drastically, and he practiced martial arts day and night like crazy Later, he was kicked out of Sun's house because of a conflict with the family, and he has been missing since then. No one knows where he went. It was not until half a year ago that his friends accidentally saw him in the remote mountains and wild ridges. At that time, Sun Lihen was tearing apart a wild wolf, eating bloody wolf meat, disheveled like a wild man, his friend wanted to approach him but was injured, and Sun Lihen disappeared into the dense forest, no more information.

Two months ago, he suddenly appeared in Yuanzhou in ragged clothes, severely injured the owner Su of the Chiyanshu martial arts school, and forced him to sell the ownership of the book martial arts school, but the owner Su refused, so he beat him to death. Out of shape, finally had to agree.Afterwards, someone asked Mr. Su about Sun Lihen. Mr. Su was lying in the hospital, trembling when he heard "Sun Lihen" being mentioned, his face pale, and he refused to mention a word.But according to the nurses at the hospital, the owner Su would wake up from nightmares almost every night, repeatedly shouting: "He is a monster, he is a monster!"

Master Su is only in the fifth level of body training, so some people don't believe in evil, and they deliberately went to the Chi Yanshu Martial Arts Hall to challenge Sun Lihen, but all of them were severely injured. !"

Soon the name of Sun Lihen's "monster" spread, and no one dared to go to the Chi Yanshu martial arts hall to make trouble.

Lu Shaoxi did not expect that her opponent in the second round would be this "monster" Sun Lihen!

Wang Yu and several Wang family children have been watching all this from the VIP seats. He laughed happily and said, "This kid surnamed Lu is really unlucky. He actually encountered a 'monster'. You guys talk about it for a while." The monster beat this kid seriously, shall I pay the 50 or not?"

"Third Young Master, you really like to joke. Who doesn't know that the 'monster' doesn't want money, but raw meat, bloody raw meat. Then you can send him a few more boxes of raw meat to ensure that he will be happier."

Wang Yu smiled even more happily: "I've always been curious about how powerful this 'monster' is, so I just took this opportunity to take a look."

"Hey, Sun Lihen has only practiced martial arts for more than a year. No matter how talented he is, being able to reach the fifth or sixth level of body training is already the best."

Another person interjected: "No matter what the strength of this 'monster' is, since he can defeat a few opponents in the sixth and seventh levels of physical training, he should not be underestimated. It would be best for him to fight with the boy surnamed Lu and let Kuan Shao pick one up." Great deal."

The Cai family father and son over there also became nervous, looking worriedly at the two on the ring.

Although the audience in the audience didn't know the true strength of the "monster" Sun Lihen, it was said that Sun Lihen had defeated several sixth and seventh levels of body refining, obviously much stronger than Lu Shaoxi, who was like a frail scholar. In his eyes, Lu Shaoxi was almost certain to lose this battle.

For a while, the surrounding area of ​​the Nan Ring was quiet. One of the two contestants was a "monster" that no one wanted to approach and was abandoned by the Sun family, and the other was Lu Shaoxi who offended the Wang family and was regarded as a thorn in the side of the Wang family. Everyone held their breaths, No one was cheering, and even the sarcasm was barely audible.

Looking at Sun Lihen who was exuding a beast-like cold aura, Lu Shaoxi did not dare to underestimate the enemy, he cupped his fists and said, "Please!"

Sun Lihen didn't say a word, and couldn't see any emotion in his eyes. He just stared at Lu Shaoxi vigilantly, like a beast watching its prey.

Just as Lu Shaoxi finished clasping his fists and was about to put them down, Sun Lihen made a move. With a strange cry, he bent down and rushed towards Lu Shaoxi like a tiger. His movements were fast and strange. Not at all organized.

The audience was almost all warriors, and many of them were well-informed, but they had never seen such a grotesque attack method, and they suddenly let out bursts of exclamation.

Seeing Sun Lihen's long arms and legs, Lu Shaoxi had long guessed that this person was also a speed type, and had been on guard all the time. Seeing him attacking now, Lu Shaoxi immediately used the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang soft body technique to leap into the air and back, but Sun Lihen's movements It was so weird that when he was exhausted, he swayed like a snake, crossed his legs and twisted towards Lu Shaoxi's neck!

This change of move is even more sudden and unexpected, and the speed is almost comparable to that of the seventh level of body training. If it is an ordinary master, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape his strangulation.

But Lu Shaoxi has experienced the tempering of trap passages, and has long been accustomed to endless accidents, and his speed is far above Sun Lihen. Amid the horrified shouts of the crowd, his hands are like waving a lute, pulling out and leading In a hurry, he used the "round soft" strength of the dragon fist martial art, stuck to the outside of Sun Lihen's left leg, took advantage of the momentum, turned his waist, pushed and let go, and immediately threw Sun Lihen out.

Sun Lihen was in mid-air, moving to the ground like a light and agile leopard, still landing on his hands and feet at the same time, staring at Lu Shaoxi coldly, not at all discouraged by the failure of the attack.

The two of them exchanged two moves just now, Sun Lihen's attack was bizarre, and Lu Shaoxi responded with ease. Obviously, the strength and speed of both sides did not reach the seventh level of body training, but their performance was not inferior to the seventh level of body training. Everyone was stunned and praised secretly.

"Wow, the two moves of the 'monster' just now are really weird, not easy to deal with, no wonder the seventh level of body training will be defeated by him."

"That's right, but the boy surnamed Lu handled it really well, it seems that he does have some skills."

It was the first time for Lu Shaoxi to fight against such a strange opponent. He wanted to accumulate more experience, and he was not in a hurry to defeat the opponent. At this time, there were bursts of applause from the east arena. Wang Kuan had already defeated his opponent and entered the top five. Cheng Zhuan rushed towards Lu Shaoxi again.

Lu Shaoxi saw that his hands were formed into tiger claws, which looked like a martial skill rather than a martial skill. It was more like a tiger-shaped boxing move learned from animals. He couldn't help being more curious, and he didn't fight back. He focused on entering the deceleration world and observed and learned his movements. , but when there was no time to dodge, Sun Lihen used contortion to avoid it. Sun Lihen missed the blow, put his hands on the ground and changed his move again, his right leg swept down strangely, and it swept towards Lu Shaoxi's waist like a tiger's tail whip. Lu Shaoxi yelled Saying "Okay", I avoided it again and again.

In fact, he only used less than [-]% of the speed. Sun Wuhen's attack method really opened his eyes and gave him a refreshing feeling. He couldn't help it when he saw it, and secretly thought, if his eagle claw weapon Skills are integrated into these changes and can be pushed to a higher height!He was even a little reluctant to defeat such an opponent, and now he allowed the opponent to keep attacking, just blindly defending and dodging.

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, Lu Shaoxi could only parry but had no power to fight back under Sun Lihen's fierce attack.

The Wang family's audience naturally watched with cold eyes and secretly rejoiced, but Cai Ke was in a hurry: "Dad, if this continues, the old conference will lose, you should think of a way!"

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(End of this chapter)

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