i can eat tips

Chapter 380 The Weird Formation

Chapter 380 The Weird Formation
Shen Mengyao's black-bellied method of threatening people with a handle was as effective as usual, and the thin-faced warrior was soon convinced. The arrogant and arrogant look before was gone, and replaced with an incomparably humble and flattering face.Lu Shaoxi couldn't help sighing, it seems that there are many people who bully the good and fear the evil in the world, even the elite military guards in the Jingwu Alliance are no exception.

Shen Mengyao said: "The cause of the explosion is just like what Lu Shaoxi said just now, do you understand?"

All the warriors were dumbfounded when they heard it, hiding the formation?The explosion just now was actually the missing transport vehicle was blown up?
"Leave two people to support the follow-up team to deal with the explosion of the transport vehicle, and you lead the rest to open the way ahead and go to the Hero Academy." Shen Mengyao gave orders with a straight face, and the thin-faced warrior and several other warriors agreed with a nod and bow.

Lu and Shen had already discussed going to the Hero Academy. If you can't find too many useful clues here, you can go to the place where Cai Xun and others disappeared.

At present, the thin-faced warrior respectfully led a few subordinates to drive in front of him, while Lu Shaoxi and Shen Mengyao sat in the falcon and followed behind.This thin-faced warrior knew quite a few people, and he encountered several waves of warrior teams sent by the Jingwu Alliance to block the scene along the way, but they were still unimpeded.

Not long after Lu Shaoxi and his party left, Zheng Hai's call came: "Brother Lu, the video recording of the entrance and exit of the Hannan City Expressway toll station is about to arrive, and I also found suspicious vehicles from it, but I want to track down these through the camera. As for the whereabouts of the vehicles, you have to be authorized at the provincial branch level, and I belong to the Yuanzhou branch, so I can't reach the provincial capital..." At the end of the speech, Zheng Hai sighed helplessly.

Indeed, Hannan City, the provincial capital, is a first-tier big city with a population of tens of millions. Let alone whether these cars have OEM license plates, even if they all use real license plates, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack if they Driving away from Hannan City is even more difficult to track down. Only with the power of the Huahai Provincial Department can it be possible to find useful information within a few days.

"No problem, Big Brother Zheng has worked hard. Next, I will come up with a solution. Just send me the vehicle information you found."

Lu Shaoxi soon received the information sent by Zheng Hai by email, which listed in detail the details and photos of the vehicles that entered and exited the intersection of Hannan City Expressway that night. Sure enough, a large truck that left Hannan City was extremely suspicious and entered Hannan City. There are also three suspicious cars in Nancheng.

It seems that we really have to rely on the strength of Huahai Province.Lu Shaoxi stared at the token in Shen Mengyao's hand thoughtfully and asked, "Mengyao, is this token real?"

Shen Mengyao snorted: "Of course it's true."

Lu Shaoxi salivated and said, "Your grandfather gave it to you? Show me?"

Shen Mengyao saw through his intentions at a glance, and handed over the token: "It's useless to give this token to you, it has fingerprint identification on it, and only authenticated fingerprints can produce energy fluctuations that prove its authenticity. And I can only use this token to bluff people, and I can't mobilize the troops of the Huahai branch in the provincial capital. The Jingwu Alliance is extremely strict about the mobilization of troops, and only a "tiger charm" is required. On him. The guy just now had a mission, if he hadn’t been threatened by me, he wouldn’t have obeyed my order to lead the way easily even if I had the elder token.”

Hearing Shen Mengyao's clear and accurate words, Lu Shaoxi was very surprised. You must know that Shen Mengyao has always hated fighting and killing, and she was even less interested in things in the martial arts. He actually knows more about the internal affairs of the alliance than he does.

In fact, Miss Shen only recently found out that he had joined Qianlong, so she came into contact with and understood the Fist of the Fist Alliance and the common sense in the martial arts. However, Shen Mengyao didn't mention these things, so Lu Shaoxi naturally couldn't guess.

Lu Shaoxi thought for a while, and said to Shen Mengyao: "We will pass the news to the Huahai branch. As for whether they will track down or not, and how to track down these vehicles, we don't care. I just need to find Brother Qun."

Thinking of Cai Qun's life and death being uncertain, Lu Shaoxi's heart sank.

Who is behind the scenes?Yan Shuai?Scarlet Skeleton?Or other unknown forces?
Lu Shaoxi clenched his fists tightly, with murderous look in his eyes.No matter who it is, if something happens to Brother Xun, I will definitely not let them go!
Hero Academy is the best martial arts academy in Huahai Province. It is located in a beautiful valley on the outskirts of Hannan City, surrounded by cliffs and dense forests. There is only one road leading to Hannan City.

Shen Mengyao knew that Lu Shaoxi was concerned about Cai Xun's safety, so she kept asking Falcon to urge the thin-faced fighter to speed up, but the half-hour journey arrived within 10 minutes.

It was already midnight when we arrived at the gate of the Hero Academy, but there were still many alliance warriors patrolling and searching inside and outside the academy, and they also deployed a large number of open and secret posts. Obviously, since Cai Qun and others disappeared three days ago, the Hero Academy has He raised his vigilance, and there were more than a dozen people arguing about something in an area outside the dense forest in the distance.

The guard at the gate saw a few people visiting late at night, and immediately came over to question him. When he found out that it was a thin-faced warrior, he was surprised and said: "Brother Jin, why did you come here?"

The thin-faced martial artist showed his ID and said, "I brought two special envoys here. They want to investigate the disappearance of those transferred students from the Hero Academy." Cai Qun and the others were transferred from martial arts academies in other cities Transfer students.

The guard asked in astonishment, "Special envoy?"

Shen Mengyao took out the veteran token and shook it, and said to the guard, "Take us to the place where the transfer student disappeared."

"Yes!" The guard recognized the token, immediately stood up and saluted, and led a group of people to the area outside the dense forest in the distance.

Before everyone approached, they heard someone shouting angrily from a distance: "Trash, they are all trash! Five living people disappeared here, either with superpowers or formations! I want to get it all, you guys! You actually said that you couldn’t find any clues at all? With your level, what kind of formation master are you talking about? Bah!”

Under the light, I saw a man in a suit who looked like a young master from a rich family teaching a few warriors a lesson.

This guy looked like a dandy who came to be gilded, Shen Mengyao turned around and asked the thin-faced warrior coldly: "Who is this person who can only yell?"

The thin-faced martial artist smiled wryly: "His name is Meng Tingbao, and he currently holds the rank of Shangxiang in our Huahai branch. He is the person in charge of this search for the missing transfer students."

Seeing someone approaching, Meng Tingbao, who was cursing, glared displeasedly: "Didn't you say that no one is allowed to approach here without my order? This is an important crime scene... Hey, are you deaf? Don't walk over there!"

Lu Shaoxi paid no heed to hearing about it. He quickly approached the area where the crime occurred, his eyes flickering with golden light, and soon found that there was a trace of formation here, but the formation was a bit weird.

There should have been a fourth-rank space formation here, but unlike ordinary space formations, this space formation is extremely complicated, and more than half of the formation was destroyed after it was activated, so it is extremely difficult to see its use.

This is where Brother Qun and the others disappeared?

Judging from the intelligence video provided by Zheng Hai, Cai Qun and the others walked this way independently, but they disappeared strangely when they got to this location, which happened to be a surveillance blind spot, and all the cameras around did not capture Cai Qun and the others. .

There was no trace of a fight at the scene, as if someone had been teleported in an instant.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of "What can I call me"!Thanks gotisamcuan for tipping 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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