i can eat tips

Chapter 382

Chapter 382
In one of the most prosperous areas in Hannan City, there are dozens of single luxury villas, known as the Noble District, and the people living here are basically high-status and wealthy families.

And on the second floor of one of the villas, the light yellow light reflected the figure of a young man, holding red wine in his left hand, and spinning a dagger in his right hand.

A short, strange dagger with a cold light.

Judging from his appearance, the young man was at most 25 or [-] years old, his angular face was morbidly pale, he seemed to be seriously ill, but his eyes were extremely bright.

With his feet hanging on the coffee table, he looked at the pretty figure of Shen Mengyao on the TV screen with relish, humming the melody of the song on the TV, with an extremely leisurely expression.

This is Shen Mengyao's just-concluded concert. For many big names, it is not difficult to see the high-definition version of the video.

The young man would occasionally look at the phone, as if waiting for some result.

Finally, the phone rang. The young man took a sip of the red wine before putting down his glass and picking up the phone.

A sharp male voice like a knife quickly came from the other end of the phone: "Report to the military adviser, it has been found out that the black panther died in the hands of Lu Shaoxi in the end, and his head was directly cut off during the fight."

With the strength of the Black Panther, Lu Shaoxi actually took the head during the fight?

The man known as the "military teacher" glanced at Lu Shaoxi's figure that just appeared on the screen unexpectedly, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "It seems that this kid's strength is higher than what we investigated. The threat level has been raised to A+."

"A+? Isn't that the same level as Xia Mingshi?"

"In a sense, he is more difficult to deal with than Xia Mingshi."

"The military division, let's go next..."

The military adviser narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't waste manpower to move him for the time being. I have my own way to let others kill him."

"Yes." The other party quickly hung up the phone.

Just as the military division was about to put down the phone, there was a new call.

The military division glanced at the calling number, and seemed a little surprised. He answered the phone: "Speak."

"Report to the military division, the transmission formation outside the Hero Academy was discovered and reactivated just now."


The transporter's trap was triggered half an hour ago, and now the layout outside the Hero Academy has also been found out?
"It's interesting, what special high-level formation master did the Jingwu Alliance transfer from the headquarters today?"

"We haven't received any information about this. We are still contacting the inside line to determine who discovered this transmission array."

"Notify the clown, proceed according to the plan, and it is estimated that we will see this expert soon." The military division drank the red wine again, and the wine rolled in his mouth like scarlet blood.

"Jingwu Alliance, oh Jingwu Alliance, your power in Huahai will soon cease to exist in name only." The military master stood up and looked at the snowflakes slowly falling outside, with a cruel smile on his lips.


"Spatial transfer formation?" Outside the Hero Academy, several third-rank formation masters exclaimed at the same time.

"That's right, and this is not an ordinary space transfer formation, it's a secondary formation!"

Lu Shaoxi's words shocked the array teachers again.

The so-called secondary formation is to transform the original formation and change its use.Don't underestimate the word "change". Every formation that has taken effect is a complete individual. It is extremely difficult to carry out a second transformation on a complete formation. For formation masters below the fourth rank, The difficulty is as great as kneading clay into a wide-mouthed bowl and baking it in a high-temperature oven, but then changing it into a narrow-mouthed cup again, it is almost impossible.

"You... how do you know this is the second formation?" Some formation masters couldn't believe it.

Lu Shaoxi said calmly: "I made it up from the traces of the formation, so I naturally know that this is the second formation."

Backtracking to make up?This time the formation masters were even more shocked and speechless.This is simply like reassembling a pile of incomplete and broken ceramics into a complete and leak-free bowl. The difficulty is far higher than that of the second formation. Who is this young man?How could it be so powerful?
And the thin-faced warrior who brought Lu Shaoxi and Shen Mengyao over secretly clicked his tongue, looking at Lu Shaoxi full of awe.

The role played by high-level formation masters in team battles is amazing, so they are especially respected by ordinary warriors.

Lu Shaoxi ignored the stunned and even disbelieving expressions of the formation masters, turned to explain to Shen Mengyao: "This formation was originally just a small target formation for one-way transmission formation. A highly integrated jade stone engraved with formation symbols. It was later changed into a formation that can be reversed."

Shen Mengyao didn't know anything about formations, so she tried to think about it: "You mean someone entered here through a transmission formation? Then change the formation and take people away?"

Lu Shaoxi nodded: "Your deduction just now is correct, Brother Xun and the others must not have been attacked here. If I guessed correctly, they should have been attacked in another inaccessible off-campus area, and then they were brought here through a transmission The magic circle took it away. It’s just that the surveillance system was hacked at that time, and the previous video was recorded, and it was snowing heavily, so this process was not discovered by anyone.”

Just now he used his clairvoyance to search the surrounding five kilometers in and out "digging three feet", only to find these clues buried under the snow. He even found a scene of a fight in the woods hundreds of meters away. trace.

That's where Cai Xun and others were taken away alive.

However, the scale of the fight was not large, and it was obvious that the opponent was extremely powerful. Cai Qun and the others were completely defeated with almost no power to fight back.

The only good thing is that no blood was found around, which proved that Cai Xun and others were not killed, at least not at that time.

"However, there are still many things that don't make sense. How did they set up the first target formation? We didn't find any of the jade you mentioned at the scene. We only found a few traces that the formation was activated." A formation master asked. road.

Lu Shaoxi shook his head and said: "Yes, but it has been taken away. This formation was originally laid out with formation talismans, but afterward, the formation talismans and jade were taken away, leaving only traces of the formation being activated. "

"It was taken away?" Shen Mengyao looked thoughtfully at the alliance warriors around.

Whether it was throwing away the jade of the target array at the beginning, or taking away the invalid array afterward, most of it was done by the secret agents in the alliance.

This is the location of the Hero Academy, and outsiders can't get close at all.

"You guessed right, the traitor did it!"

Lu Shaoxi's figure flickered, and in an instant, he had swept to the side of an alliance warrior in the distance, and reached out to grab his wrist pulse door.

The warrior was shocked, struggling and exclaiming: "What are you going to do? Let me go!"

"I want to ask you what you want to do." Lu Shaoxi exerted all his strength, and the warrior immediately went numb and couldn't move.Lu Shao pulled off his belt, and pulled out a fingernail-sized transmitter from the belt head: "Oh, it's a transmitter that responds through Morse code. Such an old ciphertext transmission method is hard to guard against."

The warriors around were aiming at Lu Shaoxi one after another, and some people pulled out their weapons to save their companions, but now they were dumbfounded when they saw the change.

Lu Shaoxi stared at the martial artist whose face changed drastically, and said coldly: "It's best that you obediently tell what you know, otherwise I promise you will not die if you want to live!"

(End of this chapter)

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