i can eat tips

Chapter 396 Do You Want Her To Beat Me Up?

Chapter 396 Do You Want Her To Beat Me Up?
Lu Shaoxi scanned his injury and found that the injury was lighter than he imagined. It must be that the residual heat in his body played a role in automatically healing his most serious injury.It's just that after he passed out, he couldn't "swallow" the secret book to convert heat, and when the remaining heat in his body was exhausted, the injury could no longer heal automatically.

Now that he wakes up, he wants to eat some secrets to heal all injuries in minutes. The fastest way is to exchange martial arts evolution points for the system's healing function——Lu Shaoxi then remembered that his temporary increase in defense might be a waste of time. After collecting a lot of points, he glanced at the interface of the system.

Sure enough, the original nearly 100W martial arts evolution points have been reduced to a pitiful 50 points, almost cleared.

Lu Shaoxi was secretly distressed, but when he thought of the inner alchemy in his hand, his mood jumped again. These inner alchemy were enough to push him and Rin to a higher level!
Lu Shaoxi quickly inspected his injury, then glanced at the IV drip and various life monitoring devices being administered, and then decided to eat the secret book immediately to heal his injury. He didn't want to be regarded as a monster, and it was rare for Shen Mengyao to accompany him like this He, he just wanted to "recover" the injury for a while longer.

He turned his head and asked Shen Mengyao, "Where is this place?" In fact, he knew where he was with a glance with his clairvoyant eyes, this was purely to find a topic.

"The Affiliated Hospital of the Hero Academy." Shen Mengyao replied coldly. Seeing that he was still clutching her clothes tightly, she reached out and released his right hand back on the bed. He gasped in pain.Sure enough, I would rather offend a villain than a woman, especially a jealous woman.

Lu Shaoxi held back the pain and handed the cup back to Rin with his left hand, and asked, "Rin, where are Mao Qiu and Lei Lin?"

Rin's originally joyful expression dimmed: "The wounds were all serious, and I was sent to a nearby ward that specializes in treating spirit beasts."

Lu Shaoxi was startled. He also attached great importance to his two spirit beasts, and immediately scanned the surroundings with his clairvoyant eyes, and soon found Lei Lin and Mao Qiu.The two spirit beasts were indeed seriously injured, and they are still in a coma, but their lives are not in danger, and it is unknown how they survived the terrible explosion.

Lu Shaoxi immediately felt apologetic, he really didn't care about the two spirit beasts at that moment of life and death, he just wanted to protect Rin like a conditioned reflex—oh, it turns out that Rin has occupied such an important place in his heart before he knew it?
The Academy of Heroes has its own doctors who treat spirit beasts, but it is possible that Lei Lin and Mao Qiu are ultra-rare spirit beasts that are almost extinct in the world. Their blood types and bodies are very different from ordinary spirit beasts. Bandage their outer wounds.

But this is not a problem for Lu Shaoxi, he asked Rin to hug Maoqiu and Lei Lin.Rin didn't know why, but she responded and ran out.

As soon as Rin left, only Lu Shaoxi and Shen Mengyao were left in the ward.

Lu Shaoxi explained in a low voice: "Don't get me wrong..."

Shen Mengyao interrupted: "What's the misunderstanding? You have tricks, even such a small girl is confused by you."

Lu Shaoxi smiled bitterly and said: "You don't know, Rin was lonely since she was a child, and she didn't have any relatives around her, so she happened to hit it off with me, so she stuck to me."

Shen Mengyao knows Rin, but Rin is a special existence in the Qin family compound. Except for Qin Ruxuan's mother and daughter who are relatively close to her, everyone else has an inexplicable wariness and guard against her, and no one mentions her life experience. In fact, Shen Mengyao spent more than a year in the Qin family compound. If it weren't for Lin who often haunts Qin Ruxuan, Shen Mengyao would not even be familiar with her.At this time, after listening to Lu Shaoxi's words, Shen Mengyao sighed secretly when she thought of Lin often playing and practicing martial arts alone.

"You don't need to explain to me, I don't care, it has nothing to do with me." Shen Mengyao paused, and continued: "Tomorrow I will go back to Yandu."

"Back to Yandu?" Lu Shaoxi was taken aback. The relationship between him and Miss Shen is still unclear. If she is let go, who knows if there will be a chance to meet again in the future?What if someone cheats you first?
Lu Shaoxi quickly pretended to be pitiful and said, "I'm so hurt, you just have the heart to leave?"

Shen Mengyao gave him a blank look: "Isn't there a cute little girl to take care of you now? And you have a girlfriend, she will naturally take care of you, what am I here?" She originally wanted to say "You hurt and What does it matter to me", but when the words came out of her mouth, they turned into such angry words, even she was a little surprised.

Hearing Shen Mengyao mention Qin Ruxuan, Lu Shaoxi said cheekily: "She has been practicing in retreat recently, and I can't get in touch with her for the time being. She probably won't be free to come over in a short time. Even if she does, I can introduce you to each other." Sooner or later To face it, Lu Shaoxi has decided to stalk Miss Shen to the end, so naturally she will not give up.Anyway, who among the children of aristocratic families in the martial arts is not polygamous?shameless?This thing should be thrown away when chasing girls.

"Oh, I'm interested. How are you going to introduce me?" Shen Mengyao's tone was flat, but her teeth were itching with hatred in her heart. This guy is really getting more and more brazen, and he still introduces us?

Lu Shaoxi gritted her teeth, and said resolutely: "Just say...you are the girl I liked before and always like now."

Shen Mengyao could imagine Qin Ruxuan's surprised and annoyed expression when she heard these words, but seeing that Lu Shaoxi was willing to say such words in front of Qin Ruxuan, her heart softened a little. Of course, her face was still extremely indifferent, He even snorted: "So you want her to beat me up?"

"She probably doesn't know how to hit people..." Lu Shaoxi also felt a bit of a headache when he thought of Qin Ruxuan's arrogant and princess-like temperament. Qin Ruxuan might not be able to hit people, but she might leave in a fit of anger. Who would she chase first?
Lu Shaoxi sighed softly, and didn't know how the children of those aristocratic families in the martial arts managed to enjoy the blessings of everyone.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door hastily.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't move, so it was Shen Mengyao who opened the door.

A young man walked in carelessly: "Where is the boss, is the boss awake?" It was Cai Ke, followed by Cai Ge and shouted: "Cai Ke, don't disturb your brother Shaoxi by wandering around."

It turned out that it was Cai's father and son who came.

When Cai Ke saw that half of Lu Shaoxi's body was wrapped in bandages, he was shocked, and quickly lowered his voice: "Boss, are you also injured so badly?"

Lu Shaoxi sat up and said, "Uncle Cai, Caitou, sit down, my injury is fine, why did you come here?"

Cai Ge's eyes were filled with tears: "Shaoxi, you risked your life to save Cai Qun's life, I... I..." He suddenly bowed deeply to Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi was so frightened that she quickly jumped out of bed and helped Cai Ge up: "Uncle Cai can't do it, I can't stand such a big gift from you!"

Fortunately, he secretly transformed a few secret books just now, and used the heat from the secret books to relieve the more serious injuries on his body. At this time, although the wound was still painful, it did not affect him getting out of bed and walking.

He really didn't dare to accept such a great gift from Cai Ge.Back then, his father Lu Tie was severely injured by Zhang Xuanhao. If Cai Ge hadn't helped rescue him back and spent money to find a relationship to treat Lu Tie's injury, Lu Tie might not be able to survive that test, let alone Cai Ge has always treated Lu Tie. The family is extremely concerned and regards Lu Shaoxi as his own nephew.

Lu Shaoxi will never forget this kindness.

Looking at his father's gray hair, Cai Ke suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, I want to practice martial arts with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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