Chapter 4
Several times, Lu Shaoxi felt that she was going to be unable to bear it any longer, and she insisted on holding on with her astonishing perseverance.

Sweat is the merit of the assiduous, and perseverance is the ladder leading to the peak of martial arts. Compared with other competitors in the hidden martial arts, he has no high-level secrets, and he has no money to buy natural materials and treasures. He can only do it through doubled sweat and perseverance. Come catch up with these contenders!
In order to pass the next month's book martial arts star assessment meeting, he must improve his strength as much as possible!


The time reminder alarm that had been set on the mobile phone finally rang, and Lu Shaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground with a "thump", panting heavily, but the joy in his heart could not be added.

done!I actually did it!
This "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Soft Body Technique" is a very rare first-grade soft body exercise. Its biggest effect is to improve the flexibility and speed of the body, but it consumes a lot of physical energy to practice.There are a total of 27 movements in this set of exercises. Lu Shaoxi usually has to divide them into three times to complete, but today he completed all 27 movements in one go!Moreover, he usually practiced an hour of basic training for "body training" before practicing this set of difficult "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Soft Body Technique".This time, he considered that he could train his body by eating secret books, so he devoted all his exercise time to practicing the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Soft Body Technique", which is very energy-consuming, and he did not rest for a second for two full hours!
There is also an unexpected harvest from today's exercise. Every time he feels that he is infinitely close to the limit of his physical fitness, for some reason, the familiar traces of heat will emerge in his body to replenish and moisturize his muscles, so that he can barely persevere Going on, he was able to survive these two hours because of this.

A similar situation occurred seven times in total, but in the last ten minutes or so, this feeling disappeared.

Lu Shaoxi thought to himself, could it be that the calories generated by eating magazines after he was physically fit were not completely absorbed, and he continued to absorb these residual calories until he was exhausted after exercising?

Lu Shaoxi immediately looked at the attributes of the characters in his mind, and sure enough, he saw that the current experience value had soared to 65, an increase of nearly 20 points compared to before the exercise!It is equivalent to saving more than a dozen new books, which is more than 300 yuan in exchange for soft sister coins.

It seems that if you just eat the secrets, the calorie absorption rate cannot reach 100%. Only by constantly exercising and approaching the limit of physical fitness can you completely absorb all the calories and maximize the increase in experience points!
Well, next time I will verify my conjecture.

Lu Shaoxi rested for a while, then gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, cleaned the martial arts hall, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.

When he walked back to the bookstore in front of the martial arts hall, he saw the neat rows of new martial arts books, and his stomach suddenly growled, as if even his sore and tired muscles and bones were hungry. whine.

Especially smelling the faint scent of ink from martial arts books, Lu Shaoxi felt as if he smelled the most delicious roasted chicken legs, and the corners of his mouth drooled out.

He was ruthless, and took down a few books worth about 20 yuan. He didn't even tear off the plastic cover, and stuffed them into his mouth for a while, but he felt sweet and sweet. The blood circulation constantly nourishes his muscles, bones, internal organs, tendons...

After eating a few books, Lu Shaoxi only felt comfortable all over, the fatigue in his body disappeared, and his whole body looked refreshed.Seeing that the experience value in the personal attribute has increased by 9, it has reached 82, which is not far from the 100-point mark.

But Lu Shaoxi didn't dare to eat any more, these new books can be exchanged for money!Especially now that his family needs money everywhere, let alone waste it.

He hastily locked the martial arts gym, and bought a few steamed buns nearby to pass away his breakfast.Eating books can only increase experience points, and his body still needs real food to maintain.

Then Lu Shaoxi withdrew 1000 yuan from a nearby ATM.At present, he is really at the end of his rope in terms of money, so he had to accept the kindness of his parents and use the 1000 yuan as an emergency, but he secretly made up his mind in his heart that once he made money, the first thing to do was to give the [-] yuan to him. Yuanhui goes home!

With five hundred yuan in hand, he plans to use it to buy a batch of second-hand books.

When he had breakfast just now, he was already thinking about it. At present, he is not rich enough to eat new books, but if he goes to the waste recycling station, he may be able to find a large number of martial arts books and magazines very cheaply. Anyway, he can gain experience by eating old books Value, the system has an automatic purification function, so you don’t have to worry about whether the old books are dirty, why bother with your wallet?
He used his mobile phone to search for a while, and soon found that there was a waste recycling station two or three kilometers away, and immediately set off towards his destination on his old and worn-out tricycle.

Yuanzhou City is only a second-tier city, but its economy is extremely prosperous. BMWs, Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover can be seen everywhere. Lu Shaoxi riding a three-wheeled broken car on the road is really unremarkable, but he is handsome, and occasionally young girls will pay more attention to him. But when he saw his little broken car, he turned his head away, probably cursed contemptuously in his heart: It turned out that he was just a poor boy riding a small broken car, wasting such a handsome face for nothing.

Lu Shaoxi had long been used to these gazes, so he just smiled lightly, not paying attention at all.All his thoughts were on the radar map of secrets in his mind, and he scanned the surroundings for secrets while riding.

His tricycle slowly drove away from the main road and entered a narrow alley.

Looking at the mobile phone navigation, the "Qingji Waste Recycling Station" should be tens of meters away.Lu Shaoxi put away her mobile phone and was about to look around for the waste recycling station, but saw a dozen people surrounded in front of her, blocking the way forward.

Lu Shaoxi frowned, jumped off the tricycle, and walked over.

Before he got close, he heard an arrogant voice shouting: "Apologize? Apologize? Why do you need to patrol if the apology is useful? My pair of sneakers is a global limited edition imported from foreign countries, 10,000+ pairs! Now you are stepping on dirt , just apologize and think about it?"

Another weak girl's voice was heard saying: "I'm sorry, but I really don't bring any money..."

Lu Shaoxi squeezed through the crowd, and saw a young man with a cigarette in his mouth, gasping, and red-dyed hair forcing a girl to the corner of the alley. She looks pure and delicate, soft and weak, wearing a washed-out high school uniform, holding an old pink schoolbag in her arms, she looks like a little girl who is still in high school.

Lu Shaoxi watched and shook his head, the red hair obviously wanted to blackmail the little girl.But why does this red hair look familiar? Where have you seen it before?

"Forget it, Brother Hao, this little girl didn't do it on purpose, so why don't you just let her go this time?" A bystander couldn't help persuading.

The red-haired man known as "Brother Hao" puffed out a puff of smoke, and said viciously: "Fuck your grandma, what are you, dare to meddle in my business? Get out, or I will punish you!"

His attitude was extremely arrogant, but the people around him obviously knew how powerful he was, and no one dared to say anything, but looked at the little girl sympathetically.

Brother Hao?Lu Shaoxi suddenly remembered, ha, it turned out to be him, it's so narrow!

Lu Shaoxi hadn't practiced martial arts a year ago, so he ran into this hooligan accidentally, and was threatened and blackmailed by him in the same way. Lu Shaoxi refused to give money, and was beaten up. Later, after Lu Shaoxi practiced martial arts, he always wanted to seek revenge from this red-haired man. But I didn't find it after searching several times, and I didn't expect to meet it here!

He didn't want to meddle in his own business at first, but when this happened, he had to do it, and he had to do it ruthlessly!This is a good opportunity to beat someone upright and awe-inspiring for revenge!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Shaoxi's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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