i can eat tips

Chapter 40 The shocking spike

Chapter 40 The shocking spike
"Haha, No.5 and No.1 are actually doing it together! This time we have a good show!"

"Hey, I don't know if the Wang family is operating in secret. Judging from Kuan Shao's performance just now, it is more than enough to deal with this kid surnamed Lu!"

"That's right, Kuan Shao's three-star legwork skill has been practiced to at least the seventh level. With a single kick, the granite might crack. How can the kid surnamed Lu be his opponent?"

Although Lu Shaoxi defeated the "monster" Sun Lihen in a shocking manner, in the eyes of most people, he had endured for quite a while. After exhausting Sun Lihen's strength, he seized the gap to turn defeat into victory. It is not so much real strength as it is Appropriate tactics.As for Wang Kuan's two consecutive victories just now, he easily and happily kicked his opponent off the ring as soon as he came out with his martial arts. Compared with the two, Wang Kuan, who is at the seventh level of body training, is naturally much stronger.

Only then did Wang Yu's livid face soften, and he even smiled. He had great confidence in Wang Kuan: "With my cousin here, even if this kid surnamed Lu barely has the strength of the seventh level of body training, plus Some schemes and tricks are sure to fail. My cousin is a person who has been specially guided by the royal family, so how could he export this loose martial artist who didn't know where he came from!"

The gangsters next to him also heaved a sigh of relief and laughed heartily.From their point of view, Kuan Shao's shot is sure, and Lu Shaoxi basically has no chance of turning the tables—Kuan Shao will definitely beat him to serious injury with his own hands!

The happiest ones were the remaining three top five contestants, as long as they didn't have to compete with Lu Shaoxi, at least they didn't have to worry about being hated by Wang Yu if they lost.

The focus of the audience was all on the first top five finals, but the other finals were completely ignored.

Lu Shaoxi first walked onto the ring slowly, but Wang Kuan jumped from the bottom of the ring and landed in the ring as nimbly as a swallow.He was wearing a brand-name exercise uniform, and his movements were extremely chic, in stark contrast to Lu Shaoxi who was formally walking on the ring and wearing sportswear that looked like a street stall.

Many people in the audience who originally wanted to please the Wang family immediately cheered loudly.

Wang Kuan looked at Lu Shaoxi complacently: "My surname is Lu, I didn't expect fate to trick you, and you fell into my hands after all!" He was frivolous on the surface, but in fact he was extremely serious, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Although Wang Kuan is only a distant relative of the Wang family and not a true direct descendant of the Wang family, the pride of the Wang family is still rooted in his heart. More than half a month ago in Fatty Hu's book and martial arts gym, he was shocked by the kid in front of him and dared not To take the initiative, it was a great shame for him. Every time he thought about it, he felt a fire burning in his heart, which made him unable to sleep day and night.These days, he worked harder than ever before, and brazenly forced his father to buy him all kinds of expensive natural and earthly treasures. After finally breaking through to the seventh level of body training before the star assessment meeting, he immediately felt that he was enough. His confidence suppressed Lu Shaoxi.

He has a very accurate view of Lu Shaoxi's strength. His strength and defense are at most around the fifth level of body training, but for some reason, the speed is very close to the seventh level of body training, and he can easily steal other people's martial arts - but all this is in the real body training. In front of the seventh level of strength, there are scumbags!

Today is his chance to wash away his humiliation!This battle is undefeated!

Lu Shaoxi frowned, thinking that Wang Kuan once wanted to set up his own Tian Yangshu martial arts school, and provoked him in every possible way, which led to him having to bet with Wang Yu, all kinds of new and old hatreds came to his heart.He raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Really? I think it's pretty good, and I just want to beat you up."

"Beat me up?" Wang Kuan's suppressed anger suddenly came to his heart, and he sneered, "You are stubborn. I wonder if you can continue to be so stubborn when you are beaten half to death in a while?"

Lu Shaoxi looked at his superior face, felt disgusted in his heart, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's start."

In Wang Kuan's eyes, this performance was even more provocative and humiliating to Chi Guoguo. Wang Kuan gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Okay, you have the guts. If I don't beat you all over the place today, I will not be named Wang Kuan." king!"

With a stern voice, he suddenly flew a whip kick and kicked towards Lu Shaoxi's chest!

His kick was fast and hard, and the strong wind howled, and even the audience could clearly hear the rush of strong wind. The most powerful thing was that just halfway through the kick, he changed his stance in the air, and the other leg went out to sea like a green dragon, flying towards him in circles. Landing Shaoxi kicked in the stomach!
"Three-star footwork! Actually used the strongest martial skill from the very beginning!"

"It's such a powerful martial skill, I'm afraid this move can decide the winner!"

Everyone in the audience is from the martial arts world. Seeing Wang Kuan's three-star kicks, they all nodded secretly. No wonder Wang Kuan easily won the first two rounds. With this martial skill alone, he can challenge the one-star assessment, let alone Swept the half-star assessment competition.In the face of such a violent attack like a storm, even the boy surnamed Lu who is also at the seventh level of body training dare not take it hard, and even whether he can avoid it is a problem!
Just when everyone thought the outcome would be decided soon, Lu Shaoxi jumped up unexpectedly, stretching his body like a leaping tiger.

Wang Kuan stood on the ground with one hand and was about to change his attack to attack, but Lu Shaoxi's movement was faster, his right leg unexpectedly swept down strangely, kicking Wang Kuan's stomach like a tiger's tail whip!
This change of his move was extremely weird, Wang Kuan was caught off guard, he was kicked in the face, and immediately fell to the ground heavily with a groan.

Immediately a sharp-eyed person from the audience exclaimed: "Hey, isn't this the strange trick of that 'monster' Sun Lihen just now?"

Everyone thought about it carefully, and exclaimed: "Yes, that's right, it's the monster's tiger whip leg! When did this kid learn this trick?"

Someone with a quick mind cried out: "Could it be that he learned it secretly when he fought against the monster just now?"

"Stealing? How is it possible! Stop joking!"

No one in the room believed it. If they could learn it secretly, wouldn't the hundreds of people who watched the match between the two sides learn it?
But the problem is, whether they believe it or not, Lu Shaoxi just used the strange trick of the monster Sun Lihen!

While everyone was terrified, Wang Kuan jumped up on the ring desperately, trying to avoid Lu Shaoxi's pursuit, but it was too late. Lu Shaoxi's movement was unbelievably fast, and he grabbed ahead of him, and his right hand turned into a six-fold eagle claw , slamming at Wang Kuan.

Wang Kuan was so frightened that his face paled, and he tried his best to block with three-star kicks.

His legwork is really extraordinary, to be able to blow up the whistling wind in such a haste, a cold light flashed in Lu Shaoxi's eyes, the six-layered eagle claws suddenly turned into eight-layered, and then merged into one, facing Wang Kuan Wucheng straight Powerful three-star kick!
The phantom eagle claws are eightfold strong, and the three-star legwork is fifty percent strong!

The footwork collided with the eagle's claws, and the wind scattered. Wang Kuan only felt an extremely powerful force coming from his feet, and the pain made his face deformed.

"You... how could you be at the seventh level of body refinement!"

One is a brazen attack that has been prepared for a long time, and the other is a hasty fight in a retreat. The result can be imagined.

Amidst the screams full of horror and unwillingness, Wang Kuan flew out like a cannonball, and flew more than 20 meters away before hitting the ground outside the ring heavily. Out of shape, apparently with broken bones.

Off the field!Lu Shaoxi won!

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

Instant kill, complete instant kill!

This kid surnamed Lu easily killed Wang Kuan who was at the seventh level of body training and performed three-star kicks!
How can it be!

These four words filled everyone's minds, but the young man standing proudly on the ring in front of him told everyone with iron facts that what happened just now was the real truth!

Lu Shaoxi looked at Wang Kuan who was lying on the ground in the distance, and said calmly: "It seems that you have no way to be surnamed Wang."

This sentence is obviously a response to Wang Kuan's previous sentence.

At this time, the audience was quiet, and Lu Shaoxi's words easily reached Wang Kuan's ears.As proud as he is, he was defeated by Lu Shaoxi in an instant in front of countless fellow warriors at such an important assessment meeting.Lu Shaoxi's words were like a whip, slapping his face fiercely.

He was furious, his face was as red as blood, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground and passed out.

Immediately, medical staff rushed over and rescued him.

Wang Yu's face in the distance was also ashen, and Lu Shaoxi's words were also like a loud slap on his face.He stood there blankly, his face flushed and blue.He is the third young master of the majestic Wang family, and he lost a bet to this wild boy who came out of nowhere?Do I have to avoid him when I see him in the future?
What a shame, what a real shame!
Lu Shaoxi ignored him at all, but turned to look at the referee: "Mr. Referee, have I passed the half-star assessment?"

"Yes, you have entered the top three, and have successfully passed the half-star assessment according to the rules."

"Okay." Lu Shaoxi said slowly and word by word:

"Then I will apply to continue to participate in the one-star assessment!"

(End of this chapter)

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