i can eat tips

Chapter 400 Sisters

Chapter 400 Sisters
"...What? Are you going to be paralyzed?" Seeing Lu Shaoxi's expression, Cai Ge's heart sank, but he still couldn't help asking.

Lu Shaoxi shook his head and said, "Paralyzed, I'm sure I can restore Brother Qun's ability to move..."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. Even experienced doctors couldn't help, but you said that it can restore people's ability to move?

The doctor's face was full of suspicion, and even Director Tian and Dean Zhuo thought that Lu Shaoxi's chin was light.Cai Ge believed that his old friend Lu Tie was healed by Lu Shaoxi's miraculous hand rejuvenation, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Then what's the problem?"

Lu Shaoxi sighed: "The injury is too serious, Brother Xun has lost all his martial arts skills, I'm afraid it will not be easy if he wants to practice martial arts again in the future."

If Cai Xun only broke one or two meridians like his father Lu Tie, Lu Shaoxi is still 300% sure that he can be cured, but now that most of the meridians in Cai Xun's body are broken, and even the dantian is damaged, Lu Shaoxi is not very sure. up.The secret heat can't be used, so it can only rely on acupuncture and moxibustion, but if you want to cure Cai Qun, you must take orally and externally apply an eighth-grade elixir called "Bingxin Huitian Pill" for a long time. This elixir needs hundreds of rare medicinal materials Among them, the most critical blind "Flower Rain Huizhi Immortal Grass" has disappeared from the world as early as more than [-] years ago. Where can Lu Shaoxi find it?

If there is no pill, there is only one method left. If Lu Shaoxi cultivates to the rumored Nirvana state, he can reshape the human meridians, and it is only a matter of raising a hand to completely cure Cai Xun, but if he wants to cultivate to Nirvana Is it something that can be done in more than ten years?In history, except for Qin Yang who broke through to Nirvana at the age of 40, the other extraordinary powerhouses who have broken through Nirvana are all old monsters who have cultivated for more than a hundred years. .Even if Lu Shaoxi has a system to help, and if he has a chance to reach the Nirvana state in decades, Cai Xun might become an old man, so why practice martial arts?What's the point of treating the meridian?
"Can't practice martial arts..." Cai Ge's mouth was full of bitterness. He knew that the elder son had been practicing martial arts hard to get ahead with his fists. If Cai Qun woke up and found himself a cripple who couldn't practice martial arts, it would be worse than killing him. .

"Let me fix Brother Qun's broken bones first." Lu Shaoxi sighed lightly, took out the "Blood Lotus Golden Pill" that he had made before and reconnected the broken bones for Cai Qun, and then cooperated with the "Panlong Panlong" handed down by Qin Yang. Nine styles of acupuncture and moxibustion healed his internal organs.

Lu Shaoxi devoted himself to treating Cai Xun, but he didn't realize that there was an unexpected guest in his ward.


Shen Mengyao didn't follow Lu Shaoxi and his party to see Cai Qun. Seeing that she looked sleepy, Lu Shaoxi asked her to stay and rest. Shen Mengyao was indeed tired, and she was not familiar with Cai Qun and others, so she agreed to come down and lie on the table for a while. Squint for a while.

Soon she heard the door opening, and thought it was Rin who came back, but found that the footsteps were wrong.

Rin walked briskly, and she was wearing low boots with hard soles, and the footsteps were clear, but the footsteps of the person who walked in were light and even, and the heels even touched the ground with an elegant rhythm.

Although Shen Mengyao didn't have many friends in the entertainment industry, she still met many rich and famous ladies in Yandu, so she could tell that the person who came was a very well-educated girl with a noble and graceful gait—the older woman was It is impossible to have such light steps.

Shen Mengyao woke up all of a sudden, she turned her head suddenly, and collided with Qin Ruxuan's star-like eyes.

"Hi, sister, long time no see." Qin Ruxuan waved her little hand, smiling like a blooming flower.

Shen Mengyao never dreamed that she would see Qin Ruxuan here and now. She was stunned for a while, with various complicated emotions flashing in her eyes, and it took a long time before she got up and answered: "Yes."

Her voice was cold, and her expression even carried a kind of indifference.

Qin Ruxuan looked slightly gloomy, and sighed softly: "Sister, before you left without saying goodbye and never contacted me again, I still blamed you for being cruel, but now I know the reason. I will definitely pay you back what happened to Aunt Xuan. A justice."

There was deep hatred in Shen Mengyao's eyes, she clenched her fists tightly and said coldly: "This has nothing to do with you."

Qin Ruxuan shook her head and said: "Related, you are my sister, and I will help you get back what others owe you, no matter who he is!"

Shen Mengyao seemed a little unwilling to face her younger sister, she turned her face away, and said indifferently: "I said, my business has nothing to do with you." After speaking, she walked out of the room quickly, as if she didn't want to stay for a second go down.

"Sister!" Qin Ruxuan called to stop her.

Shen Mengyao stopped in her footsteps: "Are you here to look for him? He just left, so you can just wait here. I'm going back to Yandu."

Qin Ruxuan looked at her back and said loudly, "Sister, do you want to run away without fighting?"

"Escape? Escape from what?" Shen Mengyao's footsteps stopped again, she didn't turn her head, her voice was cold.

Qin Ruxuan said solemnly: "If you haven't read my text message, I'll tell you in person here, and I will compete fairly with you."

"Competition? Competing for what?" Shen Mengyao sighed inwardly when she heard her awe-inspiring voice, only this girl could speak out so openly.

Qin Ruxuan refused to budge, she raised her head and looked straight at Shen Mengyao: "You know I'm talking about Lu Shaoxi."

Shen Mengyao turned her head back, and said with a cold smile: "Lu Shaoxi? Just kidding, what is he, is it worth fighting with you? If you forget, I can say it again, he has nothing to do with me, he is just someone I know!"

She thought bitterly in her heart, what is the fight for? That kid wants to sit back and enjoy the blessings of everyone.

Qin Ruxuan looked at Shen Mengyao's pretty face full of stubbornness, but her gaze softened: "Sister, I didn't understand love before, so I thought you really didn't like him, so I told me about him as if it were a joke, but Now I know what it's like to like someone, and because you like him, you can't help but say his name and remember him in your heart."

"Boring, please don't put your fantasies on me anymore. You want to take that kid!" Shen Mengyao turned around with a sneer and left.

Qin Ruxuan caught up with her and shouted, "Sister!"

Shen Mengyao didn't look back, and left quickly.

With Qin Ruxuan's current strength, it is easy to stop Shen Mengyao, but she knows her sister's stubborn temper, so she can only stop and sigh softly: "Mu Mu, protect my sister for me until she is safe." Meet up with Moyi and come back."

A delicate girl in black tights came out from the door and said angrily, "Second Miss, she has such a bad attitude, why do you still care about her so much?"

Qin Ruxuan sighed: "She is my sister, without her, I would not be where I am today. I only owe two people in this world, one is Rin and the other is her. Go."

 These few chapters are a bit cavanced, the next volume will be fine.The update will be accelerated at that time, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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