i can eat tips

Chapter 406 New Functions of the Clairvoyance Eye

Chapter 406 New Functions of the Clairvoyance Eye

These two inner elixirs were refined by Lu Shaoxi by consuming countless rare pills and absorbing all the true qi of the Black Panther's generals and clowns. The true energy in them is extremely abundant.

Lu Shaoxi and Lin have already cooperated with each other to practice kung fu, and the whole process is also very familiar. When the sky was light the next day, the energy of the true energy inner alchemy was absorbed, and the two also jumped two levels in succession. To the realm of the four layers of Tongmai.

Although it is the fourth level of Tongmai, but Lin has practiced the eighth-level kung fu evolved by Lu Shaoxi, and his overall strength has surpassed the ordinary sixth level of Tongmai. Lu Shaoxi is naturally stronger with extra points. With pressure, there is a [-]% chance of winning against the seventh level of Tongmai, and the overall strength is close to the eighth level of Tongmai. If you use the enhancement and "instant crit", you can even deal with the full blow of the tenth level of Tongmai!If he meets the anaconda again at this time, Lu Shaoxi's divine will can kill him by throwing the knife three times, so there is no need to throw the knife dozens of times like last time.

After upgrading two levels in a row, Lu Shaoxi's martial arts evolution points surged again. He entered the medicine garden that Lin Yurou took good care of, picked all the herbs that could be picked and put them in the inventory, and then refined a few eight-rank pills Medicine, combined with acupuncture, it took two days to heal the wounds of the two spirit beasts—the two spirit beasts could not fuse the heat of the secret book, otherwise Lu Shaoxi would not have to spend so much effort.

In order to reward the two spirit beasts for their role in the battle against the anaconda, Lu Shaoxi specially took out the inner alchemy that still had some remaining true energy, and let Lei Lin and Maoqiu absorb it to improve their strength.This true energy is far from enough to raise his or Rin's strength to the fifth level of Tongmai, but it is enough to enhance and consolidate the strength of the two spirit beasts at the first level of Tongmai.

The strength of the two spirit beasts has greatly increased, and naturally they are more determined to curry favor with Lu Shaoxi in every possible way. Moreover, Maoqiu was rescued by Lei Lin once. The two spirit beasts are fighting openly and secretly, but in fact their relationship has become extremely tight. The irreversible friendship of acquaintance.

For the remaining three days, Lu Shaoxi sat on the island in the middle of the lake, and began to prepare for the layout of leaving Yuanzhou.

During this period, the news that Lu Shaoxi killed the anaconda once again caused a sensation in the entire Huahai Martial Arts. The Yuanzhou Branch of the Alliance and the Thunder Academy are Lu Shaoxi's hardcore supporters, and the entire situation in Yuanzhou is completely controlled by Lu Shaoxi's Lu family.

However, the Hai family, which was originally ranked low in Hannan City, has risen in status because of taking refuge in Lu Shaoxi, and now it is faintly fighting against the top-ranking Qin family and Zhao family, which also makes the Lu family's influence in Hannan City begin to take root and expand as planned It can be predicted that the rise of the Lu family and its dominance in Huahai Province has become an unstoppable trend.

Considering that he will be away from Yuanzhou for quite a long time, Lu Shaoxi also began to delegate power. Falcon and Maoqiu sit on Huxin Island and become the strongest brain and strongest backing of the Lu family. Li Yuanzhao became the chief executive of the Lu family's business in the society, and Lu Tie and his wife became the nominal legal representatives of the Lu family. backbone.

As for Zhang Chun and Li Nianjie, they were arranged by Lu Shaoxi to go to Yandu early to make preparations in advance.

After everything was arranged, on the morning of February 28th, Lu Shaoxi took Lin and Lei Lin on the sonic levitation train bound for Yandu.Why not fly?Because Lei Lin, a larval "pet", cannot be brought on the plane, and the sonic levitation train does not have this restriction, and the time spent on the two is similar. Lu Shaoxi naturally chose the latter, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing... …

Besides, sitting on the train, Lu Shaoxi closed his eyes and looked at the system interface in his mind. His personal attributes showed his latest strength information:

Host name: Lu Shaoxi (23 years old)
Realm Level: Fourth Level of Tongmai (actual combat power: close to the eighth level of Tongmai)

Basic attack: 29.5W
Basic Defense: 29.2W
Basic agility: 30.7W
Basic five senses: 8.3K
Alchemist's cultivation base: eighth grade

Formation master repair: eighth rank

Blacksmith cultivation level: fourth grade

Martial arts evolution points: 980W
Host skills: devouring secrets, perspective (monitoring radar), secrets evolution, pill refining, array soul control, weapon forging.

Additional skills: slow down the world, speed up thinking, instant crit.

What surprised Lu Shaoxi was that the blacksmith's cultivation level had increased by one level, probably because many of the tens of thousands of secret books he ate last time were related to forging.

Lu Shaoxi suddenly remembered something. Every time he breaks through a level, he will have a chance to upgrade the system's small functions. There should be two options activated for the clairvoyant, so he called the upgrade option interface of the clairvoyant:

①Eye of Fear consumes 20W martial arts evolution points.It can see through the most feared and feared things in any human being's heart.

②The eyes of observing the enemy consumes 30W martial arts evolution points.It is possible to see whether anyone within the field of vision has negative emotions such as hostility, disgust, and hatred towards the host.

Seeing that there were no new upgrade options, Lu Shaoxi spent 50 points to activate "Eye of Terror" and "Eye of Detecting Enemies" without hesitation.

Following the system's notification sound, a few seconds later, silver and green circles of light appeared in his pupils, and then disappeared quickly, apparently integrated into his clairvoyant ability.

These two new abilities are the same as the "Eye of Wish" and "Eye of Copying". They are usually turned off by default, but they can be turned on at any time with Lu Shaoxi's thoughts.

Lu Shaoxi first tried to activate the "Eye of Fear" on a passenger next to him, and a line of words appeared above the passenger's head immediately: "I am afraid that my wife will find out about stealing a lover and lead to divorce."

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but laugh. It seems that the functions of the "Eye of Fear" and the "Eye of Desire" are very similar, but the contents of the words that emerge are completely opposite.

Lu Shaoxi tried to turn on the "Eye of Detecting the Enemy" again, and in an instant, small green smiling faces or yellow dull faces appeared on the heads of everyone within 500 meters around.

Huh?A small smiling face and a blank face?Lu Shaoxi asked curiously: "System, what does this smiling face represent? Isn't this the eye to detect the enemy? How can there be a smiling face?"

The system replied: "The range of the 'Eye of Detecting the Enemy' is 500 meters. Humans who have positive emotions such as kindness, respect, or goodwill towards the host within 500 meters will have a green smiley face icon on their heads, and they do not know the host or have nothing to do with the host. Humans with positive and negative emotions will have a yellow normal face icon on top of their heads; only those with negative emotions such as hostility, hatred or disgust towards the host will have a red angry face icon on top of their heads, and if they hate their bones, there will even be a black face icon."

Oh oh, this function is quite practical, especially for those who hide their knives in their smiles.

Lu Shaoxi closed the "Eye of Detecting the Enemy" with satisfaction.Although these small functions are useful, they contain too much information together. If they are turned on all the time, Lu Shaoxi's superhuman thinking processing ability at this time will be very difficult.

Lu Shaoxi sorted out the secrets and medicinal materials in the inventory again. There were not many remaining secrets, and most of them contained important secrets that could not be eaten, and the number of medicinal materials was limited, so there was not enough medicinal materials to refine the true energy inner pill. Qi, it seems that we will have to start the procurement plan as soon as possible after arriving in Yanjing.

When Lu Shaoxi opened his eyes again, he found that Lin had fallen asleep on his shoulder at some point, with a pair of small hands tightly wrapped around his arm, and the chestnut-colored hair with a girly fragrance stuck to his neck, Itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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