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Chapter 416 Last 1

Chapter 416 Last Place

After thinking about it again and again, Lu Shaoxi gave up the plan to use the perspective eye to find the coordinate table. He was planning to wander around to get acquainted with the situation of the entire underground base. You should have guessed that someone was trying to trick me on purpose, why don't you shy away from it?"

Feng Qing didn't take it seriously, and said with a righteous face: "It's common for old people to bully newcomers in Qianlong, what's there to care about? If someone wants to use some small tricks to punish you, I will shrink back and give in. Wouldn't it make people You look down on me? After all, we are also friends who have fought side by side!"

Lu Shaoxi glanced at him: "If I say, I really have nothing to do with Shen Mengyao, and even her grandfather doesn't seem to like me much..."

"Ahem, I suddenly remembered something urgent, excuse me!" Feng Qing turned around and was about to leave. Lu Shaoxi held him with one hand and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, didn't you say that we are friends who have fought side by side? Why did you just leave now?" ?”

"You didn't say that it was Miss Shen's grandfather who wanted to punish you..." Feng Qing sighed, "Forget it, so many people see me chatting with you, if they want to get hurt, they might get hurt already."

Seeing his expression of risking his life to accompany the gentleman, Lu Shaoxi laughed even more, and pulled him away.

After this playful and joking, the relationship between the two is obviously closer.

He has already seen that Feng Qing intends to accept him. In fact, as the captain of Qianlongli's elite team, Feng Qing cannot be ignored regardless of his connections and qualifications. Lu Shaoxi also wants to maintain a good relationship with him.

The two chatted while walking, while Feng Qing explained to Lu Shaoxi the composition of this huge base, and by the way told him some gossip about this elite class.

Feng Qing is worthy of being a spy and intelligence background, he knows a lot about everyone in this elite class.

"Every year, Qianlong recruits 50 outstanding fighters, and the best [-] of them will be eligible to participate in the talent training class of the year, mainly learning camouflage, disguise, firearms, psychology, wild survival, the use of special vehicles, etc. , are all needed for future missions.”

Lu Shaoxi asked while listening: "I heard that there are points for the tasks in 'Qianlong', how can I exchange the points for real rewards?"

"Did you see the place in front? That's where the reward points are redeemed. There are hundreds of thousands of rewards in it. To tell you the truth, my snake-shaped soft sword was exchanged there, and it cost a thousand points."

A thousand points?Lu Shaoxi remembered his personal information in the Qianlong APP. Now that he has completed two S-level tasks and has [-] points, what good things can he exchange for?

He couldn't help but look at a large building that looked like a museum in the distance.

"What rewards are there?"

Feng Qing said with fascination: "Secret books, elixir, weapons, armor, accessories, spirit beasts, spirit stones, jade, forging materials, and even inner alchemy and magic tools, are all treasures that you may not be able to buy with money outside. , of course the more advanced the baby needs the higher the points."

Lu Shaoxi was very moved when he heard that, he joined Qianlong, besides wanting to get acquainted with the strong inside, another purpose is these rewards, especially the high-grade secret books, which are basically not circulated in the market, if you can exchange some here alright.

After walking for about an hour, the base was finished. Feng Qing pointed to a training ground not far away surrounded by barbed wire and faintly heard slogans: "The final gathering place of the previous elite classes is in Area A inside. , do you want to go in and try your luck?"

Lu Shaoxi glanced with his clairvoyant eyes, and soon saw the direction Feng Qing was pointing at. There were four or fifty people gathered on a flat grassy field, and they should be the students of this talent training class.

After counting, there were 49 students. Afraid that all the students except him had completed their tasks and arrived at the final assembly point, Lu Shaoxi said, "Okay, then I'll go in."

Feng Qing said hello to the guards guarding the gate, and Lu Shaoxi walked slowly into the training ground under the strange eyes of the guards.

The training ground is lined with trees, the ground is covered with green grass, and there is a "sun" above the head, which is very warm and comfortable.In this underground base full of future high-tech, even the climate is man-made. Lu Shaoxi is not surprised by this spring-like suburban scene, but he is still attracted by the magnificent buildings in front of him.

Looking around, there are endless mountains in front of you, and dozens of towering and exquisite buildings are hidden in the green mountains and green waters.

The base area that Lu Shaoxi walked through just now is considered huge, and the training area in front of him is no smaller than the base area just now!Roughly estimated, it might be the size of dozens of football fields!
One can imagine how much manpower and material resources were spent in building this huge underground base and training ground.Lu Shaoxi once again looked at the strength and financial resources of the Longxia Jingwu Alliance with admiration. No wonder after the rise of the Jingwu Alliance, even ancient royal families like the ancient Qin family had to retreat to the second line.

Lu Shaoxi walked to Area A along the road paved with bluestone slabs, and dozens of eyes all fell on him in an instant, with surprise, disdain, and more contempt and ridicule.

"Yo, the last one is finally here."

"It actually took an hour, maybe breaking the record in history? Hey, fat man, you are the second to last. How long did it take? Ten and seven minutes?"

"I don't know which province this kid is from. It's a shame."

"I haven't seen it, and I don't know if it came in through the back door."

"Hey, didn't you see that his right hand is still wrapped with a bandage? He is a wounded person, so don't be too harsh."

Before Lu Shaoxi approached, the voices of discussion and ridicule almost drowned him.Lu Shaoxi frowned, but did not refute. In fact, he was able to enter this area A because of Feng Qing's connections, otherwise the guards guarding the gate would not let him in at all.

But Lu Shaoxi didn't take these sarcastic remarks to heart. If he wanted to, it would not be impossible for him to be the first to complete the mission and arrive here. He was just a little curious, who exactly punished him like this in the first place?

"Silence!" A middle-aged man with a cold face and dressed in alliance uniform shouted softly, and the surrounding immediately became quiet. Obviously, this man was the instructor of the training class.

Lu Shaoxi saw that the instructor's medal was hung on his chest, and he was actually a junior governor.The young superintendent was considered one of the top figures in the provincial branch, but he didn't expect that he was just an instructor in the Qianlong headquarters.

The instructor glanced at Lu Shaoxi coldly, and shouted: "Are you a student of this class? Report your name."

Could it be that this person is the one who pranks him behind his back?Lu Shaoxi replied while thinking: "Yuanzhou, Lu Shaoxi!"

The students below whispered again: "Lu Shaoxi? He really is a nobody, and he has never heard of it."

"That's right, Yuanzhou seems to be a small place."

"Hey, no, the name Lu Shaoxi, I seem to have a little impression..."

The instructor's cold gaze swept over everyone: "Silence! I'll just say it once, remember, you will be punished for speaking without permission!"

The field immediately fell silent.

"Lu Shaoxi, ranked fifty, enter!"

Really ranked last?Lu Shaoxi shrugged, saw that there was a gap in the corner of the last row, and walked in quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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