i can eat tips

Chapter 419

Chapter 419
What is the most talked about in martial arts?fair?Morality?It's all nonsense!Listen to whoever's fist is hard!Only the strong can make the rules!
Before coming to Yandu, Lu Shaoxi talked with his adoptive father, Dean Xia, and his master, Professor Shen, on the phone to ask him about the way of doing things in Yandu. Strong, never give up easily.Professor Shen also specially told him about Yan Tianbei's deeds in Qianlong.

Yan Tianbei, never bowed his head in Qianlong!
But Lu Shaoxi was unfamiliar with Yandu when he first came to Yandu, so he thought about keeping a low profile to avoid causing trouble, but he changed his mind after chatting with Dean Xie in the morning.After President Xie said, "Huo Shaodu from the Huahai Provincial Department asked me to take care of him", his attitude was obviously more gentle, and he even pointed out in a low voice: "Qianlong is different from the ordinary branch of the Jingwu Alliance. It is difficult for the power of the aristocratic family to really get involved in it, and only the strong in Qianlong can gain respect and be valued by the higher-ups."

Dean Xie didn't make it very clear, but Lu Shaoxi already knew how to behave in Qianlong.Straighten your waist, as long as you can do it, you can be tough to the end, even the instructor is fine, as long as your fist is hard enough, you can gain a firm foothold in Qianlong. Xu Yuanbing proposed at the very beginning that whoever can beat him will be qualified It is a clear example.

So now Lu Shaoxi just shrugged his shoulders after hearing Li Tao's words, and said indifferently: "It's okay, I can hit ten of such things."

Li Tao stomped his feet anxiously when he heard that, aren't you adding fuel to the fire?
Sure enough, the sissy became even more annoyed when he heard it. He stared at Lu Shaoxi coldly. If the whistle hadn't been blown outside and the time limit was approaching, he might rush over and teach Lu Shaoxi how to behave with his fists!
"Don't worry about this kid, go back and gather quickly, you will be punished for being late." Pulled by her accomplice, the sissy gave Lu Shaoxi a hard look before turning around and walking away quickly.

"Let's go too." Lu Shaoxi said to Li Tao and walked towards the door first.Li Tao stamped his feet, and finally caught up with Lu Shaoxi quickly.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but pay more attention to Li Tao.This simple and honest fellow valued friendship, and dared to stand by his side under such circumstances.

Returning to the concentrated grass, the students quickly stood up again according to the original order.

Mu Mu held a stopwatch in his hand, and when he saw the time was up, he stopped the timer and said coldly, "It's time!"

After she finished speaking, the last three students ran back to the team. Mu Mu pointed at them: "You three, come out!"

The three students looked at me, but they still walked out of the queue after all.

"You guys are a second late, turn on the gravity device on your training clothes, turn on ten times the gravity, and run ten laps around the track of this big training ground! The time limit is 10 minutes, and you won't have lunch if you don't run!" Mu Muban He said with a straight face.

Ten times the gravity? Ten laps in 10 minutes?

Everyone gasped.That's right, their strength is far superior to ordinary people, but ten times the gravity is not a joke. Once the gravity device is turned on, it will be very difficult to even enter the lungs from the breathing port. In addition, the runway has a five-kilometer lap , If you want to run ten laps in 10 minutes, that is, fifty kilometers, even with their physique, they will be tossed to death.

The three students yelled that they were wronged, but after looking at the several instructors who were looking murderously under the shade of the tree not far away, they still accepted the punishment according to Mu Mu's request with a bitter face.

The three students ran away, but the rest of the students looked at Mu Mu in awe.This delicate female instructor is obviously not a gentle master, and provoking her will definitely end badly.

Mu Mu's eyes flicked across the crowd, and finally fell on Lu Shaoxi. Seeing that he was actually wearing a normal boy's training uniform, he couldn't help being secretly surprised.She thought that Lu Shaoxi would either come out humiliatingly wearing a women's uniform, or stubbornly wearing the original clothes, no matter which result, she would have an excuse to humiliate and punish Lu Shaoxi, but what's going on now?Where did he find this boy uniform with the Flame Tiger logo?

Seeing Mu Mu staring at him, Lu Shaoxi looked back calmly.

He had long noticed that the girl's eyes were murderous, and the "eye of wish" and "eye of detecting the enemy" showed that Mu Mu was extremely unfriendly to him, so Lu Shaoxi simply blinked at her, with a half-smile on his face.

Mu Mu's pretty face blushed, furious in his heart, this shameless person!She originally hated this guy because of Miss Qin Er's affairs, so she kept looking for opportunities to put on shoes for him. She didn't expect this guy to dare to stare at her so rudely!Shameless!
Seeing her angry face, Lu Shaoxi felt relieved. This female instructor is not a person who is not good at hiding, and she is easy to deal with.

Seeing this guy's gaze getting more and more excessive, Mu Mu finally couldn't hold back anymore, and said coldly: "Yanhu! Come out!"

Hearing Mu Mu calling her, Lu Shaoxi felt amused, how could she be so impatient?He responded readily: "Yes, what instruction does Instructor Mu have?"

"Why is your sign crooked?"

Hearing that Mu Mu was looking for trouble, Lu Shaoxi looked innocent: "I have to ask the person who prepared the uniform. I am only responsible for putting it on. This logo is glued firmly. I don't care if it is crooked or not."

Mu Mu was in charge of the students' life and logistics, so Lu Shaoxi naturally pushed the uniform logo on her head when it was crooked.

Want to wear shoes for me?Want to avenge yourself?There are no doors!

Mu Mu knew that there must be some weirdness in it, but it was hard to say in front of everyone that he knew that the uniform in Lu Shaoxi's wardrobe was a woman's thing, and now he was cleverly attacked by this guy, and he was immediately angry.

Probably because he noticed that the female instructor was not friendly to Lu Shaoxi, someone immediately raised his hand and said, "Report! This No. 1 'Flame Tiger' just vandalized public property and broke the storage cabinet!"

Lu Shaoxi didn't need to look back, he could tell with his clairvoyant eyes that it was that sissy friend and accomplice.

Long Xia Kingdom has never lacked such people who have made trouble and spared no effort in fighting among themselves.

Mu Mu understood what was going on as soon as she heard it. She didn't expect Lu Shaoxi to do things so quickly and resolutely. He even dared to destroy the wardrobe and change into other uniforms. This was the first time in Qianlong's history.

But seeing Chief Instructor Xu Yuanbing in the distance give him an approving wink, Mu Mu had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart.

Qianlong's teaching mode is never rigid. This kind of teasing method similar to "bullying" freshmen is actually a kind of testing and teaching link. Every time, one or two students are selected to test their ability to adapt. This year's students chose Lu Shaoxi as their target, and several instructors didn't take it seriously, but Lu Shaoxi's emergency performance this time was enough to make the instructors pay attention to him, and it would not be easy for Mu Mu to avenge his personal revenge publicly.

Mu Mu gritted his teeth and said, "Yanhu, you should be punished for destroying public property! For the next firearms combat course, you will be a moving target!"

The so-called moving target is a person running back and forth holding the target. If the shooter has a bad aim, the bullet will most likely fall on the moving target.Of course, the training uniform has enough defense, but it's not good to be hit by a bullet.

 Thanks to "Man Wuge", "gotisamcuan" and "Genius Zhang Chun" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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