i can eat tips

Chapter 423 Domineering Tony Student

Chapter 423 Domineering Tony Student

Lu Shaoxi failed to win the camouflage class in the afternoon, because today's class is mainly about how to use the simplest and quickest way to disguise himself - in simple terms, it is makeup.

It is not so easy to make a human skin mask, and how to make some self-disguise in the fastest and most effective way in a critical situation is extremely important.This is also one of the basic techniques of the entire camouflage course.

Those few girls learned with ease, but the boys were a little flustered. Most boys are not used to using pens, foundation, etc. to smear their faces, oh, except for that sissy boy, I heard that he also uses a mask every day .

Lu Shaoxi couldn't stand it anyway, if he didn't think that there are still many benefits to disguise, he wouldn't even want to learn it.

After finally getting out of class, Lu Shaoxi got thirteenth place, which is not bad among the boys, while Li Tao was at the bottom sadly, and the dinner disappeared.

Lu Shaoxi's right hand was "injured", and he had a special right to go out to live. Naturally, he didn't eat dinner at the base. He thought of Lin staying at home alone, and he was worried. The office looked for Dean Xie.

As the sun was setting, Lu Shaoxi was strolling in Tianxia College, and saw a large number of boys and girls wearing student uniforms coming and going on the school road, probably just after class, Lu Shaoxi suddenly remembered the scene of meeting Qin Ruxuan, and couldn't help feeling nostalgic .

At that time, a gust of wind blew, and a lifelike paper phoenix flew over... Lu Shaoxi was a little distracted, when there was a sudden noise not far away, which seemed to be mixed with Dongni language.

Lu Shaoxi was startled, and followed the prestige, and saw a dozen or so students wearing the uniforms of Tianxia Academy arguing with each other. The group on the left was smaller in number, but more arrogant, and they were speaking in the Toni language.

Lu Shaoxi frowned involuntarily.It is not uncommon for the Martial Arts Academy to start recruiting foreign exchange students. After all, cross-border student exchanges between colleges with similar levels can help promote each other, but both colleges have requirements for exchange students. When communicating with local students in public places, they must Speak the local official language.

These Toni exchange students not only had an arrogant attitude, but also openly spoke the Toni language. On the other hand, the Long Xia students who had the upper hand were so angry that they blushed and retorted in broken Toni language.

Lu Shaoxi didn't understand Dongni's language, so he didn't know what they were arguing about, but he had always disliked Dongni, and he had been provoked twice by Dongni warriors.

At this time, more and more students gathered around, but after seeing those Tony students, they all silently closed their mouths and just glared. Student Long Xia's nose was pointing fingers at something.

Lu Shaoxi was furious. In my martial arts academy in Longxia, below is the Qianlong base of the Jingwu Alliance. What the hell are you, Tony?

He pushed aside the crowd and squeezed in, and yelled at Tony's students with a cold face: "Shut up, in Long Xia's place, you must speak Long Xia's language!"

As soon as he made a sound, dozens of students around fell silent, all eyes fell on him, and soon countless whispers sounded.

"Who is this person? It seems that he is not a student of the academy."

"Yes, is it someone from 'over there'?"

"Oh, I'm afraid he doesn't know the identities of those Tonys..."

Lu Shaoxi frowned when he heard that, he turned his head and asked those Longxia students who were being pointed at and scolded: "Don't dare to do anything when you are pointed at and scolded by the Dongni people? In our land, even if they take advantage of it, just fight against this aggressive person." You can slap them with your attitude!"

The Long Xia students present felt their hearts warm when they heard this, and they looked at Lu Shaoxi in a different way immediately, this young man is domineering and handsome enough!

One of Long Xia's students was angry and wronged: "It's their fault, the person who bumped into us wants us to apologize."

Lu Shaoxi's face sank, and he turned to those Tony students and said coldly, "Apologize immediately!"

"Who are you? How dare you speak to us with such an attitude?" One of Tony's students yelled at Lu Shaoxi with his finger in Long Xia language with a dark face.

Lu Shaoxi glanced at Tony's students, and found that they subconsciously protected a male student with a flat nose and small eyes but an extraordinary bearing in the middle. Combined with the reactions of the surrounding students, he already had some guesses in his mind.

This male student is probably very well-known, and the students dare not mess with him.

But the more this is the case, the more angry Lu Shaoxi is, relying on his special status to show off in Long Xia's place?
In the past, Lu Shaoxi was not a person who bowed to the powerful when he was poor and white, let alone now he joined Qianlong, what is Qianlong?Qianlong is the core force of the Longxia Jingwu Alliance against foreign warriors, defending the dignity of Longxia Wulin, protecting ordinary Longxia warriors and civilians from being bullied by foreign martial arts experts!As long as he has the identity of Qianlong, even if these Tony students are beaten into permanent disabilities today, they will only be punished by confinement for being too harsh!

"Since you are warriors and you are in Longxia, you have to follow the rules of Longxia martial arts. You are pointing at me now, it is considered an insult!"

Lu Shaoxi's eyes suddenly became murderous, and he reached out with his left hand to pinch the wrist of the student Tony, "Crack!" The wrist fracture broke, and the student Tony screamed out immediately.

With Lu Shaoxi's flick, that Tony student was thrown to the ground heavily, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

The expressions of the other Tony students changed drastically, and they retreated one after another, protecting the male student with the flat nose.

Lu Shaoxi stared at them and said coldly, "Apologize!"

The flat-nosed male student looked determined, he squinted at Lu Shaoxi: "Do you know who I am?"

He still held his head up and spoke in Toni.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't understand what he was saying, even if he could understand, he would pretend not to understand.

He simply said: "Are you apologizing? Sorry, I have to apologize in Long Xia language!"

The flat-nosed male student's expression darkened, and he waved his hand: "Sakata, teach him a lesson!"

"Yes!" The fair boy who had been standing silently behind the flat-nosed male student came out steadily, with a bamboo knife tied around his waist, Tony Samurai Bamboo Sword!

Seeing Sakata coming out, the students who were applauding secretly became worried, and someone reminded: "Brother, be careful, this Sakata is very powerful, and he ranks first in the third year of our academy!"

"Number one?"

Lu Shaoxi narrowed his eyes.This Sakata is only in his early twenties, and his strength is at the seventh level of condensed core, which is really impressive, but Tianxia College is the best martial arts academy in Longxia, so there is no one among the many third-year students who can beat this Sakata?

Sakata's expression was indifferent, expressionless, he slowly pulled out the bamboo knife at his waist, parted his legs, with the bamboo knife in front: "Kneel down and apologize to our Highness, I can spare you!"

(End of this chapter)

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