Chapter 43 Fight to Fame

But Lu Shaoxi's movements are flexible and changeable, and his speed is far superior to him. He slid left and right like a loach, and attacked when he saw the gap. Several weird tricks, such as tiger whip kick, cross strangling kick, tiger claw, etc., made Wang Yu unable to defend himself and howled endlessly.What shocked everyone the most was that from time to time, Lu Shaoxi also used one or two moves of the Wang family's secret martial arts, such as split palms, three-star kicks, and floating cloud palms, as if he could use these martial arts at his fingertips after seeing them once or twice. Although it is not proficient, but the timing of the shot is extremely clever, and it still plays a great role.

Wang Yu tried his best to fight back, but he was like a bear chasing a butterfly, unable to hit Lu Shaoxi at all.

After waiting for more than a minute, Wang Yu's speed recovered to 53 points, and his strength had already been worn down by Lu Shaoxi by nearly one-third.

Insufficient strength and speed are naturally greatly reduced. If the speed is slow, not only can't hit Lu Shaoxi, but will be hit repeatedly. Wang Yu is furious, wasting his energy in vain and continuing to attack violently, resulting in a vicious circle. Everyone watched Wang Yu from the very beginning. After a few minutes, he was like an exhausted trapped animal, panting, and could only barely resist, completely powerless to fight back.

So this competition seemed to be Lu Shaoxi's martial arts training ground, with countless fists and kicks constantly beckoning to the gaps in Wang Yu's defense, and Wang Yu was an indestructible sandbag, who had suffered countless punches and kicks from Lu Shaoxi.

"Crack!" Lu Shaoxi slapped Wang Yu's face with a floating cloud palm, softening his strength into rigidity. His nose was blue, his face was swollen and his eyes were covered with stars. , punched in his stomach.

Wang Yu was beaten so that he took more than ten steps back, his stomach was churning, his whole body bent down, and then he was kicked into the air by the three-star kick.

Lu Shaoxi followed like a shadow, and in an instant caught up with Wang Yu who was in mid-air at a terrifying speed, swung his arms condescendingly and slashed at his face with a split palm!

The air exploded, and Wang Yu screamed and fell hard on the cold ring like a cannonball, almost falling apart.

His gold-rimmed glasses have long been missing, his nose is completely collapsed, his front teeth are missing, his nose is bleeding profusely, and his whole body is covered with bruises. Although he is not seriously injured, he has never suffered from such a spoiled child. For a poor kid from a rich family, long-term setbacks and numerous injuries are enough to destroy all his dignity and fighting spirit.

"Don't hit me! Please don't hit me!" Wang Yu's face was swollen like a pig's head, his eyes were squeezed to a line by his swollen facial muscles, his face was full of panic, tears, snot, and nosebleeds flowed down his face, and he knelt down and cried Said: "I admit defeat, can I admit defeat?"

Lu Shaoxi was stunned. Seeing that Wang Yu had no strength to fight back, he was about to throw him off the ring, but how could he think that this playboy would kneel down and beg for mercy in such a spineless manner?

However, Lu Shaoxi was extremely careful, afraid that Wang Yu would play tricks, and while secretly guarding against it, he raised his fist and asked coldly, "Are you really admitting defeat?"

The third young master of the Wang family completely lost the pride and arrogance he had before, and begged for mercy with a mournful face like a beating dog who had been beaten to the ground: "Admit defeat, big brother, please stop beating me, I really admire you, and I won't dare to mess with you again!" You, I must run away when I see you! If I provoke you again, I will be worse than a dog!"

Seeing the third young master of the Wang family begging for mercy in such a humble manner in the past, the audience was completely silent. No one thought that the tenth level of body training would fight against the seventh level of body training. I have to kneel down and beg for mercy!

This is a strange thing that has never been heard and seen, almost a miracle!

The dog-legged servants and friends around Wang Yu were even more silent, and everyone looked at the young man with his fist raised high on the field with fearful eyes.

Since Wang Yu conceded defeat, Lu Shaoxi naturally won.In the next two competitions, Lu Shaoxi was invincible, and lost two opponents in the ninth level of body training in a row. The two opponents saw that even Wang Yu was defeated by Lu Shaoxi, and they were timid before the battle. They couldn't show their original strength at all, so they were naturally defeated .

"Lu Shaoxi of the Tianyangshu Martial Arts Academy has passed the one-star assessment, and the Tianyangshu Martial Arts Academy has been upgraded to a one-star star. Because it ranks first, we will give you a reward of half a year's rent for the venue!"

The chief referee's voice heard the audience through the microphone, and everyone recovered from the shock. Everything in front of them was the exact fact!

In their hearts, the level almost determines the outcome, but today Lu Shaoxi, with the strength of the seventh level of body training, miraculously defeated the opponents of the tenth level of body training and the ninth level of body training, sweeping the entire one-star assessment meeting, completely breaking the record. overwhelmed their cognition!

Countless amazed and shocked eyes fell on the young man standing tall and calm on the stage.

No one dared to taunt him, let alone despise him. Everyone present knew that this unknown young man would soon spread throughout the entire Yuanzhou City's hidden martial arts world, and become the most dazzling figure among the young generation. rising star.

Lu Shaoxi, fight to become famous!

"Hey, transfer the money quickly! 13 yuan is not less than a penny! Everyone present is a witness! Also, my father and brother are here, so don't try to deny it!" Ze Ke was the most excited, holding the gambler tightly , with cheers on his face, the gambler couldn't leave under the watchful eyes of everyone, so he had to use his mobile phone to transfer money with a mournful face.

Cai Ke looked at the zeros in the mobile phone account, and couldn't close his mouth with joy: "Dad, brother, we made 13 yuan!"

Cai Ge and Cai Qun didn't pay attention to Cai Ke's yelling at all, they greeted Lu Shaoxi who had stepped off the ring with mixed surprises, and the relief and shock in their hearts could not be described in words.

"This kid really gave us a great shock and surprise!" Cai Ge laughed as he walked, his usual serious face was full of smiles.He also watched Lu Shaoxi grow up, and almost regarded him as his own son. Now that Lu Shaoxi has swept the entire one-star assessment meeting with the strength of the seventh level of body training, he has become a young warrior that no one dares to underestimate. How can you not be overjoyed?
"Yeah." Cai Qun's eyes were filled with infinite expectations: "I was thinking with some regret just now that Shaoxi might not be able to participate in the elite competition in January next year, but I didn't expect this kid to be lucky, and he won a prize all at once. The first place in the star assessment is the winner, and you have enough qualifications to participate in the competition!"

The Elite Tournament, the full name is "Yuanzhou Hidden Martial Arts Youth Elite Tournament", held every three years, jointly organized by Thunder Academy and Hidden Martial Arts Management Association. The purpose of the museum owner and college students is to promote the exchange of martial arts among young talents among casual practitioners, aristocratic families, sects and colleges.Once winning, not only will there be generous rewards, but it will also greatly enhance the reputation and status in the hidden martial arts world, so it is highly valued by college students, various sects, aristocratic families and book martial arts halls.

There are three main eligibility requirements. First, the age must be between 15 and 25 years old; second, there must be a star assessment meeting or a winning record of the same level; third, the strength must be below the fifth energy gathering.

The reason Cai Xun was able to stand out in Yuanzhou's hermit martial arts is because three years ago, he won the top ten in the elite competition with the strength of gathering energy, and because of this, he was admitted by Thunder Academy.

Cai Qun is 26 years old this year, beyond the age limit and unable to participate in the competition, but he hopes from the bottom of his heart that Lu Shaoxi, who is like his own brother, can participate in the Elite Club and achieve excellent results.After all, for casual martial artists like them, they have no sect background and no family power as their backing. The best way to change their fate is to study in Thunder Academy for five years. After graduation, whether they inherit the martial arts school or join the Jingwu Alliance, they will have enough capital Only with connections can one go higher and further on the road of martial arts.

What's more, Lu Shaoxi has completely offended the Wang family. Without the protection of the Thunder Academy, he would have struggled in the Yuanzhou Hermit Martial Arts Forest.

"Come on, Shaoxi, today's victory is only the first step, and there is still a long way to go." Cai Qun said silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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