i can eat tips

Chapter 434

Chapter 434
"Mr. Chen, I'm here to take over."

"Hey, then I will trouble Mr. Wu next."

In the central control room of Tianxia Academy, two teachers are handing over work.

The central control room is where the "eyes" of the entire college gather. Not only do dozens of staff members watch the surveillance video on nearly a thousand screens all the time, but teachers have to be on duty in three shifts every day to deal with special situations.The last time Lu Shaoxi had a conflict with Prince Tony Xiaogu, Dean Xie was able to arrive so quickly, and the report from the teacher on duty was among the credits.

"Mr. Chen, did you have any abnormalities during your shift?" Teacher Wu asked routinely.

Mr. Chen is a round-faced man in his fifties. He shook his head and said, "No, everything is normal." Sign the duty book and clearly write down the matters during the duty period, and the handover is complete.

However, Teacher Chen looked gloomy, but he didn't intend to leave immediately.

Teacher Wu was close to him in age, and he was also considered a good friend. Knowing that he had something on his mind, he pulled him into a corner and whispered, "Still sulking?"

"Hey, there's no need to be sullen. Since Dean Xie has made this decision, we teachers just have to abide by it." Teacher Chen forced out a few words, but his dissatisfaction became more and more obvious.

"What do you think is the origin of the new special-grade teacher? Could it be someone from above who came to be gilded?" Teacher Wu lowered his voice and pointed upwards with his finger.

"Who knows, maybe there is some kind of strong background, otherwise, when will it be the turn of this super teacher? He's still a young man in his early 20s!" Teacher Chen was provoked into anger, and finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

The number of special-grade teachers is limited, and the number of places is vacated only after the predecessor has retired, and then selected from among the current teachers based on their strength, teaching level, qualifications and reputation.Special grade teachers not only have high salaries, but also have many privileges. The most important thing is that as long as they hold this title, they will be able to give lectures in various colleges across the country in the future. It is a good opportunity to gain both fame and fortune.A quota was just vacated last month. Teacher Chen has the oldest qualifications, and he also has connections to help manage it. I thought that the title of this special-level teacher would be sure to be guaranteed. Unexpectedly, Dean Xie suddenly held a teacher meeting this morning and directly announced the appointment of a new recruit. The young people who were recorded as special teachers caused an uproar.

But the dean does have such power, and all the teachers can only secretly slander.However, they knew that they couldn't compare to Mr. Chen's qualifications and background, so they had long since given up the position of special-grade teacher. Now that this title fell to a newcomer, they didn't have much opinion.

But Teacher Chen was different. The cooked duck actually flew, so he was naturally full of resentment.

"I heard that there is an open class for him tonight, and any student can ask questions. Teacher Chen is not on duty, so can you go and have a look?" Teacher Wu continued provocatively.

"Forget it, if his level is not good, I won't join in the fun if the students drive him off the podium." Teacher Chen is not stupid. He knows that Teacher Wu has always been difficult to deal with Dean Xie. Chengwei was pushed to the end by Dean Xie last night and became an ordinary teaching staff. He completely hated Dean Xie. At this time, he just wanted to make trouble and let himself attack the new special teacher. Xie Dean's face, and then took advantage of the opportunity to put on the hat of ignorant people, using power for personal gain and so on to make a fuss above.

Seeing that Teacher Chen saw through his thoughts, Mr. Wu had no choice but to shut up resentfully.

At this moment, a staff member reported: "Report! Someone in the library is acting suspiciously."

Teacher Wu and Teacher Chen turned their heads at the same time. Teacher Wu is now the teacher on duty and dare not relax, otherwise Dean Xie can still deal with him by grabbing the pigtail: "What's the situation?" He said as he walked to the staff.

"This young man walked along the bookcases on the first floor just now, as if he was looking for some books, but he soon reached the second floor, and also walked around a row of bookcases."

Teacher Wu understood as soon as he heard it.The library has an advanced book search function, and basically few people look for books in rows of bookcases.This person's deeds are indeed a bit strange, could it be that he is looking for the right opportunity to steal the secret book?
"Can you find out who this person registered as when he entered the library?"

"Yes, please wait a moment." The staff member tapped the keyboard for a while, and quickly reported: "His name is Lu Shaoxi, and he holds... a special teacher certificate! This is a new certificate issued this morning." The staff member After speaking, the voice changed a little. The news that the college has appointed a young special teacher has long been spread. I didn't expect it to be this young man. The staff wanted to slap themselves twice. Why didn't they check it out? Well, no one can figure out the background of this special-grade teacher. If something happens because of what he just said, he won't be able to go around.

Teacher Wu and Teacher Chen's expressions remained unchanged, but a dangerous light flashed in their eyes at the same time.

The two teachers stood beside the staff, looked at Lu Shaoxi on the screen, and saw that he had stepped down to the third floor.

The third layer has a strength test, it is a dragon or a snake, just try it out!

Lu Shaoxi had seen the camera earlier, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Places like the library are important places in the college. It is thanks to the progress of science and technology that there is no post at ten steps and one post at five steps.

The library on the third floor is on the second floor. After passing the card authentication, Lu Shaoxi came to a corridor.

The corridor is [-] meters long, and there are five alchemy level [-] powerhouses standing on both sides. If you want to enter the library on this floor, you must be able to avoid the attacks of these five alchemy level powerhouses, which is a part of the strength test.

Lu Shaoxi didn't want to show his full strength, but these mere condensed pills don't require much effort on his part.

He just increased his speed a little, and then he walked through the [-]-meter corridor like a leisurely stroll and entered the library. These experts didn't even touch his clothes.

The number of secret books on the third floor has decreased significantly, but the grade has already started from the third grade.Lu Shaoxi glanced roughly, then walked straight through the bookcase, and walked down the stairs to the fourth floor.

In the central control room, the two teachers Wu and Chen looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

"This speed, I'm afraid it has five or six layers of condensed pills?" Teacher Wu said.

"Hmph, you want to go to the fourth floor after the fifth or sixth level of condensing pill? You can't control yourself!" Teacher Chen couldn't help but sneer.

The strength of the guards on the fourth floor all started at the fifth level of condensed core, and the number of them has also increased to six.

Seeing Lu Shaoxi swiping his card, the six strong men walked in slowly, fisted at him, and attacked him.

According to the regulations, you can only dodge or block when passing through the corridor, and you can't fight back. Lu Shaoxi sped up a little, and started the "Dragon Transformation Technique", flashed out like light smoke amidst countless vigor and fists, and soon reached the fourth floor In the library, only six strong men were left looking at each other in amazement.

Teacher Wu frowned and said, "His speed is only around the seventh level of condensing alchemy, but his movement is really good."

"So what? On the fifth floor are the eight first-level Tongmai guards. It would be difficult for you and me to pass through." Teacher Chen stared at Lu Shaoxi on the screen and said gloomily.

"Is he afraid that he won't dare to go to the fifth floor again?" Mr. Wu said in his mouth, but in his heart he wished that Lu Shaoxi would go to the fifth floor ignorantly.

"Heh, who dared not, look, he's going straight down to the fifth floor now?" Teacher Chen said cheerfully.

The corridor on the fifth floor was obviously longer, nearly 200 meters long, and it was also narrowed. Eight super-powerful men with the first level of meridians stood guard on both sides with folded arms, just like the Bronze Man Formation in Shaolin Temple.

Tongmaijing is rare in some provincial capital cities, but there are quite a few in Yandu and Tianxia Academy.These eight superpowers of the first level of Tongmai were obviously sent by the Jingwu Alliance. Everyone looked tough, and if the eight of them shot together, they could at least block the third level of Tongmai.

(End of this chapter)

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